Winter auction 2022
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No. 164
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 60 €
1 box made of chipboard filled with old wafer pictures, very extensive, children, animals, Christmas scenes
Hammerprice: 70,00 €

No. 165
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot of Christmas tree decoration and Christmas items, glass, cone, reflector balls, bell, 1 pair of angel figures, some candle holder, sheet metal, Christmas tree ornaments, leonic wires
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 166
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 40 €
big mixed lot made of glass, chains, Christmas tree decoration, some meter, partially patches with flaws
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 168
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 30 €
mixed lot of STEIFF and others, postwar era, lamb, button and cloth tag label, cloth tag label is worn, 3 pieces, 3 lambs without button and chest label, 1 "Waldi", original-teddy, without button and chest label, used - good
Hammerprice: 110,00 €

No. 169
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 15 €
big mixed lot of Christmas tree decoration, 6 nutcracker in different sizes, different periods, 26 cm -40 cm
Hammerprice: 50,00 €

No. 170
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 15 €
mixed lot of nativity figures carved of wood , angel, farmers, animals, 7 cm -12 cm, decorative
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 171
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 15 €
mixed lot of doll's wigs, from different times, for c. 15 cm -30 cm in diameter, real hair and artificial hair
Hammerprice: 160,00 €

No. 172
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 50 €
mixed lot of dolls, reproduction, bisque-porcelain, K&R 114, brown painted eyes, clothes are more recent, 30 cm, and KÄMMER & REINHARDT, 117 from 1984, brown glass eyes, 31 cm, 1 sewing machine, Red Riding Hood, height: 20 cm, 1 small wood dollhouse room, probably 1950, B, 28 cm, height: 10 cm, a nice lot, please have a look at it
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 173
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 15 €
mixed lot of decoration pieces for doll kitchen, richly, furnishings, and 2x STEIFF dogs, foxterrier, standing, 9 cm, used condition, dollhouse-wood-pram, height: 8 cm, lenght: 12 cm, and much more
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 174
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 45 €
big mixed lot of dolls, among it celluloid and mass, 1x Kewpie, SCHILDKRÖT Kewpie, SiR No. 17, with modelled bow and plait, 1 celluloid-boy, marked ASK in triangle, blue painted eyes, opened/closed mouth, 2 upperteeth, movable arms and legs, 31 cm, and much more,please have a look at it
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 175
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 45 €
big mixed lot of SCHILDKRÖT dolls, a bit covered in dust, among it 1x reproduction Lenci, girl, with certificate, felt clothes, 35 cm, good condition, with some SCHILDKRÖT dolls, clothes, 1x KÄMMER & REINHARDT, celluloid socket head baby, marked 728-26, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, 2 upper teeth, mass body, exceptional
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 176
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 50 €
mixed lot of dolls, SCHILDKRÖT, marked DRP Germany 26½, boy, 28 cm, 1x KÄTHE KRUSE, Hampelchen, fabric head, clearly visible seams at the back of the head, brown painted eyes, closed mouth, loose sewed on arms and legs, 42 cm, color is partially wear down and face with colorwise repaired places, old clothes
Hammerprice: 260,00 €

No. 177
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 40 €
mixed lot of nutcrackers, different periods, wood, colored, 14 pieces, 26 cm -40 cm
Hammerprice: 65,00 €

No. 178
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 20 €
mixed lot of celluloid dolls, SCHILDKRÖT, Inge, 42 cm, blue glass eyes, fix head, CELLBA, girl, SCHILDKRÖT, Inge, 40 cm, socket head, brown, fix inset glass eyes, PETIT COLLIN, baby-doll, 50 cm, rubbers are partially loose
Hammerprice: 30,00 €

No. 179
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 40 €
mixed lot of nativity figures, wax, mass, wood, from different periods, partially wax heads, 14 cm
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 180
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 40 €
mixed lot of doll clothes, white laundry, partially knitwear, suitable for baby dolls, bib, remnants, a pair of shoes, and much more , for a c. 50 cm tall doll, some wafer pictures, more recent
Hammerprice: 45,00 €

No. 181
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 50 €
mixed lot of little smoking men from different periods, with some cardboard christmas plastes, 12 pieces, diameter: 31 cm, please have a look at it
Hammerprice: 360,00 €

No. 182
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 50 €
mixed lot of hares, candy container, 1 hare with removable head, dressed, standing, mass head, 30 cm, and 1 mass hare on 4 paws, head resp. ears and 1 foot were glued, 17 cm, 1 hare on wooden rolls, 22 cm, 1 lamb on wooden board, 1 metal Easter egg and papier mâché egg
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 184
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 50 €
mixed lot of hares, candy container, mass, age?, 2x attending hare, 23 cm, head is removable, with pannier, with 1x hare on a papier mâché candy container, 14 cm, and hares, mass figure, please have a look at it
Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 185
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 40 €
mixed lot of candy-containers, hares, partially used condition, partially on rolls, and 1x wood wheelbarrow, Luffa-trees, a nice lot
Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 186
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 50 €
big mixed lot of Christmas tree decoration, margarine-figures, some wafers, flocked, small nutcracker, 13 cm, 2x ERZGEBIRGE, candelabrum, 13 cm, sheet metal candelabrum, a nice lot, mostly '50s
Hammerprice: 140,00 €

