Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
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No. 4021
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 450 €
JDK, Kestner 211, 40 cm, character baby, opened, closed, mouth, blue sleepy eyes, real hair wig, original, the plaster cover wasn't removed, please note that it is risky to transport the eyes, used toddler body, one arm with loss of mass, old clothes, old shoes

No. 4022
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 450 €
K&R, 117 n, 43 cm, bisque socket head, blue sleepy eyes, toddler body, tuck up knee joints, rubber hands, 2 fingers are missing, dress was made of old fabric, old underwear, old shoes, old real hair wig

No. 4023
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 450 €
HEUBACH, Pouty, marked 6970, Heubach sun, around 1912, bisque socket head, inside toned in delicate pink, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, jointed body, 3 fingers are missing, real hair wig is more recent, old clothes and shoes

No. 4024
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 850 €
fashion doll, France, 27 cm, bisque socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, fine painting, bright porcelain, Gesland body with porcelain arms, nice original dress, underwear and shoes, the original wig with slight hair loss, original cork cover

No. 4025
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1300 €
JUMEAU, marked Deposé No. 2 (Emile Jumeau), 28 cm, big fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, early jointed Jumeau body, with fix wrists, 1 hand was glued, wig is more recent, dress was sewed of old fabric, elaborate produced, old underwear, old cork cover, very nice expression, exceptional size

No. 4026
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1500 €
JUMEAU, marked Deposé E 1 J, socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, early French jointed body, with fix wrists, mohair wig, cork cover, old clothes, with underwear, original Jumeau shoes, absolutely rare size, very expressive

No. 4027
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 650 €
JUMEAU, No. 1, 24 cm, bisque socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, 2 minimal hairline cracks at the left front, is hardly visible, original jointed body, old clothes, old shoes, rare size

No. 4028
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 140 €
small German bisque porcelain head doll, socket head, wire body, porcelain hands, on a sledge, appliquéd felt clothes, 14 cm tall, decorative

No. 4029
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 450 €
doll with bisque porcelain head, German, not marked, 34 cm, socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, at the edge of head with two slightly burst places, but it isn't the starting point of a crack, jointed body, with 8 loosely baubles and fix wrists, simple formed hands, wig is more recent, bright porcelain

No. 4030
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1300 €
Première Jumeau, marked No. 5th, doll with bisque porcelain head, France, 34 cm, socket head, blue fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, French jointed body, with fix wrists, one hand with repaired fingers, one side with a crack, restored, rare, old clothes, old wig, spring drive, pressed head

No. 4031
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1600 €
GAULTIER, Ferdinand Gaultier, marked F 7 G, 43 cm, bisque socket head, fix inset brown Paperweight eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, dimple at chin, exceptional expression, French jointed body with fix wrists, clothes were sewed of old fabric, wig is more recent

No. 4032
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 650 €
SFBJ, bisque porcelain character boy, 252, 28 cm, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, toddler body, with slightly stick-out toe, old wig, clothes were sewed of old fabric

No. 4033
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 380 €
SFBJ, 252, bisque porcelain character baby, 38 cm, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, toddler body, partially over painted, 1 leg is teared, wig is more recent, clothes are partially old, partially sewed of old fabric, tear restored

No. 4034
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1800 €
JUMEAU, marked E J 6, 44 cm, bisque porcelain socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, cork cover, real hair wig, French jointed body, fix wrists, 8 loosely baubles, spring drive, head is askew in the neck pan, nice expression

No. 4035
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1600 €
TÊTE JUMEAU, Deposé, bisque porcelain head doll, France, 40 cm, socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, original jointed Jumeau body, mohair wig, cork cover, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks

No. 4036
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1600 €
STEINER, marked S- C. 2, 44 cm, socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, 2-colored painted, pierced ears, French jointed body, with fine worked hands, dress was sewed of old fabric, old underwear, wig is more recent, inside at the top of head with a firing crack, isn't going through the porcelain, very nice expression

