Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
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No. 4322
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 20 €
cushion, 34 cm by 43 cm

No. 4323
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 3900 €
JUMEAU, bisque porcelain head doll, France, marked Deposé E9J, 48 cm, pressed bisque head, fix inset brown Paperweight eyes, closed mouth, dimple at chin, added ears, French jointed body with fix wrists, with green stamp Jumeau, mohair wig, cork cover, nice old clothes, underwear, original Jumeau shoes, nice expression

No. 4324
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1600 €
K&R, 101, bisque porcelain character doll, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, nice modelled, nice good preserved jointed body by K&R, original clothes, underwear, shoes and socks, original mohair wig, exceptional condition

No. 4325
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 450 €
HEUBACH, Pouti, 6989, size 5, 38 cm, bisque socket head, brown sleepy eyes, closed mouth, head is inside pink toned, as typical for this doll, formed jointed body, old clothes, nice old mohair wig

No. 4326
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 180 €
CATTERFELDER PUPPENFABRIK, marked C.P. 208/34 S, bisque porcelain character baby, full head, 34 cm, brown sleepy eyes, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, opened mouth, modelled teeth, inset tongue, dimple, formed baby body, old clothes

No. 4327
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 260 €
K&R, 100, Kaiser baby, 36 cm, socket head, brown painted eyes, opened/closed mouth, baby with sitting body with different postures of hands, slightly stick out toe, nice modelled, old clothes and underwear


No. 4328
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 280 €
JDK, Kestner, 211, bisque porcelain character baby, 38 cm, bisque socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, dimple at chin, formed baby with sitting body with different postures of hands, slightly sticking out toe, mohair wig, plaster cover

No. 4329
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 850 €
early Parian shoulder headed doll, appropiated hat, 43 cm, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, fine modelled hair, appropiated hat with ribbon, fabric body, bisque arms, exceptional dress, with underwear, very expressive

No. 4330
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 380 €
K&R, 120, bisque porcelain character doll, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth and tongue, dimple at chin, nice formed jointed body, hands were colorwise retouched, the legs are different faded because of the dress, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks, old mohair wig, nice expression

No. 4331
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 750 €
CORDY RADIQUET CORDONNIER, fashion doll, France, 42 cm, bisque socket head, fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, was restored at back of the head, wig wasn't removed, leather body, 1 arm leather was a little bit repaired, porcelain hands, 2 thumbs were repaired, porcelain legs shaped like boots, with insert for a stand, very unusual body

No. 4332
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 130 €
swaddle wrap with jacket, for a big baby doll, silk with lace, very nice original condition, original box

No. 4333
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 650 €
Queen Anne, wooden doll, 46 cm, fix inset brown glass eyes, nice original painting, wood body with jointed legs, leather arms with single stitched down fingers, nice old clothes and underwear, nice original condition, c. 1860, is a museum piece

No. 4334
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 90 €
early unusual papier mâché doll, 47 cm, socket head, jointed arms, fix legs, partially colorwise retouched, 1 arm was repaired

No. 4335
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 280 €
exceptional pram, c. 1880, France, 1,10 m tall, 3 wood /wire wheels with spokes, wicker, original conceal, turned handle, very nice unused original condition, nice decoration for early French dolls

No. 4337
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 70 €
5 pairs of children's shoes, c. 1910, partially with nailed soles, suitable too large dolls

No. 4338
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 60 €
nice toddler body, for c. 60 cm tall doll, length of body 51 cm

No. 4339
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 60 €
toddler body, for a c. 56 cm tall doll, good condition

No. 4340
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 2400 €
K&R, 114, bisque porcelain character doll, 57 cm, socket head, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, dimple at chin, a bit wig pull, formed jointed body, nice full old mohair wig, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks

No. 4341
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 2200 €
K&R, 115 A, bisque porcelain character doll, 60 cm, brown sleepy eyes, closed mouth, dimple at chin, old mohair wig, toddler body with fix wrists, old clothes, shoes and socks

No. 4342
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1900 €
K&R, 116 A, bisque porcelain character doll, 62 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth and tongue, toddler body, old mohair wig, nice expression

No. 4343
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 900 €
K&R, 101, 21 cm, bisque socket head, a bit wig pull at edge, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, original mohair wig, nice formed jointed body, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks, ski, Trousseau suitcase with many pieces of clothing, exceptional in this condition

No. 4344
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 280 €
doll with bisque porcelain head, 22 cm, socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, standing mass body, modelled shoes, up-painted socks, nice sledge, side parts are made of lithographed tin, France, decorative

No. 4345
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 90 €
Piano baby, marked 4040 Germany, 24 cm, blue Intaglio eyes, strong modelled hair, modelled clothes

