Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
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No. 4120
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 550 €
KÄMMER & REINHARDT, 115A, bisque character-socket head, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, mark in the neck Kämmerer & Reinhardt 115A 42, c. 41 cm, toddler body, red/blond mohair wig

Hammerprice: 1100,00 €

No. 4121
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
GEBRÜDER HEUBACH, bisque socket head, character boy, marked 6969 Germany Heubach sun, blue Intaglio eyes, closed mouth, jointed body, c. 31 cm, crack on the forehead and on the back side of the head, mohair wig
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 4122
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 320 €
ARMAND MARSEILLE, bisque full head, character boy, marked 500 D.R.G.M. Germany A.1.M., blue Intaglio eyes, closed mouth, fine modelled blond hair, jointed body, hands aer probably more recent, c. 34 cm, old shoes

No. 4123
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 420 €
GEBRÜDER HEUBACH, bisque character boy, full head, marked Heubach sun 7313 Germany Dep, fine modelled hair, blue Intaglio eyes, closed mouth, fix glued on curly mohair wig, jointed body, old dress, dressed like a Scot, c. 32 cm
Hammerprice: 420,00 €

No. 4124
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 330 €
LOUIS WOLF & CO., bisque full head, character boy, modelled hair, blue fixed glass eyes, closed mouth, mark in the neck CW under the crown 102 8/0, c. 29 cm, jointed body

No. 4125
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
all-bisque, Googly, marked 217, blue sleepy eyes, mouth, bisque arms and legs, modelled shoes and socks, hairline crack at the back of the head, long brown mohair wig, old dress
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 4126
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 1200 €
KLEY & HAHN, bisque full head, Googly, marked 17S/1, brown to the side looking impish eyes, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, opened/closed mouth, fine modelled hair, toddler body, c. 29 cm

Hammerprice: 1100,00 €

No. 4127
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
GEBRÜDER HEUBACH, bisque character socket head, girl, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, Heubach sun, mark in the neck isn't completely visible, jointed body, c. 22 cm, old clothes, old mohair wig
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 4128
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
ARMAND MARSEILLE, 390, bisque socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, opened mouth, line of upper teeth, mohair wig and hood were fix glued on, from outside are no cracks visible, baby with standing body with modelled boots, heel, c. 24 cm
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 4129
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 80 €
bisque socket head, blue fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, fix glued on mohair wig, head was glued, no visible mark in the neck, jointed body, c. 23 cm
Hammerprice: 110,00 €

No. 4130
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 180 €
bisque socket head, character girl, mark in the neck 141, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, 2 uppre teeth, wig pull at the top of head, c. 42 cm, old clothes, dark-brown real hair wig, old shoes, old underwear
Hammerprice: 250,00 €

No. 4131
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 180 €
LIMBACH AG, bisque socket head, character girl, mark in the neck with E crown cloverleaf Limbach, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, line of upper teeth, jointed body, c. 35 cm, old plaited mohair wig

No. 4132
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 80 €
SFBJ, bisque socket head, mark in the neck 24 francais SFBJ No. 8/0, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, line of upper teeth, jointed body, 27 cm, curly mohair wig
Hammerprice: 500,00 €

No. 4133
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
JDK, bisque full head, character baby, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, 2 upper teeth, modelled hair, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, mark in the neck J.D.K. Made in 12 Germany, baby with sitting body with different postures of hands, stretch out toes, 1 finger is knocked, seat height c. 28 cm
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 4134
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
KÄMMER & REINHARDT, 122, bisque socket head, baby, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, 2 upper teeth, tongue, baby with sitting body, c. 36 cm, old mohair wig with hair loss, old christening dress
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 4135
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
bisque full head character baby, marked Germany 3092, blue Intaglio eyes, opened/closed mouth, 2 teeth, dimple at chin, with a worned place at the left cheek, fine modelled hair, baby with standing body, 23 cm

No. 4136
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 160 €
HEUBACH, in square, bisque socket head, character baby, marked 8459, Heubach in square, Germany, fix standing brown glass eyes, opened/closed mouth, 2 lowere teeth, intimitated tongue, mass baby with standing body, 20 cm, nice expression
Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 4137
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 80 €
HEUBACH, all-bisque full head, boy, blue to the side looking Intaglio eyes, opened mouth, marked Heubach in lozenge, mass forearms, darkened, simple fabric body, 25 cm
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 4138
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 80 €
bisque character boy, full head, marked Germany, with blue to the side looking painted eyes, opened/closed mouth, intimitated tongue, line of upper teeth, 2 lowere teeth, standing mass body, modelled hair, 19 cm standing height
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 4139
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 590 €
HEUBACH, sun, rare bisque full head baby, with porcelain hood, marked 2/0 7976, brown sleepy eyes, closed mouth, baby with sitting body, 15 cm tall, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, rare

