Steiff Special Auction January 2023
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No. 6100
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 160 €
2x hares, sitting, 1x hare Ossi, sitting, with button, block letters, long trailing f, big glass eyes, brown/white spotted, seat height 9 cm, produced around 1938-43, with 1x STEIFF hare, pre-war era, sitting, 8 cm, with button, block letters, long trailing f, minimally rests of the white cloth tag label, glass eyes, CH-No. 292

Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 6101
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 420 €
gallop-teddy, mohair plush, brown/white, yellowed, bear and polar bear on a gallop car, with wood-excenter-wheels, by pulling it the animals start moving back and forward, with bell, mohair ruff, green and blue, produced 1926-29, lenght: 17 cm, height: 12 cm, very rare, CH-No. 418

Hammerprice: 3800,00 €

No. 6102
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 160 €
2 pieces, 1x STEIFF Teddy-Baby, and hare Nikili, dark-brown teddy baby with breast sign, red inscription Teddy-Baby, without button, nice full mohair, 2 minimally small places at 1 felt paw and at mouth, faults in the felt, 22 cm, standing, with 1x Nikili, with button, jointed arms and legs, 33 cm, CH-No. 409

Hammerprice: 600,00 €

No. 6103
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 140 €
hare, Manni, attending, produced around 1929, with button, block letters, long trailing f, jointed arms and head, 31 cm, mohair is a bit bleached out, small place at backside with mohair loss, CH-No. 363

Hammerprice: 360,00 €

No. 6104
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 650 €
pre-war era, polar bear, produced from 1923-28, height: 22 cm, lenght: 30 cm, mohair plush, white, jointed, with ball joint neck, felt paws with small flaws, shoe button eyes, a bit worn, with button, block letters, long trailing f, scattered mohair loss at body and at the snout, rare, exceptional, CH-No. 426

Hammerprice: 1900,00 €

No. 6105
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot of hare books, 1x"Die Geschichte des Peterchen Hase", by Beatrix Potter, and cardboard hare book, handcoloured, 1x 47th Year, 1928 GEO. BORGFELDT & CO, and 1927, 46th Year, THE BORGFELDT FAIR, and the book: "Ein Ostergruß", decorative, CH-Nr.484

Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 6106
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 220 €
exceptional velvet hare on felt cover, lying, with light blue silk ribbon, embroidered pattern on the felt cover, lenght: 10 cm, height: 6 cm, rare, exceptional, CH-No. 290

Hammerprice: 700,00 €

No. 6107
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 180 €
2 pieces, bears, among it 1x bear, pre-war era, with shoe button eyes, bright embroidering at snout, felt paws only at the feet, 16 cm, with 1x bear, softly stuffed, shoe button eyes, long snaped off arms, hump, 44 cm, except of small faults at the felt paws in good condition, nice expression, CH-No. 332

Hammerprice: 500,00 €

No. 6108
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 160 €
bear, originally brown pointed mohair, big brown glass eyes, clearly faults at the felt-paws, long snaped off arms, small hump, 46 cm, partially a bit mohair loss, CH-No. 263

Hammerprice: 700,00 €

No. 6109
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 140 €
2 pieces, bears, pre-war era, 1x bear with button, block letters, long trailing f, brass-colored mohair, 10 cm, and 1x bear, with button, brass-colored, decorative, CH-No. 308

Hammerprice: 650,00 €

No. 6110
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 120 €
hare in pyjama, standing, with button, block letters, long trailing f, minimally rests of the red cloth tag label, swivel head, 24 cm, CH-No. 399

Hammerprice: 1300,00 €

No. 6111
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 90 €
bear, c. 1910, dark-brown mohair, with big button, block letters, long trailing f, shoe button eyes, 14 cm, clearly hump, used, CH-No. 430

Hammerprice: 650,00 €

No. 6112
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 60 €
hare, attending, dressed, with button, block letters, long trailing f, swivel head, dungarees, with scarf, 25 cm, mohair loss, CH-No. 379

Hammerprice: 750,00 €

No. 6113
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 90 €
bear, pre-war era, with button, block letters, long trailing f, brass-colored, 9 cm, good condition, CH-No. 311

Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 6114
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 180 €
Pupp-hare, Mike, with button, block letters, long trailing f, very nice good preserved, yellow cloth tag label, No. 22, wool plush at hands and feet, original traditional costume, 27 cm, very nice condition, CH-No. 397

