Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Online Catalog
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Complete catalog

No. 456
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
678 8, bisque porcelain character doll, 43 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, and tongue, used Toddler-body, color deviations at the hands, old real hair wig
Hammerprice: 81,00 €

No. 457
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
201, 60 cm (exceptional size), blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth and tongue, baby with sitting body with stick-out toe, the real hair wig is more recent
Hammerprice: 81,00 €

No. 458
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
SCHILLER Nuremberg
tin-figures, 3.5 cm, flat, in a box made of chipboard,
Hammerprice: 36,00 €

No. 459
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
mixed lot with 5 pieces, hand puppets, more recent production, cat, frog, monkey, owl and crocodile, mostly good condition
Hammerprice: 29,00 €

No. 460
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
Christmas list, mixed lot of wafer pictures, Santa Clauses, angel, figures, Krampus, cards, 1 wafer picture, postwar era
Hammerprice: 27,00 €

No. 461
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
2 papier mâché Easter eggs, 5 pieces, Easter card, sent, 1 Easter basket
Hammerprice: 13,00 €

No. 462
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
Christmas tree stand, c. 1930, metal casting, surface area 26x26 cm, 1 candlestick, ERZGEBIRGE, wood, colored, 42 cm, '50s, Advent wreath, plastic, 1 angel candlestick, wood, 32 cm
Hammerprice: 31,00 €

No. 463
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
doll cradle, lenght: 44 cm, wood, colored, with scratches on the paintwork
Hammerprice: 7,00 €

No. 464
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
mixed lot of hares, 1x attending hare, yellow mohair plush, 29 cm, probably no STEIFF, jointed arms, with 2x velvet hares, 1x rattle-hare, lenght: 17 cm, velvet was extensive retouched, 1x hare, Sunny, sitting, 10 cm, and 1x strongly worn velvet hare, on wooden rolls, 20 cm
Hammerprice: 338,00 €

No. 465
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
Barbie mixed lot, Skipper 1x bendable leg, 1x straight leg, and Tutti, 5 pieces, with outfits, worn - good
Hammerprice: 56,00 €

No. 466
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
mixed lot with 4 pieces, Barbie, bendable leg, Allen, Bubble Cut, 1x straight leg, Barbie in box (scratch on the cheek), otherwise worn - good, dressed
Hammerprice: 142,00 €

No. 467
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
Barbie mixed lot, more recent production, princess and the small town girl, 5 pieces, Princess Aidan, as good as new in original box, box is partially worn, with some more recent dolls , without box
Hammerprice: 161,00 €

No. 468
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
mixed lot of postwar era, 6 items, giraffe, lion, horse, bear, mostly good condition, partially with cloth tag label, please have a look at it
Hammerprice: 42,00 €

No. 469
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
mixed lot of dress doll, c. 1910, height: 18-21 cm, boy, girl, children, with many dresses
Hammerprice: 81,00 €

No. 470
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
some early glossy pictures, 13-18 cm, 1 sacral folding picture book
Hammerprice: 5,00 €

No. 471
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
game book for children, "Wer spielt mit", Marcel Dollingez, 4 boards, with adhesive tape, is stronger worn, with game guidance on the reverse
Hammerprice: 17,00 €

No. 472
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
vase, porcelain shaped like an egg, 12 cm, 1 egg, glass, box, 16 cm, with scratches on the paintwork
Hammerprice: 4,00 €

No. 473
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
mixed lot of cardboard eggs, candy container, partially stuck with lithographed paper, partially covered with fabric, 2 eggs with silk painting, 15-20 cm, silk is slightly worn, 1 big heart, candy-container, 24 cm
Hammerprice: 39,00 €

No. 474
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot, 8 mostly used Steiff animals, 1 x Watch teddy, very good condition, 40 cm
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 475
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 20 €
Barbie, Fashion Queen, worn, worn lashes, some fingers are missing, 1 doll, manufacturer ?
Hammerprice: 61,00 €

No. 476
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 60 €
Barbie, Fashion Queen, lashes, slightly worn, otherwise good, with outfit
Hammerprice: 99,00 €

No. 477
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 60 €
Barbie, Bubble Cut, good condition, in original box, clothes are a bit dirty
Hammerprice: 151,00 €

No. 478
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 30 €
Barbie, case with clothes and accessories, unsorted, worn - good

No. 479
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
small doll kitchen-stove, sheet metal, 15.5 cm, original funnels, 2 pots, some doll kitchen accessories, doll and cookbook are more recent
Hammerprice: 34,00 €

No. 480
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
3200, bisque porcelain head- doll, 46 cm, bisque shoulder headed doll, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, leather body, mass arms, 1 hand is strongly worn, 1 hand, worn places, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks, old real hair wig, head is a bit loose
Hammerprice: 66,00 €

No. 481
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
249, Made in Germany, 14½, bisque porcelain head doll, 60 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, jointed body with fix wrists, old clothes and shoes, old real hair wig, nice expression
Hammerprice: 222,00 €

No. 482
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
dollhouse pram, sheet metal, height: 11 cm, small celluloid doll, bisque porcelain head doll, marked 1000, socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, opened mouth, jointed body, more recent, 22 cm, 1 all-bisque doll, head was at neck multiple glued
Hammerprice: 251,00 €

No. 483
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
small Googly, 323, 16 cm, with blue to the side looking sleepy eyes, closed mouth, with 1 standing all-bisque body, jointed arms and legs, modelled shoes and socks, with suitable?, 1 Kewpie, head was glued, 1 bisque porcelain head doll, ARMAND MARSEILLE, 390, simple standing mass body, 21 cm, 1 doll's pram, sheet metal, hood is missing
Hammerprice: 422,00 €