Hammerprice: 1400,00 €

No. 4140
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
SIMON & HALBIG, porcelain head doll, marked 122, blue impish eyes, opened mouth, teeth, real hair wig, on a sitting baby body made of mass, with stick-out toe, 34 cm
Hammerprice: 360,00 €

No. 4141
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 250 €
THEODOR RECKNAGEL, character boy with bisque full head, fine modelled hair, blue painted eyes, opened/closed mouth, smiling, line of upper teeth, intimitated tongue, slightly dimples at cheeks, marked 2 crossed arrows R A, baby with sitting body, seat height c. 17 cm, nice expression
Hammerprice: 250,00 €

No. 4142
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 320 €
first Steinbacher porcelain factory, around 1926, bisque socket head, around 1926, blue Intaglio eyes, opened/closed mouth, line of upper teeth, intimitated tongue, mark in the neck 550 G & H, Made in Germany, baby with sitting body, c. 22 cm, real hair wig, fine modeled face
Hammerprice: 320,00 €

No. 4143
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 180 €
HEUBACH, in square, bisque baby with socket head, marked Heubach in square, No. isn't recognizable, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, baby with sitting body, c. 15 cm seat height, brown mohair wig
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 4144
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 80 €
HERTEL, SCHWAB & CO, bisque socket head, marked Made in Germany 99, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, 2 upper teeth, tongue, 1 tooth is knocked, baby with sitting body, all-bisque, c. 13 cm seat height, old lace dress

No. 4145
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
BAEHR & PROESCHILD, bisque baby with socket head, marked BP in heart, 585 G, Made in Germany, No. 2, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth with 2 upper teeth, tongue, baby with sitting body, mohair wig, 22 cm
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 4146
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 220 €
HERTEL, SCHWAB & CO, bisque character baby, socket head, marked Made in Germany, 152 No. 2, blue glass eyes, opened/closed mouth, 2 upper teeth, tongue, baby with sitting body, c. 20 cm seat height, brown mohair wig, hood, old dress
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 4147
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 220 €
KÄMMER & REINHARDT, c. 1909, bisque full head, character baby, painted eyes, opened/closed mouth, tongue, fine modelled hair, baby with sitting body, with different postures of hands, stretch out toes, c. 20 cm seat height, nice modeled
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 4148
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 260 €
BAEHR & PROESCHILD, bisque full head baby, marked 531, brown painted eyes, opened/closed mouth, tongue, slight double chin, fine modelled hair, baby with sitting body, with different postures of hands, c. 22 cm seat height, splay out toe, nice modeled
Hammerprice: 260,00 €

No. 4149
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 240 €
BAEHR & PROESCHILD, character baby with bisque full head, marked WSK 541, 1912, blue painted eyes, opened/closed mouth, baby with sitting body, c. 19 cm, fine modelled hair, the the color abrasion at the hands are caused of old age, nice modeled
Hammerprice: 260,00 €

No. 4150
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 220 €
all-bisque Mignonette, probably B & H, bright porcelain, fix inset and fix standing black glass eyes, closed mouth, original plaster cover wasn't removed, from outside are no cracks visible, all-bisque body, modelled shoes and socks, c. 14 cm, long plaited mohair wig, dress was sewed of old fabric, nice expression
Hammerprice: 390,00 €

No. 4151
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
bisque socket head, probably Heubach, marked No. 12 Germany, blue Intaglio eyes, closed mouth, fix glued on mohair wig, was not removed, from outside are no cracks visible,standing mass body, with modelled shoes and socks, 13 cm, unusual size
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 4152
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 70 €
bisque porcelain socket head doll, 48 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, simple standing mass body, with jointed wrists
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 4153
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
mass bust, boy with hat, 30 cm, very expressive
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 4154
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 180 €
HERTEL, SCHWAB & CO, running doll, 32 cm, with German character head, brown fix inset glass eyes, opened/closed mouth, celluloid hands, bottom is older

No. 4155
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 260 €
bisque dolls with straight neck, 1 x girl, fix inset blue Paperweight eyes, closed mouth, full head, mohair wig was fix glued on, on a standing jointed body, fix wrists, old clothes, nice bright porcelain, c. 22 cm standing height, with boy, full head, fix inset blue Paperweight eyes, closed mouth, fix patched mohair wig, wasn't removed, cracks in face, standing body, fix wrists, c. 23 cm standing height, a nice mixed lot
Hammerprice: 390,00 €