Hammerprice: 3000,00 €

No. 6115
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 3600 €
one of the highlights of the auction, Petsy-bear, in unused condition, with button, block letters, long trailing f, minimally rests of the white cloth tag label, big ears, seam at the middle of the head, felt paws in very good condition, long snaped off arms, clearly hump, 45 cm, very nice strong colors, exceptional, CH-No. 340
Hammerprice: 53000,00 €

No. 6116
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 1600 €
one of the highlights of the auction, teddy-clown, around 1927, with button, block letters, long trailing f, rests of the red cloth tag label, glass eyes, pointed mohair, in nice condition, felt paws in good condition, 25 cm, very expressive, CH-No. 261, hat is possibly resewn
Hammerprice: 6400,00 €

No. 6117
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 90 €
2x somersault bears, with feltclothes, used condition, 10 cm, CH-No. 299
Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 6118
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 80 €
mixed lot of bears, 6 pieces, among it 2 faces bear, rose, lilac and green bear as powder compact, very nice lot, CH-No. 302

Hammerprice: 1200,00 €

No. 6119
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot of bears, among it 1x SCHUCO baby-teddy, velvet feet, painted, airbrush in face, shoe button eyes, paws are slightly rounded, 11 cm, with 2x Berlin-bear with sash and crown, Yes/No function, dark-brown and beige, 12 cm, CH-No. 231
Hammerprice: 800,00 €

No. 6120
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 60 €
exceptional mixed lot of bears, 7 pieces, among it 1x cherry-red bear with screw lock, 8 cm, and bilious green bear, as powder compact, 11 cm, 2 faces-bear, with US-zone cloth tag label, 1x panda-bear with US-zone cloth tag label, 1x light brown bear, US-zone cloth tag label, and SHELL bear, dressed, 7 cm, 1x bear with felt paws, 6 cm, very nice lot, CH-No. 295

Hammerprice: 1300,00 €

No. 6121
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 50 €
bears and hares, 4x hare, 1x hare with pipe cleaner arms and legs, and 2x bears, 1x dancing bear at the pole, 8-10 cm, partially used, CH-No. 412
Hammerprice: 390,00 €

No. 6122
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 160 €
Record-hare, on wooden wheels, with button and used, yellow cloth tag label, height: 31 cm, lenght: 26 cm, with US-zone cloth tag label, very nice original condition, CH-No. 287

Hammerprice: 450,00 €

No. 6123
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot, 3 pieces, Teddyli, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, number is illegible, rubber hands with formation of cracks, with 2x Teddy, 9 cm, 1x with button, chest label and cloth tag label, No. 5310,01, CH-No. 314
Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 6124
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 280 €
exceptional wood hare on excenter-wheels, with wooden car, with button, block letters, long trailing f, shoe button eyes, lenght: 35 cm, height: 10 cm, rare, produced probably between 1920-26, CH-No. 288

Hammerprice: 1600,00 €

No. 6125
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 220 €
mixed lot with 2 pieces, bears, pre-war era, 1x brass-colored bear, with button, block letters, long trailing f, 13 cm, and ice bear with white mohair, with button, block letters, long trailing f, glass eyes, bright embroidering at snout, 14 cm, very expressive, CH-No. 310

Hammerprice: 900,00 €

No. 6126
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 450 €
bear, maize-colored mohair, c. 1925, with button, block letters, long trailing f, long snaped off arms, hump, very nice original condition, 34 cm, CH-No. 318

Hammerprice: 2400,00 €

No. 6127
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 60 €
hare, Nikili, standing 30 cm, without button, jointed arms and legs, good condition, CH-No. 206

Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 6128
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 50 €
4 children's hangers, with mohair, 3x with hare face, 1x bear, 1x with original chest label, CH-No. 410
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 6129
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 220 €
exceptional hand puppet, bear page, as hand puppet, with original chest label 23B, shoe button eyes, brass-colored mohair, minimally mohair loss, 23 cm, the felt is except of minimally felt faults at hat in very good condition, rare, CH-No. 286

Hammerprice: 1400,00 €

No. 6130
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 950 €
bear, early, around 1910, dark-brown mohair, with button, block letters, long trailing f, shoe button eyes, long snaped off arms, hump, felt paws in very good condition, and very nice full dark-brown mohair, minimally mohair loss at the right eye, 49 cm, very expressive, CH-No. 355

Hammerprice: 4100,00 €

No. 6131
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 120 €
mixed lot, Bigo-Bello, 4 pieces, 2x hares with loose sewed on arms and legs, 30cm, with 1x hare with cardboard cone, marked SCHUCO original Bigo Fix, 17 cm, and 1x standing cock, 14 cm, exceptional rare, CH-No. 282
Hammerprice: 140,00 €

