Autumn Auction 2017
Online Catalog
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No. 3008
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 120 €
2 Yes/No bears, '50s, 1x brown, good condition, 1x yellow, used, mohair at tail is missing
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 3009
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 70 €
3 bears, 1x Herrmann, 60 cm, mohair plush, postwar era, kinked arms, glass eyes, good condition, 1x bear, manufacturers?, 34 cm, synthetic plush, glass eyes, 1x fencer bear, 33 cm, with Fechter cloth tag label, '60s, good condition
Hammerprice: 70,00 €

No. 3010
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot with 4 pieces, 1x black tom cat, with button and chest label, heigth at hump: 10 cm, 1x lion, 5-fold jointed, with button, standing height: 13 cm, 1x original teddy, sitting, with button, rests yellow cloth tag label, 1x Schuco Berlin bear, 5 cm, with ribbon and crown, good condition
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 3011
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 30 €
wool miniatures, with button and cloth tag label, 1x No. 1504, 1x No. 1504.41, 1x bird, 1x raven, No. 1508, wire feet, used, otherwise good condition
Hammerprice: 30,00 €

No. 3012
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 120 €
bear, c. 1930, 36 cm, long snaped off arms, slight hump, eyes are missing, paws were over sewed, without button, used
Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 3013
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 160 €
bear, '30s, 22 cm, with button, long stretched f, long slightly snaped off arms, slight hump, paws good, mohair except of small places in good condition, nice expression
Hammerprice: 450,00 €

No. 3014
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 120 €
bear, probably from the '30s, 50 cm, button, long stretched f, long snaped off arms, hump, nice embroidering, paws were over sewed, strongly used
Hammerprice: 650,00 €

No. 3015
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 60 €
10 wool miniatures, frog, button and cloth tag label, 8 fishes, button and cloth tag label, penguin with button
Hammerprice: 110,00 €

No. 3016
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 60 €
10 wool miniatures, poultry, beetle, frog, 2 birds without button and cloth tag label, otherwise with button and cloth tag label, good condition
Hammerprice: 70,00 €

No. 3017
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 60 €
17 wool miniatures, hares, birds, mice, owl, penguin, frog, 1 bird with button and cloth tag label, good up to used condition
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 3018
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot with 19 pieces, 9x with button, dog, cats, sheep, 1 bird is complete, 10 pieces without button, chest label and cloth tag label, used up to good condition
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 3019
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 80 €
mixed lot with 3 pieces, 1 Steiff bear, '30s, dark-brown, 26 cm, long snaped off arms, hump, with button, long stretched f, paws were over sewed, 1 small Steiff original teddy, 17 cm, used, 1 bear Hermann, 45 cm, used, paws were over sewed
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 3020
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 160 €
bear on casting spoke rolls, 49 cm, c. 1915, shoe button eyes, mechanism for turning head, tail is missing, therefore function not intact, ears wer possibly once supplemented
Hammerprice: 260,00 €

No. 3021
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 90 €
Jopi-bear, pre-war era, 46 cm, brown pointed mohair, long slightly snaped off arms, used, felt paws were restored, used
Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 3022
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 350 €
Breuni bear, 714, complete, mohair, felt, jointed, advertising figure department store Breuninger Stuttgart 1956/57, 14 cm, very good condition
Hammerprice: 600,00 €

No. 3023
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 80 €
bear, dark-brown, with button, long stretched f, rests of the red cloth tag label, '30s, 9 cm
Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 3024
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 90 €
dangling teddy, c. 1932, 22 cm, with button, long stretched f, rests of the red cloth tag label, used, hull with some patches with flaws
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 3025
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 60 €
beaver, seat height 9 cm, with button and cloth tag label, No. 4310.00, with paper sign: Canadian maple leaf, but in derogation of the item that is listed in the catalog, with opened mouth, original?
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 3026
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 90 €
2 pieces, 1x hare, syntetic silk plush, 35 cm with ears, button, with block letters1x Scotty on wheels, 15 cm, with button, mohair good
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 3027
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 90 €
3 bears, 50/'70s, Zolac, 40 cm, Lully, 17 cm, Lully with button, 28 cm, good condition
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 3028
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 120 €
mixed lot with 6 pieces, '50s/'60s, 1 polar bear, 15 cm, with chest label, Hush Puppy, 14 cm, with button, dromedary, 14 cm, complete, No. 0600/14, Dally, 12 cm, zebra, wool plush, 20 cm, shiny button, US-cloth tag label, giraffe, wool plush, 28 cm, button and cloth tag label, US-cloth tag label
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 3029
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 90 €
mixed lot with 4 pieces, 50/'60s, cock, 9 cm, button, chest label and cloth tag label, Wickie, 12 cm, button, chest label and cloth tag label, Pandy, 25 cm, duck, 13 cm, button and cloth tag label, US-cloth tag label, good condition
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 3030
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 90 €
mixed lot with 4 pieces, 50/'60s, Zotty, 22 cm, button, chest label and cloth tag label, Piccy, 25 cm, button, chest label and cloth tag label, Scotty, 12 cm, button, chest label and cloth tag label, hare Nikili, 26 cm, good condition
Hammerprice: 160,00 €

No. 3031
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 160 €
mixed lot with 5 pieces, '50s/'60s, original teddy, caramel colored, 1x 40 cm, with button, 1x 33 cm, 1x 21 cm, 2x 10 cm, good condition
Hammerprice: 240,00 €

