Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
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No. 3157
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 30 €
STEIFF, mixed lot of 3 pieces hand puppets, 1x teddy baby, with button and rests of the yellow cloth tag label, opened mouth, dark-brown, with squirrel, very good condition, with hand puppet dwarf, with felt cap, good condition
Hammerprice: 40,00 €

No. 3158
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 20 €
STEIFF, 3 pieces hand puppets, owl Witty, lion, 1 fox with button and rests of the yellow cloth tag label
Hammerprice: 50,00 €

No. 3159
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 30 €
STEIFF, 4 hand puppets, 1x frog, with button, with black poodle, with button and cloth tag label, No. 317, 1x hare, 1x monkey
Hammerprice: 50,00 €

No. 3160
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 30 €
STEIFF, 4 pieces, 3 hand puppets, 1x parrot Lora, good condition, with teddy baby with button, minimally rests of the yellow cloth tag label, 1 squirrel, with hare with felt dress and button, 17 cm, a nice mixed lot
Hammerprice: 50,00 €

No. 3161
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 30 €
STEIFF, '50s, wooden toys, roll with Steiff-sticker, green painting, 13 cm tall, 43 cm long, with cement trailer

Hammerprice: 100,00 €

No. 3162
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 40 €
STEIFF, wooden toys, 2 carriages, multicolored painting, 4 windows, with Steiff imprint No. 4821, rubbber tyres wheels, 28 cm long, 19 cm tall, with a carriage with Steiff sticker, rubbber tyres wheels, a window, 20 cm long, 14 cm tall, partly a little bit worned
Hammerprice: 110,00 €

No. 3163
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 220 €
STEIFF, bear, c. 1930, with button, block letters, syntetic silk plush, dusty, tip of the snout is worn, glass eyes, long snaped off arms, hump, 35 cm, left arm with worn claw, partly a little bit worned

Hammerprice: 400,00 €

No. 3164
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 230 €
STEIFF, bear, with button, long stretched F, white mohair, glass eyes, light colored embroidering at snout, slight mohair loss, single flaws at the felt paws, arms with a bit fill loss, long snaped off arms, hump, 27 cm, tip of the snout is a little bit worn, nice expression

Hammerprice: 280,00 €

No. 3165
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 120 €
STEIFF, bear, with shoe button eyes, caramel colored, long slightly snaped off arms, added hump, felt paws were over sewed, partly worn at the arms, mohair loss, 31 cm

Hammerprice: 240,00 €

No. 3166
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 180 €
STEIFF, monkey, 35PPB, c. 1904, 35 cm, mohair plush brown, jointed, PPB (mohair plush & movable), shoe button eyes, partly stronger mohair loss, small faults at the felt of the hands and in face, otherwise nice original condition, unusual, rare
Hammerprice: 380,00 €

No. 3167
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 180 €
STEIFF, chimpanzee, mohair plush, nice strong paints, yellow/black striped resp. yellow/brown striped, jointed, sitting, with button and red cloth tag label, label: Made in Germany, No. 5323, c. 1927, felt except of smaller places in good condition, flaws at the right felt hand, nice expression
Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 3168
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 60 €
STEIFF, unusual monkey (chimpanzee), with big button, block letters, long stretched F, strong faults in the felt at the nose and at the right ear, hands and feet were possibly 1x over sewed, beige mohair, partly places with slight loss, 27 cm

No. 3169
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 60 €
STEIFF, chimpanzee, with button, block letters, long stretched F, felt face and ears and legs, beige mohair, 12 cm, nice original condition

