Summer auction 2022
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Toys, dollhouses, dolls

No. 1127
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot of children with flowers, angel figures, mostly very good condition, 6 cm
Hammerprice: 250,00 €

No. 1128
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 40 €
hares band, 5-part, some angel figures WENDT & KÜHN, different sizes, small stand, 2 chicks made of wood, mostly very good condition, with some Easter eggs, wood, 2 Easter bunnys, wood, 15.5 cm
Hammerprice: 50,00 €

No. 1129
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 20 €
4 pieces, animals, 1 ram, horns are break off, metal casting, 4 wool sheeps
Hammerprice: 100,00 €

No. 1130
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 350 €
115-A, bisque porcelain character baby, 42 cm, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, dimple at chin, Toddler-body, jointed wrists, body was painted over, loose rubbers, old wig
Hammerprice: 1100,00 €

No. 1131
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 50 €
girl, 36 cm, plastic head, slightly used, good condition, small line at the cheek
Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 1132
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 90 €
117-N. 62 cm, bisque porcelain character doll, brown impish eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, Toddler-body with pulled up knee joints, mass hands, small hairline crack in the corner of mouth, otherwise good, old clothes, underwear and shoes
Hammerprice: 600,00 €

No. 1133
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 1100 €
bisque porcelain head doll, France, marked BRU JNER No. 12, bisque socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, stocky, French jointed body, 67 cm, old, thick mohair wig, clothes are sewed of old fabric , old shoes, fingers were retouched, flaked off mass part at body, fingers were partially retouched, 1 finger was glued , this is a very late BRU, the porcelain and painting slighlty differs to the former BRUS, a certificate by the original seller is attached
Hammerprice: 1600,00 €

No. 1134
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 40 €
bisque porcelain shoulder headed doll, modelled short curly short hairstyle, pierced ears, chips at earlobes, big blue painted eyes, closed mouth, marked S9H, chest was glued, bisque forearms, 1 thumb is break off, stitched down fabric body, old clothes, 80 cm
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 1136
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 80 €
bisque porcelain head doll, 65 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, the real hair-wig is more recent
Hammerprice: 100,00 €

No. 1137
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 90 €
wax shoulder headed doll, 50 cm, fix inset blue glass eyes, inset mohair, fabric body, wax arms, small tender spot on the nose, old clothes
Hammerprice: 280,00 €

No. 1138
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 50 €
bisque porcelain head doll, marked 1902 10-0, 34 cm, fix inset brown glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, jointed body with fix wrists, old clothes
Hammerprice: 100,00 €

No. 1139
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 360 €
papier mâché shoulder headed doll, around 1840, type Biedermeier, 22 cm, fine modelled hair, painted eyes, tip of the nose is slightly worn, leather body, wooden arms and -legs, body at the knees 1x with adhesive tape, old clothes, slightly worn, nice size for a big early dollhouse or kitchen with chimney hood

No. 1140
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 80 €
early wax shoulder headed doll, England around 1860, fix inset blue glass eyes, modelled nose, strong formation of cracks in face and on the breast plate, leather arms, single stitched down fingers, original clothes, leather body with straight legs, 32 cm
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 1141
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 180 €
bisque porcelain socket head doll, the paperweight eyes were afterwards fix inset , pierced ears, slight chips at tje earlobes, French jointed body, hands new, old clothes, marked SFBJ Paris 21 No. 9, 52 cm
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 1142
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 80 €
Pumpkin-Head, wax coated papier mâché shoulder headed doll, 30 cm, c. 1880, fix inset dark glass eyes without pupil , modelled hair, closed mouth, fabric body, wooden arms and legs, up-painted boots, very nice original clothes, small places at the old silk are slightly worn, some small cracks, very nice original condition at left foot a smaller break off part

No. 1143
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 180 €
exceptional papier mâché-shoulder headed doll coated with wax , England, 31 cm, inset mohair hairline, fix inset dark glass eyeswithout pupil, jointed lower jaw, by pushing the stomach, fabric body, wooden arms and legs, up-painted boots, original silk dress, c. 1890, very nice condition
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 1144
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 50 €
Italy, mid 19th century, crowned Maria, set with golden lace, sacred wax doll, leather arms with small defects, with the child Jesus, in wood /leather box, all in all 47 cm tall, 30 wide, depth: 12 cm
Hammerprice: 50,00 €