No. 3032
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 90 €
mixed lot with 6 pieces, 50/'60s, zebra, complete, 22 cm, fox, 18 cm, button and chest label, leopard, 12 cm, complete, Bazy, 10 cm, complete, Murmy, 10 cm, complete, Swapl, 10 cm, complete, good condition
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 3033
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 100 €
mixed lot with 7 pieces, 1x Jolanthe, 10 cm, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, complete, 1x Bessy, dog, 10 cm, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, 1x Wotan, 12 cm, complete, 1x polar bear, complete, 1x donkey, 10 cm, complete, 1x Nosy rhinoceros complete, unused condition, 1x basset, 12 cm, with button and cloth tag label
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 3034
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 100 €
mixed lot with 4 pieces, 1x dromedary, 28 cm, unused condition, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, 1x dromedary, 14 cm, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, 1x Springbock Yuko, button without cloth tag label, in very good condition, 1x rhinoceros, Reinhold, seat height: 22 cm, with rests of the yellow cloth tag label
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 3035
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 100 €
mixed lot with 4 pieces, 1x zebra, 12 cm, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, giraffe, 14 cm, complete, with 1x skunk Skunk, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, 1x Lizzy, 4 cm, with button and cloth tag label
Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 3036
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 40 €
5 dwarfes, Lucki, 28 cm, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, 1x Gucki, 18 cm, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, 1x Lucki, 1x Gucki, 1x Pucki, 12 cm, all with button, chest label and cloth tag label, a nice lot, unused condition
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 3037
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 80 €
Pandy, largest version, lenght: 40 cm, with button and rests of the yellow cloth tag label, swivel head, single places with small mohair loss
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 3038
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 100 €
mixed lot with 5 pieces, 1x Bengal tiger, sitting, with button, 14 cm, 1x Nelly, 10 cm, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, Peggy, 10 cm, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, and also bison and Pfiff, very good condition, a nice lot
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 3039
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 100 €
mixed lot with 6 pieces, mohair ball, 12 cm, with minimally rests of the yellow cloth tag label, mohair-donkey, 22 cm, with button and cloth tag label, chicken, 8 cm, Waldili, 22 cm, with chest label, Tabby, 9 cm, with button and cloth tag label, 1x Kitty, 17 cm, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, 5-fold jointed, partially used
Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 3040
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 100 €
6 dogs, dalmatian, Dally, 10 cm, with button and rests of the yellow cloth tag label, 1x boxer, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, 1x Bernie, with breast sign and button, 1x Foxy and 1x Molly, sitting, 1x terrier, 8 cm, 1x Molly complete with button, chest label and cloth tag label, a nice lot
Hammerprice: 160,00 €

No. 3041
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 100 €
mixed lot with 5 pieces, 1x Dormy, 12 cm, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, 1x Adebar, 17 cm, complete, and also 1x Pips, 1x elephant, with button and cloth tag label, 1x Crabby, 10 cm, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, very nice unused condition, a nice lot
Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 3042
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 40 €
mixed lot with 4 pieces, 1x Joko, 35 cm, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, 1x Lumpi, 18 cm, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, 1x Coco, 22 cm, complete, 1x Tulla, 17 cm, with button, chest label and cloth tag label
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 3043
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 40 €
Yes/No monkey with music mechanism, seat height: 31 cm, mechanism can be wind up, but it stucks, mohair in good condition
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 3044
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 70 €
4 animals, 1x Pandy, 10 cm, complete, and also 1x panda, 12 cm, 1x young bear, 1x Adebar, complete, a nice lot
Hammerprice: 360,00 €

No. 3045
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 50 €
10 wool miniatures, 1x duck, with button and cloth tag label, 1 stork, with button, St. Patrick´s Bird, with button and cloth tag label, very nice lot, good condition, please have a look at it
Hammerprice: 50,00 €

No. 3046
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 40 €
spider, Spidy, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, No. 2322,00, 22 cm, good condition
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 3047
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 70 €
bear, Zooby, 28 cm, with button and cloth tag label, No. 4328,02, in good condition
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 3048
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 45 €
hand puppet, pre-war era, Bully, with red mohair, button with long stretched f, the original ears were afterwards sewed on, used
Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 3049
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 45 €
mixed lot of hand puppets, '50s, 1x lion, syntetic silk plush, with button and yellow cloth tag label, 1x Steiff Molly, with button, and also Bully, monkey, 1 lioness
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 3050
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 40 €
Eric, bat, '50s, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, No. 1310,00, good condition
Hammerprice: 280,00 €

No. 3051
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 160 €
2 pieces, Janus, 2-face-bear, 9 cm, 1x good condition, with small traces of usage, 1x good condition, but tongue is missing

Hammerprice: 160,00 €

No. 3052
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 90 €
6 pieces, 5 bears, 1 bird, 7 - 9 cm, mostly in good condition, 1 usedbear, bird with intact clock mechanism
Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 3053
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 60 €
dog made of velvet, pre-war era, seat height: 10 cm, caricature porcelain eyes, good condition

Hammerprice: 110,00 €

No. 3054
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 0 €
Max from the series Max and Moritz, complete, No. 8710.70
Hammerprice: 40,00 €

No. 3055
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 120 €
2 original teddies, postwar era, 10 cm, yellow-gold and dark-brown, with button, good condition
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 3056
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 90 €
6 pieces, 4x miniatures made of wool, with button and cloth tag label, Hucky, complete, 1 raven, 1 Jocko, with chest label, good up to very good condition

No. 3057
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 120 €
3 pieces, 1x squirrel, pre-war era, with button, mohair, slightly faded, 19 cm, 1x Pupp hare, with button, long stretched f, felt clothes are more recent, 26 cm, 1x Scotty, with button, long stretched f, with breast sign, height: 15 cm, used
Hammerprice: 180,00 €