Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
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No. 4171
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 180 €
doll with bisque porcelain head, marked No. 12, 72 cm, socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, French jointed body, old underwear, dress was sewed of old fabric, real hair wig is a little bit too large

No. 4172
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 160 €
doll with bisque porcelain head, 36 cm, socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, standing mass body, with suitcase, upper clasp at suitcase is missing, some clothes

No. 4173
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 60 €
small box made of chipboard (at the side patches with flaws), with 1 pair of shoes, 10 cm, and suitable dolls gloves

No. 4174
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 140 €
SFBJ, doll with bisque porcelain head, France, marked 60 8 1/2, 27 cm, bisque socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, 2 firing cracks at the top of head, formed French jointed body, old clothes, old underwear, small suitcase without insert, with some pieces of clothing, 1 pair of shoes

No. 4175
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 160 €
doll with all-bisque head, marked 156, 27 cm, fix head, blue sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, modelled teeth, standing body, with jointed arms and legs, modelled shoes and socks

No. 4176
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 140 €
small suitcase, 11 cm, filled with 2 pairs of doll shoes, small gloves, perfume bottles, doll, dollhouse dolls, small sewing box, with scissors, thimble, small articles

No. 4177
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 60 €
box made of chipboard with 1 pair of Biedermeier doll boots, size 5/ 5.5 cm, torn ar small places, 1 pair of early dolls ice-skates, small Biedermeier bag

No. 4178
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 220 €
BEAHR & PROESCHILD, 309, bisque porcelain shoulder headed doll, 58 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, leather body with porcelain forearms, 4 fingers are missing, real hair wig, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks, sole is more worn, with 1 suitcase with some pieces of clothing, bags, shoes, accessories

No. 4179
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 280 €
JDK KESTNER, 167, bisque porcelain head doll, 60 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, mohair wig, nice formed jointed body, old underwear, old shoes, dress was sewed of old fabric, with suitcase, with some pieces of clothing and shoes, 1 part underwear marked JDK

No. 4180
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 280 €
bisque porcelain shoulder headed doll, not marked ,45 cm, fix inset blue glass eyes, fine modelled hair, closed mouth, leather body, porcelain forearms, old clothes, old underwear, with Trousseau suitcase, with pieces of clothing, underwear, coat, hat, bag, boots with ice-scates

No. 4181
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 130 €
small work basket in doll size, 46 cm tall, filled with small buttons, push buttons, sewing utensils, comb, mirror, brush, richly accessories, probably as decoration for a fashion shop or for making doll clothes

No. 4182
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 120 €
basket, 35 cm wide, richly filled with small buttons, sewing utensils, accessories probably for a fashion shop or for making doll clothes

No. 4183
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 180 €
bisque porcelain full head boy, marked 3 Germany, 32 cm, blue Intaglio eyes, opened/closed mouth, slight modelled hair, standing mass body, with Trousseau suitcase, some clothes

No. 4184
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 150 €
small Trousseau suitcase, 22 cm wide, with pieces of clothing for a doll with a size between c. 18 cm and 20 cm, dresses, coat, jackets, 1 pair of small shoes, with a suitable pram, 11 cm

No. 4185
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 80 €
chest of drawers, wicker work, can be open at the top, down below a drawer, with sewing utensils, small buttons, small brass bag, nice doll decoration

No. 4186
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 80 €
basket, around 1900, 33 cm tall, with 3 pairs of shoes for middle up to large sized dolls, 1 pair of shoes a fine crochet work, 6.5 cm

No. 4187
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 80 €
nice mixed lot of 5 pairs of doll shoes, c. 1910, 2 early baskets, 9 cm, one basket of it got patches with flaws at the side, small box made of chipboard, small brass casket with child's jewelry

No. 4188
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 150 €
JDK KESTNER, 155, dollwith bisque porcelain head, 22 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, very nice formed jointed body, in very good original condition, old underwear, old shoes, original plaster cover, mohair wig, small firing crack at the top of head

No. 4189
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1700 €
KESTNER, marked No. 15, doll with bisque porcelain head, 60 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, closed mouth, jointed body, 2 fingers are missing, hands were once painted over, old clothes, old boots, mohair wig, nice modelled

No. 4190
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 650 €
SIMON & HALBIG, 929, exceptional doll with bisque porcelain head, 38 cm, socket head, closed mouth, pierced ears, eyes are missing, wig is missing, hairline crack at the cheek, old clothes, silk is worn

No. 4191
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 750 €
K&R, 117, 55 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, 2 small hairline cracks on the forehead, nice formed jointed body, old clothes, old boots, old mohair wig

No. 4192
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 750 €
KESTNER, No. 10, 43 cm, socket head, the brown glass eyes were afterwards inset, old eye mechanism, but it is a bit askew, jointed body, hands are a little bit too small, old mohair wig

No. 4193
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1200 €
BAEHR & PROESCHILD, 585, size 5, bisque porcelain character boy, 36 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, 2 modelled upper teeth, toddler body with fix wrists, 1 thumb, and 1 small finger are missing, old mohair wig was losing hair, old clothes, shoes and socks

No. 4194
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1400 €
KLEE & HAHN, 169-10, bisque porcelain character baby, 50 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, closed mouth, stocky jointed body, old mohair wig

No. 4195
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 700 €
BAEHR & PROESCHILD, 244, Indian, 34 cm, bisque socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, mohair wig was losing hair, standing mass body, original clothes

