Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
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No. 4220
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
small colored baby, hatching from the egg, 9 cm, probably Heubach, signed 1384
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 4221
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
2 porcelain busts, girl, 9 cm, signed, 3 semicircles intricated, flowers are slightly knocked, 1 ribbon at the top is knocked, with manufacture Vienna, signed Wabe, Ludwigsburg 1759-1793, 1 x 1749-1820, flower at the top with patches with flaws, height 10.5 cm, very fine painting
Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 4222
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
AM, 353/242K, Asian, bisque full head, brown sleepy eyes, closed mouth, baby with sitting body, body dirty, 33 cm
Hammerprice: 260,00 €

No. 4223
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
AM, 342, Asian, 33 cm, bisque socket head, brown sleepy eyes, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, baby with sitting body, yellowish toned
Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 4224
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 70 €
wax breast plate doll, blue fix inset glass eyes, real hair wig, fabric body, mass arms and lower legs, with appropiate boots, 42 cm, old clothes
Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 4225
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 380 €
exceptional bust, terracotta, J. Dutrie, France, signed, c. 1890, lady with big hat, decollete, very expressive, nice original condition

Hammerprice: 380,00 €

No. 4226
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 240 €
SIMON & HALBIG, 1329, Myanmarin, 38 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, jointed body, mohair wig
Hammerprice: 360,00 €

No. 4227
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
HEUBACH, siblings, enameled porcelain, 12 cm
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 4228
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 40 €
Pianobaby, boy with cat, probably Heubach, bisque, 16.5 cm
Hammerprice: 40,00 €

No. 4229
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 40 €
Piano baby, probably Heubach, bisque, boy, 21 cm
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 4230
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
glass case, with cushion, 44 cm, ornaments are made of gilded sheet brass, unusual
Hammerprice: 240,00 €

No. 4232
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
enameled porcelain, boy with bouquet, 13.5 cm, Volksstadt, 6174
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 4233
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 900 €
K&R, 114, 49 cm, bisque socket head, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, original real hair wig, original jointed body, painting of the body is more recent, doll with slight wig pull, nice modelled

Hammerprice: 900,00 €

No. 4234
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 280 €
sacred doll, c. 1780, wood carved, varnished, '50s, original version, fine carved hair, painted eyes, carved habit, with visible feet, hands were glued, otherwise nice original condition, is a museum piece

No. 4235
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
R. D. doll with bisque head, France, 26 cm, bisque socket head, blue fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth,standing mass body, original traditional costume, hat is very worn
Hammerprice: 240,00 €

No. 4236
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
SIMON & HALBIG, for Jumeau, marked Dep., TETE Jumeau 55 cm, socket head, blue fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, French jointed body, used, clothes were sewed of old fabric
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 4237
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
wax doll, shoulder headed doll, inset mohair, blue fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, wax arms and legs, fabric body, 59 cm, old underwear
Hammerprice: 360,00 €

No. 4238
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 160 €
E 11 D Depose, doll with bisque head, marked Palais du Jouet Brussels, France, 59 cm, socket head, blue fix inset Paperweight eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, French jointed body, mohair wig is more recent
Hammerprice: 600,00 €

No. 4239
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 260 €
probably Zinner, pull game, 26 cm long, 42 cm tall, windmill, miller with papier mâché head, boy at the bell, wig is missing, otherwise original condition

Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 4240
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
small bisque character doll, AM 560 a, 20 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, baby with sitting body, without wig
Hammerprice: 100,00 €

No. 4241
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 280 €
K&R, 114, size 26, bisque socket head, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, jointed body, 1 tiptoe is break off, color deviations at the hands, but as we see the hands are original, a bit stick on mohair
Hammerprice: 450,00 €

No. 4243
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
BRUNO SCHMIDT, 2097-3, size 5, small character baby, 36 cm, brown impish eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, toddler body, old clothes, old shoes, old mohair wig, sprayed with snow spray
Hammerprice: 420,00 €

No. 4244
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 40 €
half-doll, lady with floral decorations, enameled porcelain, 14 cm, with feet
Hammerprice: 40,00 €

No. 4245
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 40 €
mixed lot of doll's decoration pieces, dogs, enameled porcelain, 1 small cat as a pin-cushion, 2 perfume bottles, mussel bowl, small jointed doll, France, papier mâché head (doll for a doll), 16 cm
Hammerprice: 70,00 €

No. 4246
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
art nouveau sledge, ceramic, 29 cm, good condition

No. 4247
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
KLEY & HAHN, 167 / 14, bisque character doll, 66 cm (exceptional size), bisque-socket head, brown impish eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, jointed tongue, baby with sitting body, original real hair wig, rubber is caused of old age loosely, with 1 doll's cupboard, c. 1920, 44 cm tall, 33 cm wide
Hammerprice: 250,00 €

No. 4248
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 40 €
doll's credenza, wood, 2 doors, shelves top, length 33 cm, height 41 cm, depth 16 cm
Hammerprice: 40,00 €

No. 4249
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 380 €
POLICHINELLE, France, rare, around 1900, 32 cm, papier mâché, socket head, brown fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, mass arms and legs, nice original silk clothes, with suitable hat, exceptional original condition
Hammerprice: 450,00 €

