Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
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No. 2180
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 70 €
"Journal des d Marcels", painted picture, on paper, with put on clothes, Biedermeier, with wooden frame, unusual

No. 2181
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 90 €
Art Deco, hat shop, 26 cm wide, 15 cm tall, can be open

No. 2182
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 120 €
VILLEROY & BOCH, WALLERFANGEN, dinner service, red flower decor, 6 soup plates, 11 cm in diameter, 6 dinner plates, soup tureen, sauce boat, bowl with cover, 2 bowls, dish

No. 2183
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 60 €
portable sewing machine, heavy cast model, 31.5 cm long, 24 cm tall, signed, original Express

No. 2184
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 80 €
mixed lot of decoration pieces for a dollhouse, table, pictures, with frame made of gilded sheet brass, small box, gilded sheet brass, 2 spyglasses ivory, box made of chipboard with tealights, small articles
No. 2185
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 260 €
early shop or fashion shop, c. 1860, Au bon Marche, 50 cm tall, 52 cm wide, 51 cm deep, mirror and shelfs in the back , at the side shelfs, 2 windows, windowpanes with tears, very nice paint outside, old painting inside, is a museum piece, without counter

No. 2186
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 160 €
doll's tableware, rose decor, soup tureen, 6 soup and 6 dinner plate, 10.5 cm in diameter, 2 bowls, cutlery parts, glasses, in original box, in original box

No. 2187
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 70 €
small model chest of drawers, 26 cm tall, 31 cm wide, 3 drawers

No. 2188
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 60 €
washing-up brush holder, handpainted tin, 10 cm

No. 2189
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 120 €
dollhouse doll, bisque shoulder headed doll, bisque arms and legs, fabric body, mohair wig was losing hair, costly dress with train, 18.5 cm

No. 2190
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 120 €
doll man for a dollhouse, with appropiated moustache, 18 cm, felt clothes, with some slightly worn places

No. 2191
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 120 €
dollhouse doll lady, 17 cm, bisque shoulder headed doll, arms and legs, fabric body, original clothes and underwear, fine painting, exceptional hairstyle

No. 2192
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 60 €
cookbook for the doll kitchen, Charlotte Löfflerin, around 1900, 1 volume is a bit worn

No. 2193
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 60 €
cookbook for dolls, "Frau Helenes Kinderchen", c. 1890, 1 volume is a bit worn

No. 2194
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 70 €
knife holder for a doll kitchen, probably MÄRKLIN, handpainted tin, 8 cm, with spoon and beater, with porcelain head, some cutlery parts

No. 2195
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 70 €
egg cupboard, handpainted tin, 9.5 cm, except of small places in good condition

No. 2196
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 70 €
dollhouse store cupboard, handpainted tin, 13 cm

No. 2197
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 420 €
dollhouse kitchen, c. 1910, 97 cm wide, 54 cm tall, furnished, with stove, richly accessories, porcelain parts, tinplate parts, some pieces are made of enameled tin, tin parts, original wallpaper at wall and floor, partially worn, 1 part of the front ornament was supplemented

No. 2198
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot of decoration pieces for a doll kitchen, petroleum can, 7 cm, point at outlet is missing, bread box, brush holder, varnished tin, 1 x soap, sand and soda, enameled tin, small flaked off enamel parts

No. 2199
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 70 €
decoration pieces for a doll kitchen, lithographed tin, plate scales, 8.5 cm, 2 bread boxes, cloth holder, with 1 small copper kettle

No. 2200
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 70 €
decoration pieces for a doll kitchen, 4 spice doses with knob, tin, 4 cm, 1 knob is missing, with small lithographed bread box, 5.5 cm

No. 2201
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 70 €
decoration pieces for a doll kitchen, enameled tin, oven cloth holder, onion holder, spoon holder, wall holder with jug, 1 plate, 6 cm in diameter, very good condition

No. 2202
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 90 €
decoration pieces for a doll kitchen, porcelain blue/white, 2 small boards, 9 cm, 3 spice doses, 1 spoon holder, small jug, herring tin, bowl

No. 2203
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 90 €
decoration pieces for a doll kitchen, blue/white porcelain, 5 spice doses with cover, vinegar and oil carafe, 6 cm, salt and flour jar, with cover, 1 bowl

No. 2204
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 60 €
wash set, ceramic, with flower decor, jug, 5,5 cm, wash bowl, bucket, soap dish, with wall clock, porcelain

No. 2205
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot of doll kitchen parts, sausage tin, 2 spice doses, small boards, some tinplate parts, porcelain sieve, 5 cm in diameter

No. 2206
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 450 €
doll kitchen, c. 1910, 92 cm wide, 48 cm tall, furnished, with high-quality furniture program, old wallpaper, bottom is made of square flags, richly porcelain parts, tin pieces, wall coffee grinder