No. 484
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
bisque porcelain shoulder headed doll, c. 50 cm, fix inset brown glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, leather body, bisque forearms, mohair wig, legs are loose enclosed, BAEHR & PROESCHILD, 325-7, bisque porcelain socket head, on a bisque breast plate, fix inset blue glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, head restored, wig is more recent, AM 370, shoulder headed doll, 54 cm, the glass eyes were afterwards fix inset, opened mouth, lips were over painted, clothes and wig are more recent, wig wasn't removed, from outside are no flaws visible
Hammerprice: 152,00 €

No. 485
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
bisque porcelain socket head doll on a bisque breast plate, 50 cm, the brown glass eyes were afterwards fix inset, opened mouth, upper teeth, middle tooth is missing, dimple at chin, pierced ears, fabric body, arms porcelain, set in leather, clothes and wig are more recent
Hammerprice: 81,00 €

No. 486
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
340 DEP, 40 cm, socket head, fix inset brown paperweight eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, old mohair wig, jointed body with fix wrists, head is dent at the neck crank, clothes old or sewed of old fabric, old shoes and socks
Hammerprice: 168,00 €

No. 487
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
reproduction, all-bisque, Asian, 55 cm, fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, bisque jointed body, more recent production
Hammerprice: 47,00 €

No. 488
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
208, bisque porcelain head doll, Belton-type, 33 cm, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, jointed body with fix wrists, old clothes, shoes and socks, 1 buckle at shoe is missing, skirt is caused of old age in worn condition, more recent real hair-wig
Hammerprice: 337,00 €

No. 489
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
294, bisque porcelain shoulder headed doll, 57 cm, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, oilcloth body, porcelain forearms, 1 loose arm (pin must be new fixed), old mohair wig, old shoes, fingers at 1 hand are knocked
Hammerprice: 107,00 €

No. 490
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
bisque porcelain shoulder headed doll, marked 6, 47 cm, fix inset brown glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, leather body, porcelain arms, fingers at 1 hand are missing, old real hair wig, old clothes, silk is caused of old age a bit worn, nice original hairstyle, nice expression
Hammerprice: 81,00 €

No. 491
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
Christmas tree decoration, big thread star, with wafer picture, 19 cm
Hammerprice: 21,00 €

No. 492
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
4 pieces, angel figures, probably WENDT & KÜHN
Hammerprice: 19,00 €

No. 493
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
Barbie, mixed lot, more recent production, Coca-Cola, Barbie, as good as new in original box, 9 dolls are worn, with outfit
Hammerprice: 68,00 €

No. 494
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
mixed lot of wafer ites, mostly not glued on, 2 angels wafers, 23 cm, some child pictures, 1 paper decoration
Hammerprice: 31,00 €

No. 495
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 60 €
China Head, glazed porcelain, shoulder headed doll, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, dust inclusions at the left brow, enameled under the arms, stitched down fabric body, 43cm, old clothes

Hammerprice: 94,00 €

No. 496
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
mixed lot of games, "Das U-Boot Spiel", '30s, "Die Wunderhölzchen zum denken u. raten", "Das Spiel der 18", "Albert Dürer" game, Happy Families card games, "Bauwunderwürfel", "Gedanken lesen", mostly in box, mostly complete
Hammerprice: 22,00 €

No. 497
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
Standard, scooter, with direction indicator and brake, with traces of usage, good condition
Hammerprice: 6,00 €

No. 498
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
treasure chest, Doll sofa, more recent, 1 stable, c. 1910, 44 cm, wooden construction kit, completeness wasn't checked
Hammerprice: 4,00 €

No. 499
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
mixed lot Barbie, worn, different condition
Hammerprice: 31,00 €

No. 500
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
mixed lot of dolls, BRUNO SCHMIDT, boy, celluloid, 44 cm, girl, celluloid, 43 cm, please note that it is risky to transport the eyes, with some pieces of doll clothes, 2 small beds, small parts
Hammerprice: 86,00 €

No. 501
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
dollhouse decoration pieces, turned tin plates, with a diameter of: 7-8 cm, jug, bread box, sheet metal, copper pots, inside tin-plated, 1 more recent bowl , dinner service, sheet metal, enameled, 4 soup plates, with a diameter of: 7.5 cm, bowl, sauce boat, bowls, salt and pepper
Hammerprice: 61,00 €

No. 502
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
celluloid mixed lot, shoulder headed dolls, SCHILDKRÖT and others, 1 doll PETIT COLLIN, Ingodi-head, 20.5 cm
Hammerprice: 23,00 €

No. 503
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
children's cash register, Famos, sheet metal, lithographed, in original box, 19.5 cm, around 1900, nice decoration for a big shop (stall), original box, multicolored lithographed
Hammerprice: 151,00 €

No. 504
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 150 €
hand puppets, '50s, teddy baby, dark-brown mohair, with button yellow cloth tag label, No.: 317, very good condition, 1 x hand puppet Smardy "der schlaue Fuchs", with button chest label and cloth tag label, No.: 6990/18, very good condition

No. 505
Summerauction - Online - Vol. 1
Limit: 0 €
mixed lot of doll kitchen parts, porcelain, sheet metal, glass, spice box, cake pan, plates, for a middle-sized kitchen
Hammerprice: 35,00 €