Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
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No. 4379
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 220 €
K&R, bisque character baby, marked 122/42, bisque socket head, brown sleepy eyes, 48 cm, opened mouth, 2 upper teeth, tongue, slight dimple at chin, toddler body, 48 cm, old mohair wig
Hammerprice: 390,00 €

No. 4380
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 280 €
Zinner, playground with 4 dolls, music mechanism, 32 cm wide, 25 cm tall, decorative, nice original condition
Hammerprice: 1500,00 €

No. 4381
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
SIMON & HALBIG, all-bisque doll, 887, 14.5 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, modelled shoes and socks
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 4382
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 70 €
small all-bisque doll, 13.5 cm, legs were glued, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, jointed arms and legs, nice original clothes, additional clothes, hatstand with hat, in a casket
Hammerprice: 600,00 €

No. 4383
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 40 €
small colored doll with bisque porcelain head, 13 cm, socket head, brown fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, dark toned mass body, 1 tiptoe was glued
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 4384
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
SIMON & HALBIG, 192, doll with small bisque head, 15.5 cm, brown sleepy eyes, closed mouth, mohair wig, standing mass body, modelled shoes and socks, old clothes
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 4385
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 50 €
KÄMMER & REINHARDT, Simon & Halbig, doll withbisque head, 20 cm, socket head, brown fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, standing mass body, modelled shoes and socks, original clothes, a little bit worn, wig with hair loss
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 4386
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
TETE JUMEAU, Simon & Halbig for Jumeau, marked Dep, bisque head-doll, 27 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, French jointed body, with some repaired places
Hammerprice: 170,00 €

No. 4387
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 80 €
a pair of dolls in rococo clothes, probably France, 2 dolls with bisque head, 26 cm, bisque socket head, blue fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, standing mass body, fix appliquéd original clothes, wigs weren't removed, girl with firing crack at the back of the head
Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 4388
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
LIMOGES, doll with bisque head, France, 36 cm, bisque socket head, blue fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, jointed mass body, 2 fingers are missing, old real hair wig, original clothes, caused of old age it is partially in worn condition
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 4389
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 70 €
Simon & Halbig, Dep Santa, doll with bisque head, 30 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced nostrils, nice formed jointed body, old shoes, old mohair wig, 1 finger is missing
Hammerprice: 280,00 €

No. 4390
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
doll's cupboard, 30 cm, with many small all-bisque dolls
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 4391
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 70 €
PORZELLANFABRIK BURGGRUB, 169, bisque character boy, 60 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth and tongue, real hair wig, voice is in the head under the head cover (faulty), toddler body, 1 finger is missing, clothes are stronger dirty
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 4392
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 220 €
HERTEL, SCHWAB & CO, 151, bisque character boy, full head, 40 cm, blue sleepy eyes, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, opened mouth, modelled upper teeth, modelled tongue down below, dimple, baby with sitting body, with jointed wrists, with 1 doll's pram, around 1900, wheels with spokes, original conceal, caused of old age in worn condition, small silver rattle
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 4393
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 380 €
doll bisque head, France, 58 cm, socket head, brown fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, with a bit dust inclusions, pierced ears, small firing crack in the corner of the eye, is hardly visible, French jointed body, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks, old spring drive
Hammerprice: 950,00 €

No. 4394
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 120 €
CM. BERGMANN, for Simon & Halbig, size 14, bisque head-doll, 75 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, nice formed jointed body, mohair wig, clothes are stronger dirty
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 4395
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 180 €
KÄMMER & REINHARDT, Simon & Halbig, doll with bisque head, 85 cm, grand size, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, tongue, pierced ears, dimple at chin, formed jointed body, with some flake off mass parts, old mohair wig, old clothes, shoes and socks
Hammerprice: 390,00 €

No. 4396
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 60 €
doll withbisque head, marked Dep Simon & Halbig for Jumeau, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, pierced earlobes, 54 cm, French jointed body, finger were partially repaired, the real hair wig is more recent, old clothes, old shoes, shoes are partially worn
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 4397
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 190 €
Parian, shoulder headed doll, 55 cm, blue painted eyes, fine modelled hair, fabric body, wooden arms and legs
Hammerprice: 190,00 €

No. 4398
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 190 €
PARIAN, shoulder headed doll, Beton type, 43 cm, blue fix inset glass eyes, original real hair wig, a little bit loss, leather body, porcelain arms
Hammerprice: 190,00 €

No. 4399
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 70 €
HEUBACH, small boy, Heubach in square, 18 cm, Intaglio eyes, closed mouth, nice formed jointed body, exceptional size
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 4400
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 30 €
exceptional papier mâché head with flange neck, type Kaiser baby, height 12 cm, with 1 Erzgebirge clown that is doing a summersault, papier mâché, 22 cm
Hammerprice: 70,00 €

No. 4401
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 250 €
K&R, 100, Kaiser baby, 36 cm, bisque socket head, blue painted eyes, opened/closed mouth, baby with sitting body, with different postures of hands and slightly stick-out toe
Hammerprice: 250,00 €

No. 4402
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 220 €
KESTNER, 143, baby with bisque head, 44 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, 2 upper teeth, dimple at chin, jointed body, nice old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks, nice old mohair wig, original plaster cover, 1 hand with a bit dried modeling clay, no damage, very nice expression
Hammerprice: 450,00 €

No. 4403
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 150 €
BIEDERMEIER, sledge, 94 cm, wood, metal runners, original painting, is a museum piece, c. 1860, very nice decoration for large dolls or large teddy bears

No. 4404
Spring auction on April 25/26, 2014
Limit: 950 €
nice living-room suite, neo-baroque, (no toy), 1 original sofa, table, 2 armchairs, 4 chairs, side table, tray table, wooden parts are mostly in good condition, fabric is caused of old age dirty, very decorative