No. 2207
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 60 €
kitchen cupboard, 50 cm, around 1900, original varnish

No. 2208
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 750 €
shop, Wilhelmine era, 79 cm wide, 45 cm tall, drawers with porcelain signs, was once with old wallpaper new decorated, richly accessories, boxes, bottles, cardboard boxes, original paint outside

No. 2209
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 800 €
dollhouse house, lithographed tin, 26 cm wide, 22 cm tall, 4 rooms, with roof and front garden, absolutely rare, nice original condition

No. 2210
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 450 €
dollhouse school, 52.5 cm wide, 27 cm tall, 31 cm deep, natural wood with benches and black board, 10 children, partially celluloid, partially porcelain, 1 doll with knocked foot, 2 teachers, accessories

No. 2211
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 60 €
nice mixed lot, children's stake, '20s-'50s, for a dollhouse shop, notes and coins

No. 2212
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 60 €
2 pieces asiatic tea boxes, lithographed tin, 5.5 cm, 1 x 3-cornered, 1 x 4-cornered, good condition

No. 2213
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 40 €
1 x cocoa box, lithographed tin, with knob, 4 cm, coffee box with cover, cash block, tin of fish lithographed, 1 chopping board with hatchet

No. 2214
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 120 €
butter machine, 12.5 cm, small gear wheel is missing, otherwise very good condition

No. 2215
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 120 €
dollhouse doll, housekeeper, 18 cm, nice size, bisque shoulder headed doll, arms and legs, fabric body, original clothes

No. 2216
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 160 €
shop, around 1900, 80 cm wide, 34.5 cm tall, with oriel in the back, 2 windows, fitted shelves, drawers with porcelain signs, with counter, accessories, barrel, porcelain parts, glass parts, wooden parts, shop was once painted over

No. 2217
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 120 €
dollkitchen stove, 29 cm wide, 35 cm tall, white/black, (colorwise retouched), brass handle, copper pot set, water vessel, 2 pots, pan, cover of the pan is missing, with burner and funnel

No. 2218
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 2200 €
Les Jeux Forains, showman stall, France, Biedermeier, 48 cm tall, 54 cm wide, side parts can be open, mirrored in the back, inside a Wheel of fortune, bowling alley, and ball game, Biedermeier doll is lifting the arm and is starting the ball rolling at the same time, some prizes, is a museum piece, very decorative


No. 2219
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 320 €
dollhouse-school, 2 classrooms, 79.5 cm wide, 28.5 cm tall, 45 cm deep, old painting, with school benches, boards, teacherdesk, some accessories, 4 dollhouse children, (damaged), decorative

No. 2220
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 180 €
5 pieces dollhouse dolls, children, 9.5 cm, 2 x glass eyes, 2 x painted eyes, old clothes, 3 tiptoes are break off, old clothes, 2 briefcases for a dollhouse or for a doll school


No. 2221
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 160 €
4 doll children for a dollhouse, all-bisque, 10 cm, fix heads, jointed arms and legs, modelled hair, painted eyes, 3 tiptoes are break off, nice original clothes, for a dollhouse or for a doll school


No. 2222
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 90 €
5 pieces dollhouse dolls, celluloid, Minerva, 9 cm, '20s, for a dollhouse or for a doll school, nice original clothes


No. 2223
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 90 €
5 pieces dollhouse dolls, Minerva, 9 cm, for a dollhouse or for a doll school, nice original clothes


No. 2224
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 180 €
4 pieces dollhouse dolls, children, 9.5 cm, partially all-bisque, partially bisque head, mass body, 3 x painted eyes, 1 x glass eyes, (sunken), nice original clothes, 2 satchels, for a dollhouse or a dollhouse school


No. 2225
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 180 €
4 pieces dollhouse dolls, children, all-bisque, 9 cm bis 10 mc, partially fix head, partially socket head, inset glass eyes, nice original clothes, for a dollhouse or for a dollhouse school


No. 2226
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 150 €
1 bag with doll school documents, arithmetic book, French exercise booklet, English exercise booklet, exercise book, marks folder, folder, exercise books, richly

No. 2227
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 120 €
dollhouse dolls, man, 18 cm, bisque shoulder headed doll, modelled hair, appropiated moustache, fabric body, bisque arms and legs, felt clothes

No. 2228
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 80 €
dollhouse doll, man, 16 cm, bisque shoulder headed doll, arms and legs, fabric body, felt clothes

No. 2229
Automn auction October 8/9, 2010
Limit: 70 €
mixed lot of 8 pieces bisque shoulder headed dolls, for dollhouse dolls, partially Biedermeier, 1 head grandfather, glued at back of the head, otherwise good