Autumn Auction 2017
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No. 4181
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 20 €
billy goat, 46 cm, papier mâché, on casting wheels with spokes, with voice, possibly for restoring, around 1900, with 1 duck ring toss, height: 22 cm
Hammerprice: 240,00 €

No. 4182
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 160 €
2 all-bisque Googlys, 1x with swivel head, painted blue eyes, jointed arms and legs, modelled shoes and socks, blond mohair wig, 11 cm, 1 x bisque porcelain shoulder headed doll, blue fix inset glass eyes, looking to the side, on a bisque body, jointed arms and legs, modelled shoes and socks, height: 13 cm
Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 4183
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 4500 €
French Bébé, bisque porcelain socket head on a bisque breast plate, marked Bru Jne No. 9, 50 cm, fix inset blue paperweight-eyes, closed mouth, slight dimple at chin, pierced ears, chip at the right upper eyelid, fine bright porcelain, wood forearms and lower leg, fine modelled toes, slightly childish cleavage, leather body, right upper arm with color spot, original Bru shoes, unused original condition, old wig with strong hair loss, old underwear, old dress, very nice expression, original Bébé Bru paper sign, good condition

Hammerprice: 4500,00 €

No. 4184
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 50 €
mixed lot of clothes, 1 Zweiteiler, blouse with ROCK, with 3 blouses, 1 pair of shoes, for c. 30 cm doll
Hammerprice: 50,00 €

No. 4185
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 50 €
mixed lot of laundry, for a c. 50 cm tall doll, blouses, slips, trousers, nice lot
Hammerprice: 50,00 €

No. 4187
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 150 €
bisque porcelain-shoulder headed doll, Belton-type, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, breast plate marked:2R-3, fix patched real hair wig, leather body, porcelain forearms, dress is more recent, 39 cm
Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 4188
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 60 €
bisque porcelain shoulder headed doll, enameled porcelain, Biedermeier, black pinned-up hairstyle, painted eyes, fabric body, porcelain arms are missing, 35 cm, fabric body in used condition

Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 4189
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 250 €
bisque porcelain shoulder headed doll, Biedermeier, full head, modelled blond hair, black hair ring, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, breast plate marked: No. 13, deep breast plate, bisque forearm, leather body, 62 cm, old clothes, shoes and underwear

Hammerprice: 400,00 €

No. 4190
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 120 €
decoration piece for Bébé, wood bench, splendid carving, height: 23 cm, width: 49 cm, depth: 21 cm

No. 4191
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 220 €
decoration piece for a Bébé, piano, wood, porcelain keys, with ornaments made of gilded sheet brass, height: 33 cm, width: 32 cm, depth: 17 cm, nice decoration piece, intact
Hammerprice: 230,00 €

No. 4193
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 180 €
doll with bisque porcelain head, 41 cm, bisque socket head on a bisque breast plate, brown sleepy eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, leather body, porcelain forearms, real hair wig, the complex clothes are old or were sewed of old fabric, with a small firing crack at the back of the head, body with a torn place

Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 4194
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 120 €
living-room suite, table, 2 armchairs, height: 24 and 31 cm, around 1900, nice doll decoration for German dolls
Hammerprice: 270,00 €

No. 4195
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 80 €
hatbox with 3 doll's hats, for a head with a diameter of: 4-8 cm, around 1900
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 4196
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 20 €
pelt dog, sitting, 16 cm, glass eyes, nice doll decoration, good condition
Hammerprice: 70,00 €

No. 4197
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 120 €
toilets casket, France, around 1900, jug, washbasin and accessories, in original box, mirrored, very nice unused original condition
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 4198
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 120 €
sledge, wicker, 27 cm, 3 bisque socket head dolls, AM and K&R, 15 cm, K&R, with mechanism for turning the head, by turning the head the legs start moving, rare in this size, small AM 390, 20 cm, small K&R, 18 cm, tiptoes are knocked, 2 dollhouse dolls
Hammerprice: 250,00 €

No. 4199
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 280 €
papier mâché shoulder headed doll, c. 1870, 55 cm,fix inset brown glass eyes, opened mouth, 2 upper and lower teeth, leather body, old clothes and shoes, old real hair wig, nice original condition, 1 hand is slightly worn
Hammerprice: 450,00 €

No. 4200
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 140 €
papier mâché shoulder headed doll, wax coated, 50 cm, modelled hair, with hairband, fix inset brown paperweight eyes, pierced ears, the slight formation of cracks in face are caused of old age , were professional closed, fabric body, mass arms and legs, modelled boots, old clothes and underwear
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 4201
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 140 €
porcelain shoulder headed doll, China-Head, Biedermeier, 48 cm, fine modelled hair, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, fabric body, enameled porcelain arms and legs
Hammerprice: 140,00 €