No. 4037
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 6900 €
BRU JEUNE, No. 8, doll with bisque porcelain head, France, 50 cm, pressed bisque socket head, fix inset blue Paperweight eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, leather body, porcelain arms, mass legs, 2 fingers were glued, nice expression, dress was sewed of old fabric, old underwear, old boots, wig is more recent, spring drive

No. 4038
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1400 €
STEINER, marked S n. c. 0, 36 cm, bisque socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, French jointed body with fix wrists, clothes old or sewed of old fabric, old underwear, old leather boot, mohair wig with papier mâché cover, small flaked off part at earlobe

No. 4039
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1900 €
JULIUS NICOLAS STEINER, marked 9 J, 54 cm, bisque socket head, fix inset blue Paperweight eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, chubby cheeks, mohair wig is more recent, French jointed body, body was partially repaired, elaborately produced dress, old leather boot, very expressive

No. 4040
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1600 €
K&R, 115 A, bisque porcelain character boy, 38 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, toddler body with fix wrists, old mohair wig, clothes old or sewed of old fabric, old shoes, very expressive and very nice condition

No. 4041
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1600 €
STEINER, doll with bisque porcelain head, marked by, 34 cm, bisque socket head, brown sleepy eyes, closed mouth, nice formed jointed body, with fix wrists, plaster cover, mohair wig is more recent, nice old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks, doll with special expression and exceptional modelled

No. 4042
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 850 €
K&R, 114, 46 cm, bisque socket head, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, dimple at chin, original jointed body, with a fine hairline crack at the back of the head, slight wig pull, mohair wig is more recent, clothes old or sewed of old fabric, nice expression

No. 4043
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1400 €
K&R, 116 A, marked at head 42, body height 46 cm because of the toddler, nice original Toddler with fix wrists, blue sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, modelled teeth and tongue, dimple, nice modelled, clothes were sewed of old fabric, old shoes, old mohair wig, old coat

No. 4044
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1400 €
K&R, 117, bisque porcelain character doll, 55 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, closed mouth, jointed body, body was once painted over, real hair wig, dress old or sewed of old fabric, old shoes, nice expression

No. 4045
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1600 €
K&R, 117 A; bisque porcelain character doll, 55 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, closed mouth, formed jointed body, old clothes, old shoes, old mohair wig

No. 4046
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1800 €
JUMEAU, doll with a bisque porcelain head, marked 11, 62 cm, socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, original jointed Jumeau body, old real hair wig, cork cover, clothes old or sewed of old fabric, very nice expression, nice size

No. 4047
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 850 €
HEUBACH SONNE, 7668, colored bisque socket head, 50 cm, with to the side looking painted eyes, slightly opened/closed mouth, modelled hair, dark colored jointed body with long thighs, old shoes, used body

No. 4048
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 130 €
K&R, bisque porcelain head doll, 34 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, jointed body, dress was sewed of old fabric, old underwear, old shoes, wig is more recent

No. 4049
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 180 €
JUMEAU, marked No. 7, 48 cm, bisque socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, French jointed body, clothes were sewed of old fabric, wig is more recent, old cork cover, hands with the typical flaked off paint parts

No. 4050
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 120 €
small dollhouse pram, tin, pressed cardboard, 17 cm, original conceal, original cushion, with small all-bisque doll, 8 cm

No. 4051
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 60 €
doll with porcelain head, (squirted porcelain), 56 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth and tongue, baby with sitting body, wig is more recent

No. 4052
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 70 €
mixed lot of doll accessories, 1 pair of leather shoes, size 6 cm, a little bit worn, 5 doll bags, 2 umbrellas, dress, trumpet

No. 4053
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 650 €
SWAIN & CO, marked Dep 8, bisque porcelain character doll, 36 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, jointed body, clothes were sewed of old fabric, old underwear, wig is more recent

No. 4054
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1800 €
STEINER, C Nr.9, 40 cm, pressed bisque head, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed, smiling mouth, unusual brows painting, French jointed body, papier mâché cover, dress was sewed of old fabric, old underwear, old shoes and socks, forearms painted

