Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
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No. 151
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 30 €
soldier with machine gun, lithographed tin, head is made of plastic, Japan, 15 cm, clock mechanism is intact, used, 1 arm moving isn't moving

No. 152
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 20 €
TECHNOFIX, motorbike, lithographed tin, reproduction Made in France, 18 cm, very good condition, with 1 dog with ball, 8 cm, newer production
Hammerprice: 40,00 €

No. 153
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 20 €
Texas post, lithographedtin, 32 cm, Justra, France, good condition, clock mechanism is faulty, otherwise good condition
Hammerprice: 50,00 €

No. 154
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 30 €
swan's nest with swan, wing isn't complete, plastic, base is made of lithographed tin, Made in Western Germany, clock mechanism is intact
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 155
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 20 €
"Das Feldherrenspiel", '30s, original box, with game guidance, multicolored lithographed cover picture
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 156
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 30 €
mixed lot of flat pewter figures, 4 cm, marching, rider, camp life

No. 157
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 40 €
mixed lot of flat pewter figures, Berber, rider, height 7 cm, with some fighting figures, on horseback and by foot, 4 cm, 1 cannon, some cyclists
Hammerprice: 40,00 €

No. 158
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 800 €
TIPP & CO., exceptional plane, high wing aircraft , with light up headlights, 423, lithographed tin, spring drive is intact, 40 cm

No. 159
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 350 €
GÜNTHERMANN, chicken with hens, handpaintedtin, c. 1910, 18.5 cm, partially colorwise retouched, coil spring mechanism is intact
Hammerprice: 360,00 €

No. 160
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
Elastolin, Lineol and other things, Second World War, 7.5 cm and 6.5 cm, musicians, 29 pieces, with 1 rider, mostly with condition 2-3, some figures with small damages
Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 161
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 5500 €
BING, bus, lithographedtin, 30 cm, green, with observation roof, rubber tyres, very nice original condition, rare
Hammerprice: 6300,00 €

No. 162
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 2600 €
coach, tin soldered by hand, handpainted, c. 1880, France, with pole 55 cm, original conceal, it's caused of old age a little bit worn, very nice piece, suitable to a large dollhouse or small fashion dolls, original condition, with paint defects that are caused of old age


No. 163
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
GESCHA, Porsche, prototype R-558, 21.5 cm, flywheel drive with cable, stop function, 1 hub cap is missing, 2 screws down below were supplemented, rare construction, in used condition
Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 164
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 70 €
SCHUCO, 1750, tin, pre-war era, 14 cm, clock mechanism is intact, good condition, with 1 garage, 1500, used
Hammerprice: 70,00 €

No. 165
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
GÖSO, lorry, lithographedtin, without drive, with driver figure, platform with tipping device, with some spots that are caused by storage, chrome parts are steamed up
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 166
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
tractor with slide and crane, type Ford, Japan, tin, battery-operated, all in all 47 cm, very nice original condition, rare
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 167
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
ARNOLD, France, lorry, animal transport without animals, lithographed tin, 17.5 cm, crank drive, good condition, in original box

No. 168
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
G&H, lorry with crane, 3-axled, Made in western Germany, lithographed tin, friction drive, 22 cm, a bit color is wear down at the back of the driver's house , the loss of color is caused by the crane, otherwise very good condition
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 169
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
MS, 8023, rocket launcher, lithographedtin, friction drive, good condition, with original rocket, 33 cm
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 170
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 40 €
2 pieces made of tin, German, cranes, length 20 cm, good condition
Hammerprice: 40,00 €

No. 171
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
battleship, postwar era, England, SUTCLIFFE model, handpainted tin, clock mechanism drive, 32 cm, very good condition

No. 172
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 80 €
flyer-roundabout, pre-war era, German, 23 cm, used, rust
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 173
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
nice mixed lot of tin toy, '50s, sand molds, 2 watering cans, 4 bucket, 16 cm - 18 cm, good condition
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 174
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 0 €
mixed lot of catalogs and brochures, mostly from the '50s, tin toys, toys made of plastic, steam engines, early things by Mattel, Christmas catalog, in it cooking stoves, velvet catalog, Made in Germany 1957, tin toys, cuddly toys, Schuco, KIBRI, Haba, Arnold, Wünnerlein, Martin Fuchs, Gescha, extensive
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 175
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 80 €
nice document of the times, Imperial patent 1902, "Musikkreisel mit im Unterteil angeordnetem Kugellager", for Thomas Fölk, fabricant in Fürth, description and blueprint
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 176
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot of brochures and catalogs, tin toy, Richard Bauer GmbH Nuremberg, 1931, punched, tin toy, dollhouse accessories, 1 manual, CONSTRUC, 1934, extensive
Hammerprice: 70,00 €