No. 4202
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 180 €
doll with bisque porcelain shoulder headed, 52 cm, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, head is bent to the side, leather body, with porcelain forearms, real hair wig, complex worked old clothes or sewed of old fabric, old shoes
Hammerprice: 390,00 €

No. 4203
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 60 €
320, bisque porcelain doll, 50 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, tongue, pierced ears, pierced nostrils, dimple at chin, standing mass body, real hair wig, old clothes
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 4204
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 180 €
porcelain shoulder headed doll, enameled, China-Head, Biedermeier, 41 cm, modelled hair with bun, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, leather body
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 4205
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 160 €
1249 DEP, doll with bisque porcelain head, 44 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, old mohair wig, jointed body, old underwear, original condition without without damage, body in exceptional good condition
Hammerprice: 360,00 €

No. 4206
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 260 €
1279, DEP, size 12, doll with bisque porcelain head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, dimple, jointed body in very good condition, 65 cm, old mohair wig, a bit wig pull, old clothes, very nice modelled
Hammerprice: 800,00 €

No. 4207
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 1400 €
doll with bisque porcelain head, 117a, size markings 58 cm, brown sleepy eyes, closed mouth, jointed body, 56 cm, mohair wig, old clothes and shoes, soles were supplemented
Hammerprice: 1400,00 €

No. 4208
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 360 €
128 on a toddler body, marked 42, size difference of 48 cm, bisque socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth and tongue, old mohair wig, toddler body was partially colorwise retouched, old clothes or sewed of old fabric
Hammerprice: 1000,00 €

No. 4209
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 360 €
doll with bisque porcelain head, marked horseshoe 1900-12. Made in Germany, fix inset blue glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, jointed body in very good condition, real hair wig, old clothes, underwear and shoes, exceptional size
Hammerprice: 500,00 €

No. 4210
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 650 €
doll with bisque porcelain head, marked 15, 85 cm, socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, French jointed body, real hair wig, old underwear, old shoes, exceptional size, body in very good condition
Hammerprice: 1100,00 €

No. 4211
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 1600 €
doll with bisque porcelain head, marked red stamp Depose TETE Jumeau, 11, 58 cm, socket head, fix inset brown paperweight eyes, closed mouth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, French jointed body, old mohair wig, old clothes


No. 4212
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 280 €
117 N, 58 cm, bisque socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, toddler body with pulled up knee joints, rubber hands, original at this doll, wig is more recent, clothes sewed of old fabric
Hammerprice: 350,00 €

No. 4213
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 260 €
doll with bisque porcelain head, No. 716 99 DEP Germany, 80 cm, bisque socket head, blue sleepy eyes, lashes supplemented, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, formed jointed body, old sailor dress, old shoes and socks, real hair wig
Hammerprice: 480,00 €

No. 4214
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 180 €
bisque porcelain character baby, 65 cm, exceptional size, brown sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, teeth, French toddler body with stick-out toe, real hair wig, with small firing crack on the forehead, typical flaked off mass part at the fingers
Hammerprice: 280,00 €

No. 4215
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 260 €
9 49 size 18, 96 cm, bisque socket head, brown, the glass eyes were afterwards fix inset (eyes are more recent), opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, jointed body, partially unhandsome retouched, wig is more recent, old dress, exceptional size
Hammerprice: 800,00 €

No. 4216
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 250 €
probably KPM
China-Head, enameled porcelain, breast plate head doll, c. 1880, fine modelled hair, blue painted eyes, at the side with floral decorations, head was glued at back of the head, fabric body, leather forearms, partially old clothes, or sewed of old fabric

Hammerprice: 900,00 €

No. 4217
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 80 €
miniature leather bag, stamped, with sewing utensils, 1860-1880, nice decoration for a high-quality fashion doll, width: 6 cm, unusual
Hammerprice: 260,00 €

No. 4218
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 120 €
miniature doll accessories, small casket with pair of glasses, knitting utensils, bags, pocket watch, pendant, partially gold plating, for a small high-quality fashion doll
Hammerprice: 500,00 €

No. 4219
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 80 €
miniature leather bag for a high-quality fashion doll, with sewing utensils, 4.5 cm, c. 1880, nice decoration
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 4220
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 1200 €
doll's tricycle, height: 23 cm, papier mâché head, c. 1860
Hammerprice: 1800,00 €

No. 4221
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 70 €
4 pairs of doll's shoes, 1900-1920, different sizes, nice lot
Hammerprice: 70,00 €

No. 4222
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 90 €
5 pairs of doll's shoes, 1900-1920, different sizes, nice lot
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 4223
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 80 €
Biedermeier fan, paper, ivory, handpainted, 28 cm, for an early big doll, 1860
Hammerprice: 90,00 €