No. 4250
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 750 €
ZINNER, pull game, clown, semi-automatic machine, 28 cm, clown with cylinder, France, bisque socket head, blue fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, wood-wire body, with fix appliquéd original clothes, nice original condition, drumstick is slightly damaged

No. 4251
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 80 €
doll with bisque socket head, probably French, fix wrists, fix inset brown glass eyes, opened mouth, line of upper teeth, jointed body, 26 cm, 1 littel hairline crack at the forehead,1 firing crack that is the starting point of a hairline crack
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 4252
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 160 €
bust, art nouveau, 52 cm, mass, very expressive, original condition
Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 4253
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 2500 €
K&R, bisque character doll, marked 101/50 Marie, jointed body in good condition, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, old shoes, old clothes and underwear, 50 cm, great expression

No. 4254
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 240 €
Trousseau suitcase, can be opened open, inside mirror, down below a drawer, with small doll with bisque porcelain socket head, 21.5 cm, blue fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, standing mass body, one finger is knocked, gluing spots at the shoes, splendid original clothes, and additional clothes
Hammerprice: 500,00 €

No. 4255
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 1300 €
K&R, bisque character baby, marked 116A, mark in the neck 62, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, 2 teeth, tongue, toddler body, unusual size, 70 cm, old shoes, old clothes, old mohair wig

No. 4256
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 900 €
K&R, 121, bisque socket head, marked Simon & Halbig 121, mark in the neck 50, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, 2 upper teeth, tongue, slightly dimple at chin, toddler body, 55 cm, old clothes, old shoes

No. 4257
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 180 €
exceptional wax shoulder headed doll, 48 cm, blue fix inset glass eyes, single inset real hair, closed mouth, fabric body, wax arms and legs, manorial clothes, old or sewed of old fabric, old underwear, very nice leather boot with heel
Hammerprice: 850,00 €

No. 4258
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 1800 €
K&R, 116/A, mark in the neck 62, blue sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, 2 upper teeth, tongue, Toddler, 2 fingers are missing, 38 cm, body was probably once colorwise retouched, old mohair wig


No. 4259
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 800 €
K&R, 115A, 72 cm, brown sleepy eyes, closed mouth, dimple at chin, toddler body, old mohair wig with hair loss, small hairline crack at the back of the head, only visible with ultraviolet-light, exceptional size, 1 sole is damaged
Hammerprice: 1500,00 €

No. 4260
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 150 €
K&R, bisque character baby, 36 cm, marked 126/36, dark-skinned, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, 2 teeth, tongue, baby with sitting body, was at the feet colorwise a little bit retouched, black mohair wig
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 4261
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 180 €
small model chest of drawers, Biedermeier, 26 cm wide, 21 cm tall, 4 drawers, richly filled with children's fashion and doll's jewellery, please have a look at it, nice decoration for a Biedermeier doll
Hammerprice: 240,00 €

No. 4262
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 320 €
HEINRICH HANDWERCK, machine, 1039, seat height 42 cm, blue fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, wire-mass body, doll is moving the head and the hands, with music-mechanism, clock mechanism is intact, without wig
Hammerprice: 1900,00 €

No. 4263
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 160 €
wax shoulder headed doll, 50 cm, blue fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, fabric body, wax arms and legs, old clothes, is stronger dirty, with some moth damages, old shoes
Hammerprice: 1100,00 €

No. 4264
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
wax shoulder headed doll, 52 cm, blue fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, inset mohair, fabric body, wax arms and legs, 1 thumb is break off, clothes old or sewed of old fabric, dirty
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 4265
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
wax shoulder headed doll, 56 cm, blue sleepy eyes, mohair wig, losing, wig wasn't removed, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, at the side a crack, fabric body, mass arms and legs, wax coated, old clothes, is stronger dirty, old shoes
Hammerprice: 450,00 €

No. 4266
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
wax shoulder headed doll, 56 cm, head is bent to the side, blue fix inset glass eyes, wig, strongly dirty, fabric body, wax arms and legs, some fingers are missing
Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 4267
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 280 €
S & H, 1248, size 17, doll withbisque head, 95 cm, bisque socket head, the blue glass eyes were afterwards fix inset, opened mouth, upper teeth, jointed body, 2 fingers were glued, 1 thighs were unhandsome repaired (old repair), real hair wig, old dress, old shoes, shoes are worn, exceptional size
Hammerprice: 1300,00 €

No. 4268
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 450 €
K&R, 128/42, toddler body, sleepy eyes, 48 cm, size difference is caused by the toddler, original mohair wig, rare number
Hammerprice: 750,00 €

No. 4269
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 220 €
early bisque shoulder headed doll, fine modelled hair, brown painted eyes, (extreme rare), small chip on the tip of the nose, fabric body, leather arms, with single stitched down fingers, nice old clothes and underwear
Hammerprice: 460,00 €

No. 4270
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 450 €
nice early KESTNER, marked 111 at the edge of head, 22 cm, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, rare baby with sitting body, with jointed legs, modelled shoes and socks, nice old clothes and underwear, original mohair wig with hair loss

Hammerprice: 2000,00 €

No. 4271
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 160 €
KESTNER, 202, early all-bisque doll, 22 cm, socket head, brown fix inset glass eyes, glass in the eyes was possibly glued, opened mouth, upper teeth, jointed arms and legs, modelled boots, original clothes and underwear, original mohair wig

Hammerprice: 420,00 €