Steiff Special Auction January 2023
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No. 6000
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 260 €
Turn-bear, '20s, mohair plush, fix appliquéd felt clothes, 25 cm, small places with mohair loss, all in all good condition, CH-No. 265

Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 6001
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 120 €
Rolly-Polly, bear on roller skates, US-zone, 23 cm, mohair and felt paws in good condition, clock mechanism is intact, CH-No. 267

Hammerprice: 360,00 €

No. 6003
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 90 €
bear on tricycle, mohair plush, tricycle sheet metal, lithographed, 15 cm, without drive, small places with mohair loss, pre-war era, CH-No. 228

Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 6004
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 60 €
hare, Ossi, wool plush, sitting, with button, block letters, long trailing f, swivel head, white/brown spotted, 16 cm seat height, big glass eyes, with breast sign, red inscription, small mohair loss below the right eye, Ossi, CH-Nr.393

Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 6006
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 260 €
Yes/No hare, 40 cm and 26 cm, US-zone, mohair plush, original clothes, very good condition, CH-No. 279


No. 6007
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 260 €
running bear, '20s, mohair plush, felt clothes, 25 cm, minimally small places with mohair loss, all in all nice original condition, clock mechanism is intact, CH-No. 268

Hammerprice: 3400,00 €

No. 6008
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 160 €
bear on tricycle, '30s, tricycle, sheet metal, lithographed, bear mohair plush, red-brown, without drive, slightly used, good, CH-No. 227

Hammerprice: 650,00 €

No. 6009
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 180 €
Yes/No bear, 30 cm, yellow mohair plush, shoe button eyes, pre-war era, very good condition, CH-No. 277

Hammerprice: 1200,00 €

No. 6010
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 380 €
Yes/No page, 36 cm, mohair plush, original felt clothes, '20s, very nice original condition, CH-No. 269

Hammerprice: 1100,00 €

No. 6011
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 280 €
bear, white, bright embroidering, shoe button eyes, 36 cm, long, slightly snaped off arms, nice, full, mohair, felt paws are except of 2 minimally places in good condition, very expressive, CH-No. 252

Hammerprice: 1600,00 €

No. 6013
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 180 €
Yes/No bear, 34 cm, postwar era, mohair in very good condition, small felt faults at 1 foot paw, otherwise very good condition, CH-No. 262

Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 6014
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 180 €
3 pieces, dancer, hare, 12 cm, hare with child, somersault hare, clock mechanism is intact, good condition, CH-No. 242
Hammerprice: 240,00 €

No. 6016
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 60 €
bear on tricycle, friction drive, tricycle is lithographed, bear mohair (bear was afterwards fixed), '30s, CH-No. 233

Hammerprice: 750,00 €

No. 6017
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 160 €
dancer, bear, 13 cm, mohair plush, felt clothes, clock mechanism is intact, good condition, CH-No. 234

Hammerprice: 500,00 €

No. 6018
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 240 €
dancer, hare with pair of glasses, purple mohair, original felt clothes, clock mechanism is intact, good condition, CH-No. 237

Hammerprice: 800,00 €

No. 6019
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 140 €
dancer, bear with ball, 12.5 cm, mohair plush, felt clothes, clock mechanism is intact, slightly used, CH-No. 244.

Hammerprice: 280,00 €

No. 6020
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 160 €
somersault bear, 13 cm, clock mechanism is intact, good condition, SCHUCO bear with perfume bottle, purple, rare color, good condition, CH-No. 229

Hammerprice: 500,00 €

No. 6021
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 140 €
3 pieces, Yes/No bear, Panda, 13 cm, bear with perfume bottle, red, 12.5 cm, Yes/No bear, yellow, mohair good, good condition, CH-No. 241

Hammerprice: 800,00 €

No. 6022
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 160 €
dancer, hare with pair of glasses, mohair plush, original felt clothes, clock mechanism is intact, good condition, CH-No. 236

Hammerprice: 850,00 €

No. 6023
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 140 €
dancer, hare, green mohair, original felt clothes, with pair of glasses, 16 cm, slightly used, good condition, CH-No. 238

Hammerprice: 1000,00 €

No. 6024
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 280 €
Yes/No page, 36 cm, '20s, mohair plush, partially a bit loss, felt clothes are a bit stained, in SCHUCO box, CH-No. 221

Hammerprice: 2000,00 €

No. 6025
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 45 €
2 pieces, Yes/No hare, 14 cm, good condition, 1 SCHUCO hare, with felt clothes, 15 cm, partially a bit mohair loss, CH-No. 239

Hammerprice: 240,00 €

No. 6026
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 140 €
2 pieces, bears, black Yes/No bear (rare color), 12.5 cm, small bear with pair of glasses, perfume bottle, good condition, CH-No. 223

Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 6027
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 260 €
Tricky, Yes/No bear, man and woman, 20 cm, mohair plush, original clothes, with chest label, in original box, without damage, CH-No. 246

Hammerprice: 850,00 €

No. 6028
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 160 €
Yes/No page, 21 cm, mohair plush, shoe button eyes, felt clothes, a bit mohair loss, good condition, CH-No. 222

Hammerprice: 650,00 €

No. 6029
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 160 €
3 pieces, Yes/No hare, 13.5 cm, good condition, 1 somersault hare, 13.5 cm, used, small places with mohair loss, good, 1 hare, 13 cm, CH-No. 226

Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 6030
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 90 €
3 pieces, 2x Yes/No bear, white and light brown, 1 bear, red mohair plush, 12.5 cm, 1 felt glove, big patches with flaws, otherwise some places with mohair loss, CH-No. 224

Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 6031
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 120 €
3 pieces, bear with perfume bottle, light, 12.5 cm, cover at perfume bottle is missing, 1 bear, dark-brown, type Teddy-Baby, with up-painted claws, 1 bear with bright mohair, 12.5 cm, CH-No. 240

Hammerprice: 850,00 €

No. 6032
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 90 €
2 pieces, headlight bear, probably for affixing at a bike, 9.5 cm, bear, red-brown, 12 cm, with holder for bike, good condition, CH-No. 230

Hammerprice: 1000,00 €

No. 6033
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 1800 €
bear, c. 1915, 48 cm, nice, full, red brown mohair, shoe button eyes, felt paws in the feet with carcboard insert, with button, long snaped off arms, slight hump, very nice expression, very nice original condition, felt paws are except of minimally spots in very good condition, CH-No. 357

Hammerprice: 3500,00 €

No. 6034
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 1200 €
bear, c. 1915, 30 cm, with button, long trailing f, kapok stuffed, 4 claws, nice, full mohair, long snaped off arms, slight hump, exceptional nice condition, nice expression, CH-No. 217

Hammerprice: 2600,00 €

No. 6035
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 450 €
ice bear on 4 paws, height: 19 cm, '20s, with button, long trailing f, rests of the white cloth tag label, nice, full mohair, felt paws, good, CH-No. 209

Hammerprice: 2500,00 €

No. 6036
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 450 €
brown bear, with mechanism for turning head, standing on 4 paws, height: 19 cm, with button, long trailing f, rests of the red cloth tag label, '30s, mohair is except of small places in good condition, felt paws good, CH-No. 475

Hammerprice: 1000,00 €

No. 6037
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 2400 €
bear, before 1910, 56 cm, shiny button, very nice, full red brown mohair, kapok, stuffed, shoe button eyes, long snaped off arms, hump, felt black underlaid, very expressive, one of the highlights of the auction, felt is except of 2 small places in good condition, CH-No. 458

Hammerprice: 3900,00 €

No. 6038
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 380 €
bear, '30s, 28 cm, mohair-plush, dark-brown, with button, long trailing f, rests of the red cloth tag label, long snaped off arms, slight hump, 2 small felt faults, otherwise very nice original condition, CH-No. 321
Hammerprice: 900,00 €

No. 6039
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 650 €
bear, white, 34 cm, c. 1920, with button, long trailing f, glass eyes, long snaped off arms, hump, nice, full white mohair, some places are a bit yellowed, bright embroidering, minimally mohair-loss, around the nose, small faults in the felt, 1 paw is a bit dirty, very nice expression, CH-No. 479
Hammerprice: 1100,00 €

No. 6040
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 1200 €
bear, with button, long trailing f, kapok stuffed, c. 1910, 40 cm, cinnamon-colored, full mohair, felt paws in good condition, shoe button eyes, long, snaped off arms, slight hump, very expressive, CH-No. 462

Hammerprice: 3100,00 €

No. 6042
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 1400 €
clown bear, 26 cm, yellow mohair plush, a bit bleached out, with button, long trailing f, small places with mohair loss, 1 felt paw was supplemented, otherwise good, CH-No. 431

Hammerprice: 2300,00 €

No. 6043
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 180 €
Pupp-teddy, 28 cm, faux silk plush, with button, long trailing f, No. 12/625, fabric at the back of the neck is open, 2 small places at the feet are open, plush in good condition, jacket is a bit worn, CH-No. 384

Hammerprice: 850,00 €

No. 6044
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 900 €
bear, c. 1910, 32 cm, shoe button eyes, kapok stuffed, long snaped off arms, slight hump, with button, long trailing f, mohair and felt in very good condition, very expressive, CH-No. 208

Hammerprice: 4600,00 €

No. 6045
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 280 €
Panda, with button, long trailing f, writing "Panda-Bär", red with afterwards up-painted heart, mohair-plush, 2-colored, tricot paws, 26 cm, minimally mohair loss around the snout, otherwise very good condition, rare, CH-No. 212

Hammerprice: 2100,00 €

No. 6046
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 180 €
2 pieces, Pupp-bears, man and woman, 22 cm, mohair plush, felt clothes, turning heads, without button and chest label, mohair loss at the forearm of the female bear, otherwise good condition, CH-No. 315

Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 6047
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 180 €
velvet hare, sitting, orange velvet, with button, block letters, long trailing f, minimally rests of the red cloth tag label, big glass eyes, swivel head, 19 cm, very nice original condition, slight small color deviations on the back, otherwise very good, CH-No. 371

Hammerprice: 1900,00 €

No. 6048
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 180 €
ox, on wooden rolls, with button, block letters, long trailing f, small shoe button eyes, a bit mohair loss, lenght: 18 cm, height: 13 cm, CH-No. 381

Hammerprice: 900,00 €

No. 6049
Steiff Special Auction January 2023
Limit: 260 €
hare, exceptional, attending, fiery mohair, c. 1930, partially a bit mohair loss at scattered places, with button, block letters, long trailing f, minimally rests of the red cloth tag label, 81 cm, exceptional, extremely rare in this size, CH-No. 424

Hammerprice: 2000,00 €