No. 1145
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 160 €
exceptional, English wax shoulder headed doll, around 1840, fix inset cobalt-blue glass eyes, modeled nose, closed mouth, formation of cracks in face and on the breast plate, curly real hair wig, 30 cm, leather body, single stitched down fingers, velvet bodice, organza / cotton, in very good condition, decorated with paper flowers in a wood/glass showcase, inside with wallpaper, height: 38 cm, depth: 15 cm, width: 26 cm
Hammerprice: 160,00 €

No. 1146
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 90 €
group of sitting people with doll furniture, mirror table, height: 44 cm, covered with wine-red colored velvet, 2x chairs, 1x sofa, lenght: 33 cm, 1x circular table, height: 12 cm, diameter: 10 cm, decorative

No. 1147
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 380 €
KICKING STEINER GIGOTEUR by STEINER, fix inset blue paperweight eyes, line of upper and lower teeth, pierced ears, very nice, fine porcelain, back of the head was glued, around 1880, mass hands, fingers are partially retouched, semi-automatic body, coated with white kid leather, mass legs with original key , body was partially mended with cotton, mechanism stucks, but intact, 42 cm, very nice old red velvet hood
Hammerprice: 390,00 €

No. 1148
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 140 €
bisque porcelain- socket head, child's face doll, marked 155, blue sleepy eyes, 2 upper teeth, original plaster cover, wasn't removed, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, from outside are no flaws visible, original mohair wig, blond, jointed body, 1 thumb is missing, old dress, old shoes, 26 cm
Hammerprice: 700,00 €

No. 1149
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 120 €
mixed lot of clothes, among it 1x very nice, French cotton dress, probably sewed of old fabric , with elaborately worked embroidery and green silk ribbons, for c. 45 cm doll, with 1x burgundy colored coat dress, for c. 40 cm doll, and 1 light blue, French doll dress, light blue silk and lace, for c. 50 cm doll, a very nice lot
Hammerprice: 420,00 €

No. 1150
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 330 €
early, German jointed doll, bisque porcelain socket head, closed mouth, marked XI, brown sleepy eyes, closed mouth, a bit dust at the cheek, early original jointed body with fix wrists, nice, old clothes, and original wig with plaster cover, 40 cm, very expressive
Hammerprice: 2400,00 €

No. 1151
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 390 €
Fashion Doll, bisque porcelain socket head, on a bisque porcelain breast plate, marked 1., pierced ears, fix inset deep blue glass eyes, closed mouth, stitched down, white kid leather body, with single stitched down fingers, and stitched down elbows, straight legs, stiff, 35 cm, old cork cover, nice, old clothes, wine-red velvet slippers
Hammerprice: 950,00 €

No. 1152
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 50 €
bisque porcelain child, resp. child bust, short modelled hair, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, visible line of upper teeth, slightly smiling, fine modelled, beginning of a lace blouse with loop, height: 16 cm, diameter: 7.5 cm, marked 3994 EBS, nice size for a glass cabinet, exceptional, very expressive

No. 1153
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 420 €
exceptional big bisque porcelain socket head doll, marked 1907 No. 14, fix inset green-brown glass eyes, paperweight eyes, opened mouth, line of upper teeth, pierced ears, French jointed body, old cork cover, old real hair wig, and clothes are partially sewed of old fabric, 73 cm, very expressive
Hammerprice: 500,00 €

No. 1154
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 60 €
porcelain figure, young man with flower basket, height: 22 cm, porcelain flowers without flaked off parts, marked with lettering 34., decorative, fine hand-painted, gold paintig is slightly worn

No. 1155
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 300 €
early Meissen porcelain probably around 1790, pompous soup tureen (festive day bowl) with top, at the side 2 plastic white enameled ladies heads with painted wreath of leaves, decorative handpainted floral peony motif, bowl was professional restored from the inside, height: 39 cm, width: 43 cm, depth: 27 cm, marked MEISSEN crossed swords

No. 1156
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 60 €
Dresden porcelain
2 rococo ladies playing music, probably around 1940, partially flaked off porcelain part and big flaked off part on the reverse of the clothes, height: 20 cm, lenght: 27 cm