No. 177
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
LINEOL, ELASTOLIN and others, Second World War, size, 7.5 cm, marching, fighting, mixed lot of 30 pieces, condition 2-3
Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 178
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
ELASTOLIN, doctor with casualty, Lineol, nurse with casualty, and Lineol, man carrying a casualty, 1 doctor, 1 nurse, not marked, condition 2, mass, Second World War, 7.5 cm
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 179
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 70 €
covered wagon, Second World War, mass, tarpaulin is missing, 1 mortar, small cannon, Märklin, 3 riders, Lineol, 2 x condition 2, 1 figure is damaged
Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 180
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
probably GESCHA, tank, pre-war era, lithographedtin, 13 cm, good condition, clock mechanism is intact

No. 181
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
horse and cart with field kitchen, without horses and pole, without pot element, marking good, 1 attendant house, tin, 11 cm, Hausser cannon, clasp is rusty

No. 182
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
mostly Hausser, mixed lot trenches and air-raid shelter, Blink-station, ammunition dump, 4 parts of a trench, wood/mass, mostly condition 2

No. 183
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
CHUCK VALLEY, saloon, England, lithographed tin, 1947, 25 cm, clock mechanism is intact, scratches on the paintwork of the roof, otherwise good
Hammerprice: 260,00 €

No. 184
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
TIPP & CO., saloon, tin, U.S.-zone, 24.5 cm, tin, used, clock mechanism is intact, electrical light up headlight
Hammerprice: 140,00 €

No. 185
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 70 €
TIPP & CO., saloon, lithographed tin, with driver figure, clock mechanism is intact, '30s, 24 cm, used, the scratches on the paintwork arecaused of old age
Hammerprice: 360,00 €

No. 186
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 40 €
KARL BUB, saloon, lithographed tin, 26.5 cm, electrical light up headlight, battery holder is probably not complete, without driver figure, used, the defects at the paintwork and the patches of rust are caused of old age, clock mechanism is intact
Hammerprice: 140,00 €

No. 187
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 70 €
TIPP & CO., small armored scout car, 3-axled, 18 cm, clock mechanism is intact, good condition
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 188
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 20 €
treasure chest, tin toy, Chuck Valley, racing car, truck tipper lorry, early GDR production, tank, not complete, Bing tractor, tin was over painted, pre-war era, rubber chains are missing, clock mechanism is intact, some tin toys from the '60s - '80s, please have a look at it
Hammerprice: 50,00 €

No. 189
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 40 €
DISTLER, convertible with dash shifter, yellow, 25 cm, used, clock mechanism is intact, windshield is missing
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 190
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 30 €
3 pieces toy from the '60s/'70s, anchor, submersible, Delphin, plastic, 30 cm, with cabel control, was technical not checked, good condition, in original box, Rigi 900, cable railway, plane, plastic, Intercontinental, production by astate-owned enterprise, good condition, in original box
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 191
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 30 €
PENNY TOY, railway, lithographed tin, German, pre-war era, 15 cm, good condition

No. 192
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 20 €
KELLERMANN, Beetle, 425, 1 x post, 1 x police, used, with scratches on the paintwork, 1 lorry, early GDR production, small tank trailer, early GDR production
Hammerprice: 40,00 €

No. 193
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 5 €
2 pieces made of tin, Regina sewing machine, 1 tin stove, '50s
Hammerprice: 20,00 €

No. 194
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 90 €
VIDEO, Video Robot, Japan, F.H., tin and plastic parts, battery-operated, as good as new, original box, technical not checked
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 195
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 50 €
lunar module, U.S.A.S-GEMINI X 5, lithographed tin, battery-operated, used, with scratches on the paintwork, antenna is missing
Hammerprice: 50,00 €

No. 196
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
VIDIO, Video Robot, Japan, tin and plastic parts, 24 cm, battery-operated, good condition, technical not checked
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 197
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot of 2 pieces, robot, 24 cm, tin and plastic parts, with machine gun, battery cover is missing, technical not checked, small robot, Japan, clock mechanism is intact, tin and plastic parts
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 198
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 220 €
SCHUCO, Kurvo 1000, motorcyclist, lithographedtin, 13 cm, very good condition, just minimally worned, clock mechanism is intact
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 199
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 0 €
SCHUCO, 1750, U.S.-zone, tin , 14.5 cm, good condition, with small traces of usage, clock mechanism is intact
Hammerprice: 50,00 €

No. 200
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
JNF, Porsche, 256, split windshield, 20.5 cm, clock mechanism is intact, used, the scratches on the paintwork arecaused of old age, 1 hub cap is missing
Hammerprice: 120,00 €