Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
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No. 3998
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 650 €
KÄTHE KRUSE Hampelchen, 42 cm, fabric head, 3 seams at the back of the head, loosely sewn on arms and legs, fabric at neck was varnished, probably partially retouched in color, but if it was retouched than very good work, original wig,

No. 3999
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 950 €
KÄTHE KRUSE Friedebald, fabric body, seam at the back of the head is visible under the wig, 52 cm, nice painting, good condition, weakly visible pencil line beside the ear, old clothes

No. 4000
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 1600 €
KÄTHE KRUSE doll No. 1, 42 cm, fabric head, 3 seams at the back of the head, broad hip, separate sewed on thumb, some flaked off paint parts at the hair at the back of the head, good face painting, minimal worned places at the tip of the nose, body in good condition

No. 4001
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 450 €
HEUBACH doll with bisque head, sun 345, bisque shoulder headed, brown sleepy eyes, closed mouth, leather body, porcelain arms, mass legs, old wig, old clothes and shoes, a bit color is wear down above forehead, bisque, with the typical pink colouring of the porcelain , colouring is typical of this HEUBACH-type, 40 cm, wig was made of real hair, nice expression

No. 4002
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 220 €
HEUBACH sun, 7072, bisque shoulder headed, Intaglio eyes, closed mouth, modelled hair, leather body with small flaws, bisque arms, mass legs, 38 cm

No. 4003
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 220 €
AM 1894, doll with bisque head, 35 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, jointed body, old mohair wig, old clothes

No. 4004
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 380 €
JDK 247, bisque character doll, 28 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth and tongue, jointed body, body original?, old clothes and shoes, wig is more recent, nice expression

No. 4005
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 1200 €
doll with bisque head, France, marked E9D, 53 cm, blue fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, French standing body, arms and legs are not jointed, old mohair wig, clothes old or sewed of old fabric

No. 4006
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 450 €
K & R 115A, bisque character doll, 26 cm, brown sleepy eyes, closed mouth, toddler body, old mohair wig, losing, restored at the crank of the head and in the back, nice expression, nice size

No. 4007
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 1300 €
RABERY & DELPHIEU doll with bisque head, 50 cm, bisque socket head, brown fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, French jointed body, old cork cover, wig was made of real hair, old underwear and shoes

No. 4008
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 650 €
fashion doll, France, bisque socket head, marked No. 4, on bisque, leather body with slightly bended legs, and separate take in fingers, old mohair wig, old cork cover, clothes are more recent, 34 cm, body in very good condition

No. 4009
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 450 €
doll with bisque head, marked 9., 30 cm, socket head, brown fix inset glass eyes, small flaked off part of porcelain at a eyelid, closed mouth, pierced ears, leather body with fix wrists, body very used, old mohair wig, nice bright porcelain

No. 4010
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 450 €
K & R doll with bisque head, at forehead marked with a W, 43 cm, black, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, pierced ears, old wig

No. 4011
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 450 €
probably KESTNER bisque shoulder headed doll, not marked, 35 cm, brown fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, leather body, bisque arms, 1 finger is missing, old wig, original cover of gypsum

No. 4012
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 450 €
bisque shoulder headed doll, 40 cm, brown fix inset glass eyes, marked No. 3, leather body, bisque forearms, old underwear, dress sewed of old fabric

No. 4013
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 390 €
bisque shoulder headed doll, BELTON-type, blue fix inset glass eyes, opened/closed mouth, leather body, bisque forearms, 32 cm

No. 4014
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 260 €
SIMON & HALBIG bisque shoulder headed doll, marked 1260, fix inset blue glass eyes, opened mouth, teeth, jointed body, bisque forearms, dress sewed of old fabric, old underwear, 31 cm

No. 4015
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 1600 €
doll with bisque head, marked 136, 37 cm, socket head, brown fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, early jointed body, 8 loosely baubles in the joints, with fix wrists, nice bright porcelain, very nice expression, old clothes, the original wig was not removed, from outside no cracks visible

No. 4016
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 220 €
small fashion doll, bisque shoulder headed doll, 27 cm, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, simple leather body, pelt wig

No. 4017
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 2500 €
doll with bisque head, marked 8,Bru-type, German for the French market, socket head, brown fix inset glass eyes, pierced ears, slightly opened/closed mouth, nice bright porcelain, original pelt wig was not removed, from outside no cracks visible, jointed body with 8 loosely baubles, and fix wrists, original clothes, underwear and shoes, silk is partially worn, 40 cm, extremely rare

No. 4018
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 60 €
bisque shoulder headed doll, marked SUL, flaked hair, blue Intaglio eyes, closef mouth, body is more recent

No. 4019
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 480 €
bisque shoulder headed doll, 31 cm, blue fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, not marked, original wig was not removed, from outside no cracks visible, fabric body, bisque hands, finger at a hand is knocked, old clothes

No. 4020
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 380 €
bisque fashion doll, socket head, BELTON-type, not marked, blue fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, on bisque, fabric body, leather arms, 30 cm

No. 4021
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 160 €
SIMON & HALBIG bisque head doll, 1079, 29 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, dimple at chin, formed jointed body, fine firing crack at the top of the head in the back, old wig, old clothes and shoes