No. 3170
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 80 €
STEIFF, squirrel, velvet, tail and ears are made of mohair plush, red-brown, attending, with velvet nut, with button, block letters, long stretched F, 13 cm, c. 1935, very nice original condition
Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 3171
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 60 €
STEIFF, 2 cats, 1x cat Fluffy, sitting, with button, block letters, slight purple fiery mohair, swivel head, dusty, 11 cm, with cat on wooden rolls, with button, long stretched F, syntetic silk plush, yellowed, 13 cm tall, smaller flaws at the tip of the snout
Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 3172
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 20 €
STEIFF, duck, with button, long stretched F, block letters, yellow felt feet and beak, smaller flaws at right foot, 14 cm, the shoe button eyes are red underlaid , mohair with single places with loss
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 3173
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 60 €
STEIFF, pig, with button, block letters, long stretched F, shoe button eyes, standing, partly slight mohair loss, a pieces of the wire is stick out at the left arm, 19 cm long, 9 cm tall
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 3175
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 600 €
STEIFF bear, short plush, dark-brown, on cast spoke wheels, c. from 1894, 20 cm tall, 25 cm long, smaller flaws at the felt paws, nice original condition, unusual, rare, leather collar is missing, swivel head, with old original button with long F

Hammerprice: 700,00 €

No. 3176
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 60 €
STEIFF, Record hare, with button, rests of the yellow cloth tag label, breast sign, nice original condition, 26 cm tall, nice full mohair, minimally place at right eye with loss

Hammerprice: 140,00 €

No. 3177
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 60 €
STEIFF, Hucky, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, No. 7317,00, metal legs, felt beak, underlaid with felt eyes, standing height 20 cm, nice original condition

Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 3178
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 30 €
STEIFF, Bib & Bibby, hares, Bib with button and rests of the yellow cloth tag label, breast sign, nice condition, Bibby is slightly used, standing height 12 cm
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 3179
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 50 €
STEIFF, 3 pieces, 1x sparrow on metal feet, with button and breast sign, swivel head, 11.5 cm, 1x Tucky, turkey, with button and cloth tag label, No. 1310,0, condition: without damage, on metal legs, 10 cm, with a raven miniature made of wool with button and cloth tag label, No. 1508, nice condition
Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 3180
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 30 €
STEIFF, 4 pieces, 3 wool miniatures, once squirrel, Nomotta-wool, swivel head, with button and rests of the yellow cloth tag label, mohair tail, 1x swallow with metal legs, 1x penguin, with button and cloth tag label, No. 4508,46, price is visible, 6 cm, 1x Siami-cat, with button and rests of the yellow cloth tag label, velvet mask, sitting, swivel head, 10 cm
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 3181
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 160 €
probably CHUCK VALLEY, mouse, signed at the feet Made in Italy, felt face, with big ears, put on hat, large eyes, flexible body, with tail, umbrella and suitcase, 21 cm standing height, nice original condition

No. 3182
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 90 €
STEIFF, Bully, length 23 cm, pre-war era, used, ears were supplemented, partially with mohair loss

Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 3183
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 9000 €
STEIFF, bear, 70 cm, white, light colored embroidering, shoe button eyes, Kapok stuffed, very nice full mohair for this era, felt paws except of small places in good condition, very nice expression, an unusual piece from the beginnings of the Steiff production, in unused original condition, 1 original print from the family of the original owner with bear and child from this time will be auctioneered as well


No. 3184
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 160 €
STEIFF, dachshund, c. 1910, 46 cm, 5-fold jointed, shoe button eyes, used, small opened places around the snout, ears were down below over sewed with fabric, otherwise all in all good, early, nice expression

Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 3185
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 40 €
STEIFF, dog Beppo, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, No. 5310, 5-fold jointed, nice strong paints, 10 cm, unused original condition
Hammerprice: 70,00 €

No. 3186
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 200 €
STEIFF, panda, '50s, 15 cm, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, No. 5315, in beautiful original condition
Hammerprice: 260,00 €

No. 3187
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 60 €
STEIFF, original teddy, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, No. 0202,19, 19 cm, unused original condition
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 3188
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 280 €
STEIFF, teddy-baby, 28 cm, late '40s, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, No. 7328,2, corn colored, felt paws in very good condition, press voice is intact, blue leather collar with bell, nice unused original condition
Hammerprice: 1000,00 €

