Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
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No. 4021
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 450 €
doll with bisque socket head, France, marked No. 7, 52 cm, fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, was incorrect cut out at the corner of the eye, as we see none flaked off parts, nice early leather body with stitched down fingers, slightly stitched down toes, bent legs, old clothes, wig is more recent

No. 4022
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 40 €
spinning wheel, wood turned, 50 cm, nice doll decoration

No. 4023
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 380 €
fashion doll, France, 48 cm, marked No. 4, bisque breast plate, porcelain socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, leather body, separate stitched down fingers, one hand with worn finger, old clothes, old real hair wig, eyes were aftewards plastered in

No. 4024
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 280 €
early papier mâché doll, 54 cm, shoulder headed doll, fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, except of minimally scratch and at the side of a crack in very nice original condition, the original wig was a little bit losing hair, leather body, original clothes, dress is caused of old age worn, is a museum piece, c. 1860

No. 4025
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 160 €
complex worked armchair for dolls, height 27 cm, original cover, 1 foot without wheel, nice doll decoration

No. 4026
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 450 €
SFBJ, 236, charakter doll, 46 cm, fix inset blue glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, jointed body, old real hair wig, old clothes, shoes and socks, very expressive

No. 4027
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 120 €
marionette, German, 40 cm, bisque shoulder headed doll, fix inset blue glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, fabric body, bisque forearms, original clothes, the slight worn condition is caused of old age

No. 4028
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 1200 €
E7D, doll with bisque head, France, 44 cm, pressed bisque socket head, old spring drive, French jointed body, with fix wrists, fix inset blue Paperweight eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, old mohair wig, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks

No. 4029
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 650 €
doll with bisque head, France, marked B 106, upper marking at edge IX, 50 cm, probably GAULTIER, bisque socket head, fix inset blue Paperweight eyes, closed mouth, French standing body, jointed arms and legs, the real hair wig is more recent, clothes old or sewed of old fabric, old shoes

No. 4030
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 220 €
doll with bisque head, Belton type, 36 cm, fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, fabric body, bisque forearms, fix appliquéd clothes, nice original condition

No. 4031
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 140 €
KESTNER, bisque shoulder headed doll, 39 cm, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, dimple at chin, leather body, porcelain forearms, hands are knocked, thumb is missing, old clothes, underwear, old mohair wig

No. 4032
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 280 €
bisque head shoulder headed doll, probably GAULTIER, 32 cm, socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, leather body, old clothes, old shoes, mohair wig, without head cover

No. 4033
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 600 €
POLICHINELLE, France, 52 cm, bisque socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, fabric body with fix appliquéd silk clothes, dress with small worn places, very nice original condition

No. 4034
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 650 €
exceptional German bisque character doll, probably KESTNER, not marked, 41 cm, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, fine painting, nice modelled, old real hair wig, the original plaster cover wasn't removed, nice unusual toddler body, old clothes and underwear

No. 4035
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 40 €
botanize-barrel, tin, dutchman motif, 13 cm wide, for a big doll

No. 4036
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 120 €
KESTNER, 192, size 16, doll with bisque head, 72 cm, the brown glass eyes were afterwards fix inset, the glass in one eye was glued, unusual jointed body, torso with a dent at the neck crank, crack on the shoulder otherwise body in good condition, old clothes, old shoes, wig is more recent

No. 4037
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 60 €
exceptional Thonet child chair, height 34 cm, wicker in good condition

No. 4038
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 160 €
BIEDERMEIER, doll, China Head, 37 cm, enameled shoulder headed doll, blue painted eyes, fine modelled hair with intimitated hairnet, fabric body, mass arms, nice old clothes

No. 4039
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 160 €
BIEDERMEIER, prophesy doll, 21 cm, enameled shoulder headed doll, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, fine modelled hair with intimitated hairnet, fabric body, bisque arms and legs, original dress, the worn condition is caused of old age, under the skirt folded paper sheets with aphorisms

No. 4040
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 130 €
RABÉRY & DELPHIEU, marked R4D, doll with bisque head, France, 75 cm, socket head, fix inset blue Paperweight eyes, pierced ears, opened mouth, upper teeth, small elevation in the porcelain down below the cheek over the neck, jointed body was partially over painted, old clothes, old shoes, wig is more recent, without cork cover

No. 4041
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 60 €
carriage, c. 1870, handpainted tin, upper part is made of wicker, wheels with spokes, 30 cm

No. 4042
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 180 €
wax doll, 64 cm, shoulder headed doll, fix inset blue glass eyes, inset mohair, closed mouth, fabric body, wax arms and legs, nice old clothes and underwear, very nice original condition, unusual

No. 4043
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 160 €
BIEDERMEIER, doll, China Head, 83 cm, enameled shoulder headed doll, fine modelled hair, painted eyes, closed mouth, fabric body, enameled porcelain arms, dress was sewed of old fabric, exceptional size

No. 4044
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 160 €
exceptional doll cradle, c. 1880, 47 cm, beechwood, drawers pedestral, on round feet, opened side with turned pillars, original mattress with wedge, very nice original condition

No. 4045
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 240 €
ERNST VOIGT/ERNST KONRAD, early German doll with papier mâché shoulder head, 42 cm, fix inset black glass eyes, opened mouth, two upper and two lower teeth, leather body, separate stitched down fingers, 1 finger is worn, old clothes, old shoes, very nice origina -condition, is a museum piece, c. 1860