No. 1157
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 45 €
big mixed lot of old wallpapers, 1900-1930, for restoring dollhouses

No. 1158
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 30 €
Easter mixed lot, mass Easter bunny, candy -container, Easter bunny, mass with pannier, 16.5 cm, 1 ear was glued, small egg, candy container, covered with velvet, chick, small duck, 14 cm, Easter bunny and chicken, cotton wool, 1 box for Easter gift, embroidered
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 1159
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 25 €
Easter mixed lot, hare, papier mâché, attending, 30.5 cm, 1 foot glued to, 1 wood hare was glued, 1 wood hare on wheels, chick, candy container, sitting hare, candy container, knocked ears, fabric hare, some cardboard eggs, 10 cm - 15 cm
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 1160
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 35 €
mixed lot of cardboard eggs, candy -container, partially stuck with lithographed paper, partially covered with fabric, 2 eggs silk painting, 15-20 cm, silk is slightly worn, 1 big heart, candy container, 24 cm

No. 1161
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 25 €
vase, porcelain shaped like an egg, 12 cm, 1 egg, glass, box, 16 cm, with scratches on the paintwork

No. 1162
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 35 €
3 pieces, hare, wood, colored set, sawed out, 97 cm, 1 Easter-cut out sheet, 1 cardboard decoration "Frohe Ostern"
Hammerprice: 50,00 €

No. 1163
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 25 €
mixed lot of cardboard eggs, 6 pieces, covered with lithographed paper, 1 egg, covered with fabric, painted, 9-24 cm, '30s-'50s
Hammerprice: 25,00 €

No. 1164
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 320 €
doll No. I, fabric head, 3 seams at the back of the head, broad hip, separate sewed on thumb, 42 cm, worn, worn arms, and partially over sewed, tip of the nose is worn, used
Hammerprice: 320,00 €

No. 1165
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 220 €
bear, c. 1920, with button, long trailing F, 33 cm, strongly used, fill loss, paws were over sewed, snout worn

No. 1166
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 60 €
carnival mask, wood, carved, height: 27 cm, colored, original condition, unusual

No. 1167
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 2200 €
studio doll, gypsum, socket head, painted eyes, real hair wig, flaked off gypsum part at chin, minimally tender spot on the forehead, otherwise good, one of the first produced SASHA dolls
Hammerprice: 3700,00 €

No. 1168
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 120 €
girl, 50 cm, head Tortulon, US-zone, tip of the nose is minimally worn, otherwise good condition
Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 1169
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 120 €
girl, postwar era, 45 cm, plastic head, painted eyes, wig, old clothes, partially faded, good condition
Hammerprice: 140,00 €

No. 1170
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 390 €
doll No. I, 42 cm, fabric head, 3 seams at the back of the head, broad hip, separate sewed on thumb, in face and at the hair, was colorwise retouched, body is a little bit dirty
Hammerprice: 390,00 €

No. 1171
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 120 €
stagecoach, wood, colored, around 1900, 61 cm, corner at roof is missing, otherwise original condition, draft horse covered with pelt, mass coachman with one arm

No. 1172
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 80 €
wooden jumping jack, c. 1910, bear, with jointed tongue, 18 cm, unusual

No. 1173
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 30 €
3 early animals, wood, carved, dog and lying sheep, 13-17.5 cm, early
Hammerprice: 30,00 €

No. 1174
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 140 €
1299, small bisque porcelain head doll, 27 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, jointed body, 1 finger was retouched, old clothes, underwear and shoes, old mohair wig
Hammerprice: 390,00 €

No. 1175
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 550 €
116A, 54 cm, marked at head 50, because of of the Toddler body, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, teeth and tongue, Toddler-body with jointed wrists, the original pelt wig wasn't removed, partially pelt loss, old clothes, old shoes and socks

Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 1176
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 110 €
2-part dollhouse room, width: 86 cm, height: 37 cm, 2 windows, passage door, old wallpaper, furnished, with accessories
Hammerprice: 110,00 €

No. 1177
Summer auction 2022
Limit: 120 €
dollhouse kitchen, around 1900, width: 69.5 cm, height: 38 cm, original painting, furnished, with accessories