Autumn Auction 2017
Online Catalog
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No. 1605
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 450 €
track 0, model carriage, 1942 G, dining car, red, with interior fittings, 40 cm, with small traces of usage, good condition
Hammerprice: 450,00 €

No. 1606
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 290 €
track 0, 1941 model passenger coach, 40 cm, good condition
Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 1607
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 280 €
track 2, age-old, covered freight waggon with brakeman's cab, 2 sliding doors, old "Märklin"-symbol, axles are missing, very good condition
Hammerprice: 350,00 €

No. 1608
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 170 €
track 2, age-old, covered freight waggon, handpainted sheet metal, 2 openings, 16 cm, used, with small scratches on the paintwork that are caused of old age, original condition
Hammerprice: 250,00 €

No. 1609
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 190 €
track 2, age-old, high-sided gondola, 2-axled, good condition, 16 cm, wheels are missing
Hammerprice: 250,00 €

No. 1610
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 90 €
track 1, fish belly bridge, 3-part, good condition
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 1611
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 90 €
track 1, tank-car, Shell, with brakeman's cab, 2-axled, 24 cm, original condition, paint with slight formations of spider lines that are caused of old age
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 1612
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 780 €
track 0, 2B EE 643020, grey/black, with 3-axled tender, handpainted sheet metal, old "Märklin"-symbol, roof at driver's house was colorwise retouched

No. 1613
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 580 €
track 1, electrical steam-locomotive 2B, grey/black, 20 volt, without tender, green/black, roof at driver's house and also dome were colorwise retouched, otherwise good

No. 2001
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 240 €
dollhouse kitchen, width: 1.06 m, height: 71 cm (without feet), depth: 62 cm, the feet down below are more recent, can be dismount, furnished, richly accessories, old painting
Hammerprice: 240,00 €

No. 2002
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 280 €
shop, width: 1.10 m, height: 60 cm, depth: 54 cm, shopwindow in front, shelves with sliding doors in the back, porcelain signs, brass handles, stairs with gallery, desk, counter, richly accessories, floor painting c. 1880, wall painting probably from the '20s, in the back a small attached room that is probably more recent

No. 2003
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 40 €
2 original boxes, c. 1920, doorhandles, knobs, small hinges, original wrapped up, for a larger room or shop
Hammerprice: 1100,00 €

No. 2004
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot of meals, mass, 2 - 9 cm, for a butcher's shop, partially old, some pieces are more recent
Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 2005
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 20 €
windows parapet, 3 pieces, with windows, 1 door, top height: 38 cm, 3 windows, wood, fretwork, probably from around 1900, nice restoration piece
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 2006
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 120 €
Biberacher sheet metal, cradle, 17 cm, pole and also canopy are missing, original bedclothes
Hammerprice: 600,00 €

No. 2007
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 120 €
lithophanie, tin, bisque picture, 12 cm, around 1900, good condition
Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 2008
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 120 €
5 dollhouse dolls, 8.5 - 12 cm, 1 tiptoe is knocked, 1 doll with a break off foot , 1 doll without wig, all original clothes, a loft find
Hammerprice: 260,00 €

No. 2009
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 120 €
small dollhouse shop, width: 46 cm, height: 26 cm, drawers with tin signs, 1 drawer is missing, 2 shopwindows in front, original wallpaper at wall and floor, caused of old age in slightly worn condition, original paint outside, nice size, accessories are partially a little bit more recent
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 2010
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 160 €
"Lebensrad", optical toy, height: 38 cm, with many filmstrips, around 1900, original condition, with small tender spots at the side

No. 2011
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 90 €
bell and hammer, original box, with 5 boards, cube, hammer, with manual, nice original box, Heinrich Spiel, around 1900

No. 2012
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 90 €
"Hausmütterchens Kochschule für Spiel und Leben", Anna Jäger, richly contents, with guidance book, completeness wasn't checked, original box with multicolored lithographed cover picture, around 1900
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 2013
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 60 €
Dessin-Aspersion, Spritz-Malerei, manual with accessories, original box, around 1900, completeness wasn't checked
Hammerprice: 70,00 €

No. 2014
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 650 €
probably MÄRKLIN
museum dollkitchen stove, c. 1870, width: 38 cm, height: 50 cm, circular, tinplate, brass doors in the front and also at the side and in the back, lion's paw feet, body with coffee roaster at the top , 3 tinplate pots with brass cover, 1 cover isn't original, certainly from a stately household, nice decoration for an early doll, all pots original and suitable?

Hammerprice: 2100,00 €

No. 2015
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 160 €
dollkitchen stove, tinplate, lion's paw feet, early, width: 37 cm, height: 22 cm, pot set original?, some covers are missing

No. 2016
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 280 €
Biberacher sheet metal, dollkitchen stove, with kettle at the top and 2 funnels, c. 1870, width: 48.5 cm, height: 43 cm, kettle in front isn't original, original pot set, original water boiler, unusual, is a museum piece, a bit rust
Hammerprice: 2000,00 €

No. 2017
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 60 €
sewing box, with pattern and accessories, original box, multicolored lithographed, completeness wasn't checked, around 1900, box is caused of old age slightly worn

Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 2018
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 60 €
"Hausmütterchens Kochschule für Spiel und Leben", Anna Jäger, original box, with richly accessories, completeness wasn't checked, with game guidance, the original box is caused of old age in worn condition
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 2019
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 160 €
dollhouse kiosk, '50s, manufacturing work, width: 48 cm, height: 32 cm, nice decoration for Lilli dolls, original condition
Hammerprice: 950,00 €