No. 4046
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 1200 €
STEINER, doll with bisque head, France, pressed socket head, marked 11 Paris, minimally flaked off parts at the crank, French jointed body with fix wrists and slim fingers, at the side a red stamp Bébé le Parisien medal d´or Paris, 46 cm, clothes were sewed of old fabric, old real hair wig

No. 4047
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 60 €
early papier mâché dog, 26 cm, glass eyes, small brass rolls on the feet, leather collar with bell

No. 4048
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 160 €
BIEDERMEIER, doll, China Head, 43 cm, enameled shoulder headed doll, fine modelled hair, pierced ears, painted eyes, closed mouth, exceptional hairstyle, leather body, with separate stitched down fingers

No. 4049
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 120 €
BIEDERMEIER, doll, China Head, enameled shoulder headed doll, 44 cm, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, fabric body, enameled porcelain arms and legs, old dress, the worn condition is caused of old age, mohair wig was a little bit losing hair

No. 4050
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 20 €
botanize-barrel, tin, 36.5 cm, tender spot with paint defects at the lower edge

No. 4051
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 160 €
GAULTIER, marked FG in cartouche, No. 8, 48 cm, socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, old spring drive, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, small chip at an eyelid, French jointed body, old clothes, old real hair wig

No. 4052
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 260 €
K & R, 100, Kaiser baby, 50 cm, bisque full head, blue painted eyes, opened/closed mouth, strong modelled, baby with sitting body with different postures of hands and stick-out toe, old clothes

No. 4053
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 850 €
K & R, 116 A, 42 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, intimitated teeth with tongue, toddler body with fix wrists, old mohair wig, used body, clothes were sewed of old fabric

No. 4054
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 160 €
exceptional four-poster bed for dolls, 76 cm wide, 76 cm tall, probably before 1900, nice size

No. 4055
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 2600 €
doll with bisque head, France, not marked, 50 cm, pressed bisque head, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, old spring drive, French jointed body, with big fix wrists, the blue stamp is on the back weakly visible, old clothes and underwear, old shoes, wig is more recent, very expressive

No. 4056
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 360 €
fashion doll, France, not marked, bisque socket head, on a bisque breast plate, 30 cm, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, leather body with separate stitched down fingers, 2 fingers are worn, clothes old or sewed of old fabric, wig is more recent

No. 4057
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 160 €
fortune-telling doll, France, Delcrix, Henri, marked XX, 43 cm, fix inset blue glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, small firing crack at crank, French jointed body, real hair wig with cork cover, paper strip with aphorisms under the skirt, dress was supplemented, old underwear, shoes and socks

No. 4058
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 160 €
BIEDERMEIER, doll, Parian, shoulder headed doll, 46 cm, fine modelled blond hair, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, modelled chain, 2-colored painted, leather body, clothes and shoes are old

No. 4059
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 450 €
fashion doll, France, marked 1, 36 cm, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, leather body, jointed wood arms, with jointed hands, dress old or sewed of old fabric, old boots with heel, cork cover, old mohair wig was a little bit losing hair

No. 4060
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 120 €
sedan, France, 46 cm tall, 21 cm wide, nice decoration for a fashion doll, fabric outside is caused of old age in worn condition

No. 4061
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 1900 €
GAULTIER, mannequin, France, marked FG in cartouche, No. 8, 1.15 m, bisque head, fix inset blue Paperweight eyes, closed mouth, firing crack at back of the head, papier mâché body with jointed wood arms, jointed finger, added wood shoes, old clothes, old real hair wig, very expressive

No. 4062
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 240 €
exceptional children sledge, c. 1860, 1.50 m long, for sitting on the side, very nice original condition, original painting

No. 4063
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 1500 €
exceptional early shopwindow doll, around 1900, wax shoulder headed doll, fix inset blue glass eyes, opened mouth, deep modelled, realistically formed ears, inset real hair, deep lying nostrils, papier mâché body with jointed wooden arms, fix legs, very expressive

No. 4064
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 450 €
BERGNER/CARL, CB in circle, doll with 3 faces, crying (with appropiated tear), sleeping, laughing, 30 cm, 2 pull voices, fabric body, mass arms and legs

No. 4065
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 120 €
HEUBACH, in square, 19532, character baby, No. 3, 26 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, real hair wig, baby with sitting body with different postures of hands, 1 finger is knocked

No. 4066
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 180 €
SFBJ, 226, bisque character boy, 42 cm, socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, opened/closed mouth, jointed body with strongly used condition

No. 4067
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 160 €
KLEY & HAHN, 525, bisque character baby, 28 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, tongue, unusual baby with sitting body with different postures of hands and stick out toes, mohair wig, old clothes, one cheek is minimally worned

No. 4068
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 60 €
doll cupboard c. 1910, 71 cm

No. 4069
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 240 €
SIMON & HALBIG, for KUNO OTTO DRESSEL, 1428, bisque character baby, 28 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, baby with sitting body, body was used, with dirty legs, the old mohair wig was a little bit losing hair, clothes were sewed of old fabric

No. 4070
Autumn Auction October 6/7/8, 2011
Limit: 450 €
BIEDERMEIER, exceptional boy doll, China Head, 56 cm, shoulder headed doll, blue painted eyes, fine modelled hair, closed mouth, fabric body, with big leather hands, fix appliquéd soldier dress, with sword, unusual