No. 4156
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 160 €
bisque breast plate, Parian, marked Germany, girl with modelled blond hair, pageboy haircut, modelled hair ornaments, pink ribbon, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, breast plate with blouse edge, blue lace, fabric body, bisque forearms and legs, modelled shoes and socks, standing height: 26 cm

No. 4157
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 330 €
bisque socket head, marked Eden Bebe Paris E, nun, French, blue fix standing glass eyes, closed mouth, small worned place at the right cheek, standing mass body with fix wrists, c. 27 cm standing height, old clothes, partially sewed of old fabric
Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 4158
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 160 €
bisque shoulder headed doll, bride, full head, Parian, blue fix standing glass eyes, opened mouth, mark in the neck isn't visible, fabric body, mass forearms, silk dress, old, strongly worn, 32 cm, with veil and hair ornaments

No. 4159
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 850 €
JUMEAU, French Bebe, marked E 5D Depose, blue fix standing glass eyes, closed mouth, jointed body, 1 finger at the left hand is break off, pierced ears, dress was sewed of old fabric, old underwear, old cork cover, a trifle too large, brown real hair wig

Hammerprice: 1000,00 €

No. 4160
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 850 €
type BRU, Teteur, bisque socket head, marked Made in Germany, brown fix standing Paperweight eyes, opened mouth with tube, jointed body, 34 cm, fix wrists, brown mohair wig, old christening dress, old shoes, with bottle, glass


No. 4161
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 380 €
French machine, probably Gaultier, bisque socket head, blue fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, fix patched mohair wig, with hood, silk clothes, strongly worn, sitting on a mass ox, on casting wheels, 19 cm tall, 13 cm long, unusual
Hammerprice: 450,00 €

No. 4162
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 3900 €
BRU, (Kusshand) French Bebe, bisque socket head, marked BRU. JN ER 10, brown fix standing glass eyes, closed mouth, jointed body, with pull voice, old underwear, 55 cm


No. 4163
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 1200 €
3 face doll, laughing, sleeping and crying, fabric body, mass arms and legs, pull voice, intact, c. 29 cm, old clothes


No. 4164
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 1800 €
JUMEAU, machine, smoker, bisque head, blue fix inset Paperweight eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, marked with red stamp, Depose TETE Jumeau, No. 4, break off part at the headcrank, it is the starting point for a crack, at the back of the head, with music mechanism, head and both arms are moving, intact, with key, height of the doll c. 38 cm, total height 48 cm, very decorative, old clothes, old mohair wig
Hammerprice: 1800,00 €

No. 4165
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 2900 €
machine, ballet dancer, bisque socket head, on a bisque breast plate, marked B & H Germany No. 2, blue fix inset glass eyes, real hair, opened mouth, upper teeth, bisque arms, old clothes, blond fix glued on mohair wig, crack at the side, 1 firing crack behind the ear, with music mechanism, intact, height of the doll c. 41 cm, total height 50 cm, fine lace dress, fabric with floral decorations, very decorative

No. 4166
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 1800 €
machine, bisque head, B & H, No. 1300/6, blue fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, line of upper teeth, pierced ears, slight dimple at chin, bisque arms, mass body, clothes are probably more recent, blond curly mohair wig, 37 cm, total height 51 cm, on a platform, burgundy colored mohair, decorative
Hammerprice: 1800,00 €

No. 4167
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 450 €
violonist, semi-automatic machine, bisque socket head, fix inset blue Paperweight eyes, opened/closed mouth, fix glued on newer mohair wig, wasn't removed, mass forearms, wooden arms, with push function, music mechanism is intact, c. 33 cm

No. 4168
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 1800 €
machine, France, bisque socket head, probably Gaultier, fix inset light blue glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, on a bisque plate, plate was glued, metal body, partially wire body, tin hands, old lace dress, old cork cover, old curly mohair wig, on a wine-red colored platform, music mechanism is intact, with key, fanning with fan, decoration at hand and fan are more recent, c. 48 cm, decorative

Hammerprice: 1800,00 €

No. 4169
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 650 €
semi-automatic machine, woman with child, bisque, socket head, marked 350 Dep., blue fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, line of lower teeth, dimple at chin, c. 32 cm, with small doll with bisque socket head, closed mouth, fix standing blue eyes, mass body,