No. 4196
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 350 €
doll with bisque porcelain head, Belton type, 33 cm, socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, dimple at chin, eyelid with a small flaked off part, jointed body with fix wrists, old clothes, shoes and socks, mohair wig

No. 4197
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 800 €
BAEHR & PROESCHILD, 604, character doll, size 6, 44 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, modelled upper teeth, jointed body, old clothes, shoes and socks, mohair wig

No. 4198
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 450 €
dollwith bisque porcelain head, marked Dep, 36 cm, socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, (not professional inset), closed mouth, pierced ears, 1 ear is tore out, formed jointed body, without wig

No. 4199
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 280 €
bisque porcelain shoulder headed doll, Belton type, 41 cm, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, leather body, 1 ankle is torn, fabric legs, fabric arms, bisque forearms, fingers are partially knocked, mohair wig

No. 4200
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 1200 €
K&R, 116 A, bisque porcelain character baby, 36 cm, marked at head 32, caused by the toddler body, color deviations at the hands, mohair wig was a little bit losing hair

No. 4201
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 350 €
BAEHR & PROESCHILD, 531, for Klee & Hahn, bisque porcelain full head character baby, 30 cm, socket head, blue Intaglio eyes, closed mouth, toddler body, hands aren't original, old clothes, shoes and socks

No. 4202
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 120 €
papier mâché shoulder headed doll, elderly man with pair of glasses, 28 cm, fine modelled forehead, furrow, painted eyes, pair of glasses is made of tin, fabric body, mass arms and legs, nice original clothes, probably as a teacher figure for a large school

No. 4203
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 400 €
SFBJ, character boy, 247, size 2, 24 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, modelled teeth, mohair wig, baby with sitting body it is strongly washed off

No. 4204
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 10 €
cardboard cone, probably from the '20s

No. 4205
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 70 €
BAEHR & PROESCHILD, 380 Dep, bisque porcelain shoulder headed doll, 41 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, leather body, mass arms and legs, old shoes, wig is missing

No. 4206
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 120 €
doll with bisque porcelain head, marked 26-6/0, 27 cm, blue Intaglio eyes, opened/closed mouth, modelled teeth and tongue, modelled hood with ribbon, simple baby with sitting body, strongly washed off, arms are loosely add, crank with a firing crack

No. 4207
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 600 €
oil paintings, Burkhard Kretzschmar 1889-1972, Dresden, mentioned in encyclopedia Böttscher painting of the 19th century, oil on wood, signed at upper edge, representation child in front of the grandmother, holding twine, in front of it a dog, and 2 children in the door deluding to playing, 57 cm by 47 cm, the slight formation of spider lines in frame are caused of old age, frame is at edge a little bit knocked, nice representation with children

No. 4208
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 120 €
mixed lot of decoration pieces for dolls, bags shaped like chest, 14 cm, filled with small shell bag, some children`s brooches, small box with sewing utensils, circular box, oval box, 1 doll hatbox, varnished wood, 9.5 cm tall, unusual

No. 4209
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 180 €
small Trousseau suitcase, with doll, bisque socket head, marked Dep., fix inset blue glass eyes, opened mouth, pierced ears, French jointed body, with some typical scratches on the paintwork, mohair wig, with a large number of pieces of clothing, 1 pair of shoes

No. 4210
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 120 €
papier mâché shoulder headed doll, 33 cm, brown sleepy eyes, closed mouth, fabric body, old clothes, with Trousseau suitcase, with pieces of clothing and accessories, 1 handle at suitcase is missing

No. 4211
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 4900 €
STEINER, Le Petit Parisien, Bébé Steiner, medal Dór, Paris 1889, 85 cm, marked in the neck J. Steiner Breveté, SGDG Paris, Sire A20, pressed bisque head, fix inset brown Paperweight eyes, closed mouth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, papier mâché head cover, real hair wig, old clothes, shoes and socks, exceptional size, nice expression, specially nice body with beautiful hands

No. 4212
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 90 €
skin dog, France, black, 42 cm, (box for pyjamas)

No. 4213
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 80 €
pin-cushion, with 4 bags, 1 x perfume bottle, 1 x bag shaped like a mussel, small silver bag, 2.5 cm - 7 cm

No. 4214
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 120 €
mixed lot of doll hats, boxes, 2 fans, 1 hood for an early doll, head with a diameter of 5 cm, small box made of chipboard, brush, mirror, a nice mixed lot

No. 4215
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 120 €
doll's secretary, 49 cm tall, 60 cm wide, 27 cm deep, with drawers, middle door, nice work, c. 1890

No. 4216
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 380 €
donkey and cart, 30 cm, clock mechanism drive is intact, donkey papier mâché, one foot with cracks, figure with papier mâché head, wooden car with casting wheels with spokes, original clothes, nice original condition

No. 4217
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 90 €
pull game, sheep with bell wheel, 28 cm

No. 4218
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 450 €
horse-drawn carriage, 80 cm long, handpainted wood, wheels with spokes, c. 1890, nice decoration for a large doll

No. 4219
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 80 €
2 pieces chairs, with folding table, for dolls with a size between c. 40 cm and 50 cm, around 1900

No. 4220
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 80 €
doll piano, function is faulty, 1 key is broken, 53 cm wide, 28 cm tall