Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
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No. 2050
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 2500 €
2-parts manorial dollhouse, c. 1890, manufacturing work, living room with oriel, panelling, 2 windows, passage door, ornaments front borders, furnished, richly accessories, birdcage, beer jugs, stove, christmas tree, lamps, from a museum closing down, 94 cm wide, 43 cm tall, wallpaper are partially old and partially supplemented

Hammerprice: 2700,00 €

No. 2051
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 1600 €
KIBRI, shop with winding staircase, 81 cm wide, 42 cm tall, drawers with curved tin signs, at the side shopwindow, other side winding staircase tin, with gallery, richly high-quality accessories, desk with 2 recesses for an inkpot, on both sides a leaf, tin, original counter, 2 sellers, shoulder headed bisque porcelain doll, sideburns, bisque arms and legs, fabric body, tea box Märklin, boxes are made of lithographed tin, with knob, asiatic tea boxes, fish tins, wooden parts, paraffin barrel with tap, tin till, tin ladder, from a museum closing down

Hammerprice: 3500,00 €

No. 2052
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 120 €
SIMON & HALBIG, dollhouse doll, lady, 18 cm, bisque shoulder headed doll, fix inset glass eyes, fabric body, legs were supplemented, old clothes
Hammerprice: 160,00 €

No. 2053
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 150 €
dollhouse doll, lady, 14.5 cm, bisque shoulder headed doll, modelled hair, painted eyes, bisque arms and legs, fabric body, nice original clothes
Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 2054
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 80 €
dollhouse doll, child with sailor suit, all-bisque, 10 cm, fix head, fix inset brown glass eyes, jointed arms and legs
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 2055
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 150 €
3 shop boxes, lithographed tin, 5.5 cm, with knob, "Zucker, Thee, Cacao", the small scratches on the paintwork are caused of old age, used, original condition
Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 2056
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 120 €
"Bensdorp´s reiner Holland Cacao", Amsterdam, 5.5 cm, cover with knob, good condition
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 2057
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 60 €
dollhouse decoration pieces, petroleum can, tin varnished, 9 cm, small tin-hot-water bottle, some bowls

No. 2058
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 60 €
dollhouse decoration pieces, petroleum can, varnished tin, 6.5 cm, with scratches on the paintwork, small lamp, Erhard & Söhne, gilded sheet brass, small wicker made of gilded sheet brass

No. 2059
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 60 €
dollhouse decoration pieces, baskets, 6.5 cm to 11 cm, clothes pegs, iron, knocker, brush
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 2060
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 180 €
BING, refrigerator, handpainted tin, 14 cm wide, 10 cm tall, door in front can be opened, with freezing compartment, the small scratches on the paintwork are caused of old age, all in all nice original condition
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 2061
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 150 €
dollhouse ceiling lamp, tin, with glass shade, height 9 cm
Hammerprice: 500,00 €

No. 2062
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 150 €
dollhouse ceiling lamp, gilded sheet brass, installed glass beads, 9 cm

No. 2063
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 180 €
MEISEN, oak leaves, child coffee service, coffee pot height 8 cm, handles were glued, with 2 cups with saucer, sugar bowl, small Chip at the edge of the sugar bowl, milk can is missing, with tray
Hammerprice: 280,00 €

No. 2064
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 6500 €
ROCK & GRANER, Biberacher tin, dollhouse, B: 51 cm, heigth: 27 cm, depth: 36 cm, 3 windows can be opened, 2 mirrors, wall and bottom are made o f handpainted tin, soldered by hand, with suitable tin furnitures, living-room suite, table, chest of drawers with 3 drawers, elaborate worked clock for fireplace, stove, with pictures and small articles, the scratches on the paintwork of the case are caused of old age, some places were afterwards soldered, c. 1880, is a museum piece (doll will be separate auctioneered)


No. 2065
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 650 €
GOTTSCHALK, shop, c. 1895, shopwindow, original counter, drawers with curved tin signs, richly accessories, tin pieces, chocolate machine, back glass is faulty, one shopwindow is loosely, dollhouse dolls, some wooden parts are more recent, old painting, 77 wide, 42 tall, decorative
Hammerprice: 700,00 €