No. 4346
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 150 €
exceptional porcelain box, with playing children, Heubach sun, small repaired places

No. 4347
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 120 €
porcelain box, with playing child, filigree flower decor, small places at the flowers are missing, 12.5 cm wide, unusual

No. 4348
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 600 €
bisque porcelain character doll, probably Klee & Hahn, 42 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, closed mouth, Toddler body, old clothes, shoes and socks, old mohair wig

No. 4349
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 380 €
HERTEL SCHWAB & CO, marked K&W, character doll, 42 cm, brown sleepy eyes, smiling opened mouth, modelled teeth, porcelain tongue, used toddler body, small places were colorwise retouched, nice modelled

No. 4350
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 450 €
BAEHR & PROESCHILD, 604, bisque porcelain character doll, 40 cm, bisque socket head, opened/closed mouth, modelled teeth and tongue, eye mechanism was once afterwards inset, used toddler body, old clothes, shoes and socks

No. 4351
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 450 €
HEUBACH, Pouti, 4246, Heubach in square, 32 cm, bisque socket head, inside pink colored, typical for this doll, brown sleepy eyes, eye is a bit askew, old mohair wig, old traditional costume, 1 finger is missing, jointed body

No. 4352
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1600 €
K&R, 101, bisque porcelain character doll, 50 cm, socket head, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, nice modelled, formed jointed body by K & R, old clothes, old mohair wig, old leather boot

No. 4353
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 90 €
small botanize-barrel, 8.5 cm, lithographed tin, circus motif, nice size

No. 4354
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 40 €
2 small dolls baskets, 8 cm, inside lining, a little bit worn, 1 basket with cover, 7 cm

No. 4355
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 120 €
nice mixed lot of doll dresses and hoods, 1910 - 1940, 5 dresses, 1 slip is embroidered with pearls, 4 early hoods, a nice mixed lot, please have a look at it

No. 4356
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot 5 pairs of old doll shoes, 5 cm - 8 cm, c. 1910

No. 4357
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 60 €
small rocking horse, 18 cm, 1 draft horse, 21 cm, nice doll decoration

No. 4358
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 80 €
small all-bisque, Googly, 12 cm, fix head, brown to the side looking eyes, mouth, jointed bisque arms and legs, up-painted shoes and socks, original mohair wig, break off part at stomach


No. 4359
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 120 €
dolls living-room suite, folding table, 35 cm in diameter, bench, 2 chairs, around 1900, good condition

No. 4360
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 60 €
3 pairs of doll shoes, size 5.5 - 8.5 cm, c. 1910, good condition


No. 4361
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 60 €
3 pairs of doll shoes, oilcloth and leather, 5.5 cm, 6 cm, 6.5 cm, good condition

No. 4362
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 280 €
bisque porcelain head doll, Belton type, marked 3, 34 cm, socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, bisque, used, leather body, porcelain arms

No. 4363
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1900 €
K&R, 115 A, 38 cm, brown sleepy eyes, closed mouth, dimple at chin, formed jointed body, with fix wrists, nice old clothes, shoes and socks, old mohair wig, nice expression

No. 4364
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 60 €
2 doll hats, 5 cm and 6 cm in diameter, around 1900, with a pair of leather gloves

No. 4365
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 90 €
ALT BECK & GOTTSCHALK, bisque porcelain head doll, 55 cm, Belton shoulder headed doll, breast plate was more restored, fix inset blue Paperweight eyes, closed mouth, dimple at chin, fabric body, leather arms, clothes old or sewed of old fabric, wig is more recent


No. 4366
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 30 €
Biedermeier, doll, China Head, enameled porcelain shoulder headed doll, dark modelled hair, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, 57 cm, fabric body, enameled porcelain arms and legs, age of the arms and legs probably later, 1 finger is missing

No. 4367
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 0 €

No. 4368
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 50 €
dolls coffee service, porcelain, child motif, with edge of gold, coffee pot, height 16.5 cm, 6 cups with saucers, sugar bowl, milk can

No. 4369
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 60 €
nice early full real hair wig, for a head girth of c. 9.5 cm


No. 4370
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 650 €
papier mâché shoulder headed doll, c. 1840, 65 cm, fix inset brown Paperweight eyes, closed mouth, fabric body, wood arms, fine tied real hair wig, with original hairstyle, original face painting, breast plate was colorwise retouched, used body, old clothes, 1 shoe is missing

No. 4371
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 60 €
dolls screen, fabric, leather, stamped, inside mirrored, 34 cm

No. 4372
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 60 €
2 pieces hoods, filigree embroidery, early, for a head with a diameter of c. 11 cm