No. 4055
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1900 €
JULES METTAIS, Bebe Phenix, marking star 93, 50 cm, pressed socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed, mouth, pierced ears, nice modelled, slight wig pull, jointed body with fix wrists

No. 4056
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 5500 €
BRUE BREVETE, No. 4, 42 cm, socket head, fix inset blue Paperweight eyes, closed, mouth, pierced ears, leather body, porcelain forearms, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks, old mohair wig, cork cover, very expressive, hand supplemented, newer

No. 4057
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 2500 €
JUMEAU PREMIER, No. 2, 36 cm, bisque head, fix inset large brown glass eyes, closed, mouth, old mohair wig, jointed body with fix wrists, with flaked off porcelain parts around the crank, old clothes, old shoes, old mohair wig, cork cover, very nice expression

No. 4058
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1900 €
K&R, 101, 46 cm, bisque socket head, blue painted eyes, closed, mouth, old real hair wig, jointed body, old clothes, shoes and socks, old underwear

No. 4059
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1900 €
JDK, doll with bisque head, marked 16 by, 55 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, closed, mouth, jointed body, with fix wrists, old mohair wig, old clothes

No. 4060
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 300 €
RABERY & DELPHIEU, doll with bisque head, France, marked R2D, 51 cm, socket head, crack at the forehead, fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, dimple at chin, French jointed body, minimally chip at the eyelid, old clothes and shoes, mohair wig

No. 4061
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 580 €
doll with bisque head, Belton type, marked 9, 34 cm, socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, jointed body, with fix wrists, clothes were sewed of old fabric, old shoes, old underwear, mohair wig is more recent

No. 4062
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 2200 €
doll with bisque head, France, marked Depose E 8J, 48 cm, bisque socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, old mohair wig, old spring drive, small burn defect at neck, French jointed body with fix wrists, old clothes, old underwear, shoes and socks

No. 4063
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 850 €
KIKI STEINER, machine, 50 cm, 48 cm, bisque head, fix inset blue glass eyes, opened mouth, upper and lower teeth, pierced ears, leather body, mass arms and legs, doll is moving the head and the arms, clock mechanism is a little bit slow, voice is faulty, old mohair wig, clothes old or sewed of old fabric

No. 4064
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 650 €
SIMON & HALBIG, 105, doll with a bisque socket head on a bisque breast plate, 48 cm, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, fabric body, bisque forearms, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks, pinafore is more recent

No. 4065
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 160 €
bisque shoulder headed doll, boy, 38 cm, fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, dimple at chin, modelled hair, leather body, porcelain forearms, old clothes, 2 different shoes

No. 4066
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 550 €
JUMEAU, doll with bisque head, France, marked D 8, 49 cm, bisque socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, firing crack behind the ear, old real hair wig, old cork cover, jointed body with fix wrists, one ear with a small chip, old underwear, shoes and socks, with spring drive

No. 4067
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1900 €
JUMEAU, No. 8, 40 cm, pressed bisque socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, jointed JUMEAU body, with fix wrists, dress was sewed of old fabric, old underwear, old leather boot, with small Mignonnette, old mohair wig, old cork cover, with spring drive

No. 4068
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 120 €
SIMON & HALBIG, 887, small doll with all bisque head, 20 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, exceptional jointed body with strong modelled shoes and socks, jointed arms and legs, old mohair wig, dress was sewed of old fabric, old underwear

No. 4069
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 720 €
SIMON & HALBIG, 887, small all-bisque porcelain head doll, 19 cm, socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, slightly opened/closed mouth, jointed arms and legs, modelled shoes and socks, dress was sewed of old fabric, old underwear, old mohair wig

No. 4070
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 120 €
EINCO, baby, all-bisque, fix head, blue painted eyes, opened/closed mouth, dimple at chin, fine modelled baby with sitting body, unusual size