No. 4022
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 320 €
HEUBACH KÖPPELSDORF doll with porcelain head (squirted porcelain), 452, charakter full head gypsy, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, pierced ears, 24 cm, toned standing mass body, good condition

No. 4023
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 290 €
AM 310, bisque Googly, Just Me. charakter squinting eyes, the eye mechanism was later fix inset, small closed mouth, for GEORG BORKFELDT & Co., dressed like a Scot, 20 cm

No. 4024
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 180 €
doll with bisque head, marked R54A, 15.5 cm, socket head, to the side looking painted eyes, closed mouth, simple standing mass body, with up-painted shoes and socks

No. 4025
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 180 €
bisque baby, 17 cm, socket head, to the side looking painted eyes, closed mouth, modelled cap, marked R43A, simple mass baby with sitting body

No. 4026
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 170 €
doll with bisque head, marked 136, 38 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, jointed body, with red stamp, K & W Germany, old clothes, old shoes, old wig, minimal flaked off part of porcelain at the crank

No. 4027
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 220 €
doll with complete bisque body, 20 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, jointed arms and legs, legs with flaked off parts of porcelain at the joint of the foot, mohair wig

No. 4028
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 290 €
AM 251, bisque characterbaby, for BORGGRUB, brown sleepy eyes, opened/closed mouth, mass baby body, wig was made of real hair, 27 cm,, small flaked off parts of porcelain at the upper edge of head, is caused by taking out the form

No. 4029
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 250 €
doll with bisque head, marked 192, 36 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, pierced ears, minimal flaked off parts of porcelain at an ear, nice formed jointed body with fix wrists, old mohair wig, the original cover of gypsum was not removed, from outside no cracks visible

No. 4030
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 280 €
K & R; SIMON & HALBIG character doll, 122, 26 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth and tongue, toddler body, body was repaired at some places, old mohair wig

No. 4031
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 650 €
doll with bisque head, BELTON-type, socket head, blue fix inset glass eyes, on bisque, fabric body with bisque arms, 40 cm

No. 4032
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 1900 €
K & R 117, character doll with bisque head, 39 cm, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, original mohair wig, jointed body, old underwear, old leather boot, nice expression, nice size

No. 4034
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 1300 €
doll with bisque head, marked 819, socket head, blue glass eyes were later fix inset, closed mouth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, partly in face some places with worned color, jointed body, mohair wig, 48 cm

No. 4035
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 180 €
KESTNER 164, doll with bisque head, 44 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, dimple at chin, jointed body, with red stamp Germany, the original cover of gypsum was not removed, from outside no cracks visible, wig is more recent, clothes old or sewed of old fabric

No. 4036
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 180 €
shoulder headed Parian dolll, 38 cm, blond, modelled hair, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, fabric body, sewn on leather shoes, old underwear

No. 4037
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 160 €
Chinahead, shoulder headed doll, 48cm, modelled hair, painted eyes, closed mouth, simple fabric body, more recent, arms were restored

No. 4038
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 450 €
bisque character boy, marked L172H, full head, blue Intaglio eyes, closed mouth, fat crease at chin, 38 cm, formed baby with sitting body, head is optical proportional suitable to the body, but crank does not sit exaktly in the neck pan

No. 4039
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 280 €
bisque Einbinde-head baby (Bye-Lo-Baby), 33 cm, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, original fabric body with sewn on nappy, celluloid hands

No. 4040
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 180 €
papier mâché, shoulder headed doll, 33 cm, modelled hair with appropiate hairband, blue fix inset glass eyes, at the forehead a little bit repaired, fabric body, mass arms & legs, up-painted shoes

No. 4041
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 180 €
unusual Eastern doll, marked Depose Fabrication Francaise, Favourite No. 1, Tasson AL & CIE, Limoges Depose, La Georgienne, stamp woman with waving hair, porcelain, head, yellow squirted, brown fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, teeth, French jointed body, celluloid hands

No. 4042
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 220 €
"Stürzenschläger", 35 cm, clown Einbinde-head with voice, wire body, wooden legs

No. 4043
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 120 €
ALT, BECK & GOTTSCHALCK bisque character doll, 1361, 31 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, pierced nostrils, Toddler body, a leg was restored, finger was repaired

No. 4044
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 120 €
bisque character baby, marked 13, 25 cm, socket head, blue painted eyes, closed mouth with intimitated tongue, mass baby with sitting body

No. 4045
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 160 €
BAEHR & PROESCHILD bisque character baby 604, 20 cm, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth with intimitated teeth, baby with mass body, mohair wig is losing hair

No. 4046
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 160 €
AM bisque character baby, at 251 für Georg Borgfeldt & Co. 248, 22 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth, dimple at chin, baby with sitting body, mohair wig

No. 4047
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 180 €
bisque character baby (Bye-Lo-Baby), 31 cm, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, original fabric body with nappy, celluloid hands

No. 4048
Toy auction, April 1st/2nd and 8th/9th, 2005
Limit: 130 €
AM bisque character baby, at 990, 30 cm, brown, later fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, teeth, standing mass body