No. 6132
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 330 €
hare with wood excenter-wheels, produced from 1912-35, height: 17 cm, lenght: 30 cm, shoe button eyes, underlaid with red felt, small single felt faults, with button, block letters, long trailing f, with STEIFF stamping, and impressed year 1914, exceptional, rare, CH-No. 457

Hammerprice: 500,00 €

No. 6133
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 160 €
2 pieces, bears, 1x bear with traditional costume made of felt, 1 bear as perfume bottle, with long white mohair, 13 cm, unusual, probably original rhinestone eyes, CH-No. 225

Hammerprice: 750,00 €

No. 6134
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 160 €
mixed lot of bears, 2x dancing bear with stick, 1x dressed, dark-brown mohair, shoe button eyes, 20 cm, with 1x hand puppet, with 1x BING bear, used condition, glass eyes, massive mohair loss, a very nice lot , CH-No. 285

Hammerprice: 1600,00 €

No. 6135
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 60 €
hare family, 2x hares with pair of glasses, glass eyes, 31 cm, used condition, exceptional lot, CH-No. 329
Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 6136
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 60 €
bear, marked Pertussin, dark-brown mohair, 9 cm, nice condition, CH-No. 404

Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 6137
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 80 €
mixed lot of bears, 3 pieces, 1x dark brown bear, with button, chest label and yellow cloth tag label, No. 5310/09, 10 cm, and corn colored bear with button, 1x white bear with button and breast sign, inscription red logo original teddy, CH-No. 312
Hammerprice: 240,00 €

No. 6138
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 160 €
wool miniatures, 6 pieces, different hares, all supplied with pre-war era buttons, very nice condition, 1x albino hare, attending, with rose-red glass eyes, exceptional, CH-No. 298
Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 6139
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 220 €
bear, pre-war era, around 1915, with button, block letters, long trailing f, shoe button eyes, bright embroidering at snout, 13 cm, very expressive, very nice size, CH-No. 313

Hammerprice: 450,00 €

No. 6140
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 80 €
hares teacher with 5 pupils, teacher 48 cm, pupils 21-33 cm, partially with foot marking, KERSA sheet metal badge, very decorative, exceptional, CH-No. 326
Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 6141
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 220 €
unusual mixed lot with 3 pieces, hares with bear bodies, early bear bodies, softly stuffed with 5 claws, tail and hare head, shoe button eyes, underlaid with felt , 26-42 cm, 2x beige, 1x peach-colored, rare, please have a look at it, CH-No. 407

Hammerprice: 950,00 €

No. 6142
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot of hares, different sizes 17-30 cm, partially used, partially very nice condition, girl and boy, CH-No. 327

Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 6143
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 140 €
hare Manni, attending, with button, block letters, long trailing f, swivel head and arms, produced around 1929, unusual size, 44 cm, scattered with minimally mohair loss, CH-No. 202

Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 6144
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 120 €
exceptional bear, Yes/No function, blue / purple pointed mohair, scattered faults at the felt paws, 43 cm, Yes/No function is intact, extremely rare color, CH-No. 273

Hammerprice: 2900,00 €

No. 6145
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 220 €
hare family, velvet, sitting, mum with 3 leverets, 6-9 cm height:, 3 leverets with button, block letters, long trailing f, very nice condition, 1 leveret, at the side slight patches with flaws, otherwise very nice lot, CH-No. 293

Hammerprice: 1200,00 €

No. 6146
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 140 €
dancing bear with moveable ball, dark-brown mohair, shoe button eyes, intact, 17 cm, minimally mohair loss, otherwise very nice condition, CH-No. 248

Hammerprice: 2700,00 €

No. 6147
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 350 €
bear, early, shoe button eyes, white mohair, bright embroidering at snout, motion is in good working order, original key, bear turns the head from the left to the right, exceptional, very rare, faults at the felt paws, 50 cm, nice full mohair, long snaped off arms, with original BING-button, early, CH-No. 251

Hammerprice: 4200,00 €

No. 6148
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 330 €
Teddy-Baby, wool plush, corn-colored, with small button, block letters long trailing f, closed mouth, produced 1929-31, 30 cm, faults at the right felt paw, a bit worn mohair at the snout, otherwise good condition, with original leather collar, supplied with 2 additional STEIFF pre-war era buttons, CH-No. 425

Hammerprice: 2400,00 €

No. 6149
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 650 €
bear, Dicky, with button, block letters, long trailing f, produced 1930-33, glass eyes, bright embroidering at snout, velvet paws, airbrush is faded, partially mohair loss, long snaped off arms, hump, CH-No. 436
Hammerprice: 1700,00 €