No. 2066
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 900 €
Punch and Judy show, figures are made of carved wood, very expressive, different scenes, with background parts, among others Max and Moritz, Red Riding Hood and the bad wolf, Frog Prince


No. 2067
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 1600 €
CHUCK VALLEY, Nora Welleten, England, '30s, little Snow-White with the 7 dwarves, felt dwarfes 26 cm, little Snow-White 42 cm, with lovingly worked decoration parts, 7 beds, table with 7 chairs, 7 plates with cutlery and jugs, with some tools for the forest work, figures with very expressive painting, in nice original condition, from a museum closing down

Hammerprice: 4400,00 €

No. 2068
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 150 €
SIMON & HALBIG, dollhouse lady, 17.5 cm bisque shoulder headed doll, fix inset blue sleepy eyes, fabric body, bisque arms and legs, modelled shoes, nice original clothes and underwear, wig with hair loss
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 2069
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 180 €
dollhouse ceiling lamp, forging steel, 15.5 cm, for a manorial room or dollhouse, complex produced

Hammerprice: 420,00 €

No. 2070
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 180 €
GOTTSCHALK, 2-parts room, c. 1895, 74 wide, 27 tall, 36 deep, ornaments front borders, 2 windows, window glass is missing, bar in the middle is missing, original wallpaper at wall and bottom, original paint outside, original curtains, partially furnished, some accessories, piano, chest of drawers, cupboard, bed, 3 dolls, body and clothes aren't form this period

Hammerprice: 600,00 €

No. 2071
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 160 €
pair of dollhouse dolls, lady 18 cm, bisque head, arms and legs, fabric body, painted eyes, closed mouth, mohair wig, clothes old or sewed of old fabric, man, 17 cm, bisque head, appropiated moustache, painted eyes, fine modelled hair, fabric body, bisque arms and legs, one foot is break off, clothes old or sewed of old fabric
Hammerprice: 750,00 €

No. 2072
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 160 €
manorial dollhouse living-room suite, manufacturing work, probably from before 1900, table with a diameter of 10.5 cm, bench, 2 chairs, nice original condition, rare, with coffee service, porcelain
Hammerprice: 450,00 €

No. 2073
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 60 €
ERHARD & SÖHNE, wall lamp, gilded sheet brass, height 4.3 cm, for a manorial room

Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 2074
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 60 €
dollhouse doll, lady, 14.5 cm, bisque shoulder headed doll, fix inset blue glass eyes, fabric body, bisque arms and legs, clothes were sewed of old fabric

Hammerprice: 70,00 €

No. 2075
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 260 €
GOTTSCHALK, manufacture dollhouse, 54 cm wide, 58 cm tall, 31.5 cm deep, windows, covered entrance, at the sidea terrace with exit, 3 rooms, at the top a small skylight, original painting, old wallpapers, furnished, some fence parts are missing or are loosely add, original condition, decorative, c. 1910

Hammerprice: 400,00 €

No. 2076
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 180 €
2-parts dollhouse, c. 1910, 90 cm wide, 32 cm tall, 42 cm deep, middle passage, 4 windows, old wallpaper at wall and floor, richly furnished with accessories
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 2077
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 160 €
dollhouse doll, soldier, 19 cm, bisque shoulder headed doll, arms and legs, fabric body, original clothes with tin sword, very good condition

Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 2078
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 90 €
dollhouse stove, tin, handpainted with spirit burner, for a manorial room, 16.5 cm

Hammerprice: 110,00 €

No. 2079
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 120 €
2 dollhouse dolls, Biedermeier, man, 15.5 cm and 16 cm, bisque shoulder headed dolls, arms and-legs, modelled moustaches, fabric body, clothes old or sewed of old fabric
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 2080
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 60 €
2 dollhouse dolls, small soldier, 13.5 cm, bisque shoulder headed doll, bisque arms and legs, one foot is break off, arms original ?, with a small chauffeur, bisque shoulder headed doll, arms and legs, fabric body
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 2081
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 90 €
2 dollhouse dolls, lady 12 cm, bisque shoulder headed doll, arms and legs, fabric body, bisque lady 12 cm, shoulder headed doll, arms and legs, fabric body, with small pram tin
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 2082
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 60 €
dollhouse lamp, tin, 11.5 cm, with small telephone, 2.5 cm tall

Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 2083
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 3900 €
plaster shop, W. and heigth Büdingen (fashion shop), c. 1880, 1.1 m wide, 50 cm tall, 57 cm deep, in front 2 shopwindows that can be opened, in the back at the side a shopwindow with sliding door, middle mirrored wardrobe, at the side a mirror bureau, original counter, intarsia at bottom, old painting, richly accessories, hats, shoes, clothes, sewing utensils, bodice and much more, is a museum piece

Hammerprice: 5700,00 €

No. 2084
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 140 €
14 pieces marionettes, mass heads, arms and legs, fabric-wire-wood body, 17 cm, small paper theatre, Schreiber, 43 cm wide, 51 cm tall, curtain, upper board is broken, nice size

Hammerprice: 380,00 €

No. 2085
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 220 €
dollhouse kitchen, c. 1910, 95 cm wide, 39 cm tall, richly accessories, porcelain blue-white, tin, wood and ceramic parts, with stove and dolls, old wallpaper
Hammerprice: 850,00 €

No. 2086
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 60 €
dollhouse butter machine, upper ring is missing
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 2087
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 30 €
schoolbag, leather handle with clasps, 6 magazines, among them French reading book, 8.5 cm wide
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 2088
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 650 €
KIBRI, shop, around 1900, 72 cm wide, 37 cm tall, 39 cm deep, at the side a shopwindow, stairs, tin railing, drawers with curved tin signs, richly accessories
Hammerprice: 1400,00 €

No. 2089
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 1800 €
stable, c. 1860, 63 cm wide, 62 cm tall, original painting, front doors can be opened, at the side an up-painted windows, 4 draught horses, cart with accessories, from a museum closing down

No. 2090
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 90 €
Liebig cookbook, "Fleischextract in der bürgerl. Küche", 84 pages, with 3 cookbooks shaped like a booklet, different editions
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 2091
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 80 €
17 pieces for a kitchen with chimney hood, mostly tinplate, grater, milk frother, syringe for paste, pot, cans, spice bowls, jug, scissors for wick
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 2092
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 70 €
18 pieces for a kitchen with chimney hood, ceramic plate, jugs, tin cover, jug, wood noodle, waffle iron 16 cm, 2 papier mâché geese, tripod
Hammerprice: 420,00 €

No. 2093
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot of early doll kitchen parts, tinplate, sieve, roasting pan on legs (a handle is missing), 7.5 cm, early wooden parts

No. 2094
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 30 €
mixed lot of 28 pieces glass, mug, jugs, bottles, 3-7 cm
Hammerprice: 30,00 €

No. 2095
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 30 €
doll kitchen chair, probably Gottschalk, 17 cm, a paraffin can, varnished tin, 6.5 cm, smaller scratches on the paintwork
Hammerprice: 50,00 €

No. 2096
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 60 €
picture book, "Das Büchlein Rosenroth", Berlin, Winkelmann & Söhne, 1847, print, colored by hand, cover is a little bit worn, otherwise good

No. 2097
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 5 €
large mixed lot of shop boxes, mostly from the '50s and more recently, some mass meals
Hammerprice: 15,00 €

No. 2098
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 600 €
dolls kitchen, c. 1880, 1.2 m wide, 43,5 cm tall, 43 cm deep, shelves, cupboards, washstand, table and chairs, original painting, nice floor painting, richly accessories, ceramic, tin, copper and wooden parts, among them Rock & Graner coffee grinder, baking dish shaped like a lobster

No. 2099
Spring auction on April 12/13, 2013
Limit: 120 €
2-parts dollhouse with staircase and gallery, 4 windows, middle passage, 90 cm wide, 40 cm tall, 39 cm deep, bedroom furniture program made of pear tree, living room furniture Wilhelmine era, with accessories, wallpapers are more recent
Hammerprice: 180,00 €