No. 2020
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 320 €
small corner kitchen with chimney hood, height: 32 cm, width: 34 cm, fire place, fix fitted shelves, goose stable, some accessories, partially more recent, original painting

Hammerprice: 750,00 €

No. 2021
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 280 €
small kitchen with chimney hood, width: 52 cm, height: 41 cm, fire place, fix fitted shelves, old painting
Hammerprice: 2700,00 €

No. 2022
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 280 €
small dollhouse manufacture house, height: 49 cm, width: 47.5 cm, entrance is covered, with balcony, old wallpaper inside at wall and floor, original paint outside, richly accessories, furnished, a very dusty loft find, up-painted windows at the side, nice size, small corner at the rood is missing, original condition

Hammerprice: 650,00 €

No. 2023
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 180 €
dollhouse shop, width: 75 cm, height: 42 cm, drawers with porcelain handle and sheet metal signs, old painting, wallpapers are more recent, richly accessories, partially from different periods
Hammerprice: 360,00 €

No. 2024
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 60 €
dollkitchen stove, early, width: 30 cm, height: 35 cm, lion's paw feet, brass edging, brass doors, funnel isn't original, water vessel and also 1 pan are original, 3 pots are missing
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 2025
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 280 €
exceptional dollkitchen stove, manufacturing work, before 1900, tinplate, brass doors, oven door in the middle is missing, brass handle, original copper water vessel, with porcelain knob at cover, 2 tinplate pots, with porcelain knob, 1 handle is missing, original coffee roaster, duty, 1 copper pot, original?, 1 brass kettle, very decorative
Hammerprice: 280,00 €

No. 2026
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 160 €
dollkitchen stove, width: 42 cm, height: 40 cm, pot set with water vessel, funnel original?, around 1900

No. 2027
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 40 €
dollkitchen stove, width: 34.5 cm, height: 37 cm, with funnel and burner, pot set is missing, around 1900, casting lion's paw feet
Hammerprice: 160,00 €

No. 2028
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 40 €
dollkitchen stove, width: 34 cm, sheet metal, stamped tile pattern, brass doors, brass water vessel, without funnel and pot set, around 1900, with scratches on the paintwork, loft find
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 2029
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 80 €
dollkitchen stove, width: 42.5 cm, heavy sheet metal version, tiled, 1 oven, in the back 2 doors for the burner, with burners, pot set and funnel are missing
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 2030
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 150 €
interesting treasure chest, doll kitchen pieces, pots, kettle, water vessels, cocoa cooker, funnels, 1 shop sign Franz Wittmann Zuckerwarenfabrik Schweinfurth
Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 2031
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 160 €
small shop, pear tree, width: 45 cm, height: 25 cm, 2 shopwindows, counter, drawers with porcelain signs, original paint outside, old wallpapers, nice size
Hammerprice: 350,00 €

No. 2032
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 180 €
exceptional travel dollhouse case, collapsible, bedroom, c. 1920, Art-Deco, width: 53 cm, height: 28 cm, furnished, cupboards are fitted in and are removable, one window at the side, nice size, old painting, unusual
Hammerprice: 750,00 €

No. 2033
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 650 €
stately dollhouse room, 2 pieces, width: 74 cm, height: 36 cm, old wallpaper, 5 windows, passage, many Erhard & Söhne parts, gilded sheet brass, magazine rack, cigarette holder, writing things, lamp, mirror, clock holder, 2 dollhouse dolls
Hammerprice: 2100,00 €

No. 2034
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 650 €
dollhouse room, 2 pieces, width: 74 cm, height: 40 cm, depth: 35.5 cm, 3 windows, passage door, old wallpaper, furnished with Biedermeier furnitures, richly accessories, dollhouse dolls, pram
Hammerprice: 850,00 €

No. 2035
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 280 €
dollhouse room with oriel, 2 pieces, width: 77 cm, height: 29 cm, furnished with accessories and dollhouse dolls, old wallpapers, caused of old age in slightly worn condition
Hammerprice: 420,00 €

No. 2036
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 120 €
small dollhouse casing, width: 52 cm, height: 22 cm, old wallpaper, partially old painting, furnished in Biedermeier style, 2 dollhouse dolsl, '20s/'30s
Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 2037
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 450 €
dollhouse room with orielat the side, 2 pieces, width: 1.16 m, height: 40 cm, furnished with dollhouse dolls, accessories, many tin parts, exceptional tin stove with coal container
Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 2038
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 220 €
dollhouse room, 2 pieces, width: 79 cm, height: 31 cm, 3 windows, passage door, old wallpaper, furnished, richly accessories, with dollhouse dolls
Hammerprice: 390,00 €

No. 2039
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 450 €
small kitchen with chimney hood, width: 63 cm, height: 35 cm, furnished with sheet metal furnitures, some accessories, stove is slightly more recent
Hammerprice: 450,00 €

No. 2040
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 280 €
small dollhouse, height: 49 cm, width: 29.5 cm, front stuck with lithographed paper, caused of old age stained, old wallpaper at wall and floor, furnished, partially with Biedermeier furnitures

Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 2041
Autumn Auction 2017
Limit: 160 €
gilded sheet brass, clock holder with small pocket watch, height: 4 cm
Hammerprice: 450,00 €