No. 3189
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 250 €
STEIFF, bear school, with 6 jointed original teddiess, 10 cm, 5 of it with button, rests of the yellow cloth tag label, 2 with breast sign, one bear with button, '50s, with a teddy-baby, 9 cm, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, Nr.7309, unused original condition, width 55 cm, height 33 cm, depth 25 cm, with some decoration parts, unusual
Hammerprice: 900,00 €

No. 3190
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 150 €
STEIFF, Bully, 12 cm, pre-war era, without ruff, used, slight mohair loss, swivel head, otherwise good

Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 3191
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 60 €
STEIFF, panda on 4 paws, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, No.1312,0, swivel head, 13 cm long, 11 cm tall, nice original condition
Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 3192
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 60 €
felt pig, possibly Chuck Valley, '30s, standing height 20 cm, dressed with felt, unusual decorative collector's item, fix stuffed
Hammerprice: 450,00 €

No. 3193
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 580 €
STEIFF, teddy-baby, with big button, block letters, felt paws in very good condition, c. 1930, closed mouth, at the rear legs smaller places with mohair loss, otherwise very nice original condition, 35 cm standing height, unusual
Hammerprice: 1000,00 €

No. 3194
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 120 €
STEIFF, cat, with mechanism for turning the head, c. 1928, with button, blue fiery mohair, partially mohair loss, sitting, 20 cm
Hammerprice: 390,00 €

No. 3195
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 80 €
STEIFF, dog Molly, sitting, brown fiery mohair, with button, c. 1930, swivel head, 21 cm seat height
Hammerprice: 100,00 €

No. 3196
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 30 €
STEIFF, Jacky, with button and rests of the US zone cloth tag label, felt paws in good condition, 15 cm standing height
Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 3197
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 40 €
STEIFF, aviary, with 2 Steiff wool miniatures, sparrows, 1x with button and cloth tag label, '60s, 4 cm, a nice mixed lot
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 3198
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 140 €
STEIFF, Easter bunny, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, No. 4340,00, c. 1960, 40 cm standing height, swivel head, with original pannier, nice full mohair, strong paints, very nice original condition, untouched
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 3199
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 220 €
STEIFF, cat Fluffy, c. 1928, with button, red very good cloth tag label, No. 3307, breast sign with metal ring, blue fiery mohair, nice strong color, 7 cm, sitting, very nice original condition

Hammerprice: 2300,00 €

No. 3200
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 450 €
STEIFF, Chow Chow Brownie, c. 1930, sitting, swivel head, with button and perfect red cloth tag label, No. 3310, with breast sign, 10 cm, unused original condition, unusual

Hammerprice: 4200,00 €

No. 3201
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 220 €
STEIFF, albino hare, c. 1935, sitting, swivel head, pink/red glass eyes, with button, rests of the yellow cloth tag label, block letters, 27 cm seat height, mohair in very good condition
Hammerprice: 420,00 €

No. 3202
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 50 €
STEIFF, ocelot, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, No. 2328,00, lying, in very nice original condition, 28 cm
Hammerprice: 160,00 €

No. 3203
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 90 €
STEIFF, Lizzy, lizard, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, No. 1406,00, yellow/green, felt claws in good condition, length 31 cm
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 3204
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 90 €
STEIFF, Nelly, snail, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, No. 2410,09, bluish colouring, nice original condition, 17 cm
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 3205
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 40 €
SCHUCO, "Purzelbär", 12 cm, mohair is trongly worned, clock mechanism is intact
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 3206
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 60 €
STEIFF, bear, dark-brown, 9 cm, with 1 Schuco-monkey as page, 8.5 cm, clothes are strongly faded
Hammerprice: 100,00 €

No. 3207
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 40 €
STEIFF, hare Pummy, with button, schest label and cloth tag label, No. 2960/15, lying, 18 cm tall, swivel head, nice condition
Hammerprice: 50,00 €