No. 187
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 80 €
mixed lot of Christian tree balls, mirror glass, big mixed lot, richly, partially unusual glass balls, cone, birds, bells and more
Hammerprice: 140,00 €

No. 188
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 30 €
3 pieces, wooden horses, old wooden boards, a bit covered in dust, 22-33 cm, decorative
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 189
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 30 €
mixed lot of decoration pieces for a big doll, among it 1x doll piano, intact, wood, width: 33 cm, height: 26 cm, depth: 17 cm, cover is missing, wood highchairs, some musical instruments, and 1 celluloid doll, marked CELLBA, fix inset blue blue glass eyes, side parting, jointed arms and legs, good condition, fix head, 52 cm
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 190
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 50 €
mixed lot of dolls, among it 1x celluloid socket head doll, marked KÄMMER & REINHARDT 728-26, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, 2 upper teeth, original jointed body, probably with original clothes, 28 cm, with 1x reproduction, marked W 1990, fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, all-bisque body, 23 cm, 1x fabric doll, head made of pressed felt , and rustic cotton clothing, 24 cm, and much more
Hammerprice: 110,00 €

No. 191
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 80 €
mixed lot 2x box made of chipboard, with wood ring-turned animals, and small ERZGEBIRGE candelabrum, newer date, 9 cm, 1x wooden house with ERZGEBIRGE figures, painted, height: 28 cm, width: 20 cm, depth: 15 cm, 1 box made of chipboard, elaborately painted, with flower decor, width: 21 cm, height: 10 cm, depth: 12 cm, a nice lot
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 192
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 80 €
Christmas decoration, 1x flocked papier mâché church, with steeple, height: 40 cm and richly mass figures, 1x mass candelabrum, with carolers, 1 head is missing, with box made of chipboard, elaborately painted, very nice lot
Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 193
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 25 €
mixed lot of Christmas decoration, 11 cardboard plate for Christmas goodies, diameter: 30 cm, 1x nutcracker, 20 cm, c. 1950, 1 wooden sledge, and much more, please have a look at it
Hammerprice: 30,00 €

No. 194
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 40 €
dollhouse shop, with counter, width: 53 cm, height: 33 cm, depth: 23 cm, 1 bisque porcelain socket head doll, probably original clothes, 1 small dollhouse Christmas tree, with old balls, richly accessories
Hammerprice: 260,00 €

No. 195
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 50 €
big mixed lot of toy, among it early aviary, car with metal wheels, 1 swing boat, roundabout, 1x cotton wool St Nicholas with bag and rod, 16 cm, a nice lot
Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 196
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 160 €
semi-automatic machine, running doll, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, line of upper teeth, pierced ears, leather body, 75 cm, marked with a W on the forehead, with doll's bucket made of sheet metal, marked Deutsche original Schmid Werksarbeit, with some doll shoes and accessories
Hammerprice: 240,00 €

No. 197
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 180 €
2 pieces dolls, 1x ARMAND MARSEILLE 390, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, 2 upper teeth, old clothes and wig, a bit covered in dust, 70 cm, fix put on cork cover, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, with KESTNER, bisque porcelain socket head, marked K½ Made in Germany 16 4, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth line of upper teeth, original plaster cover, wasn't removed, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, original clothes, a bit covered in dust, 62 cm, old wig
Hammerprice: 240,00 €

No. 198
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 60 €
2 pieces, dolls, 1x baby, marked CW in crown B5-16 Germany, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, 2 upper teeth, 60 cm, a bit wig pull, nice modelled, very expressive, old wig, with HEUBACH KOEPPELSDORF, 347-7 Germany, bisque porcelain socket head baby, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth with 2 upper teeth, tongue, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, wig couldn't be removed, 53 cm
Hammerprice: 160,00 €

No. 199
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 60 €
bisque porcelain shoulder headed doll, marked 3200, probably KESTNER, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, line of upper teeth, 1 tooth is bumped, bisque forearms, knocked fingertips, stitched down leather body, nice old clothes, 46 cm, with richly fabric remnants, and knitted pads
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 201
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 120 €
bisque porcelain socket head doll, marked 192, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, pierced ears, original, good preserved jointed body, clothes were resewed, 40 cm, with SFBJ, Paris, bisque porcelain socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, line of upper teeth, pierced ears, original jointed body, French, in good condition, hairline crack at the back of the head, 30 cm, clothes are partially old, wig is more recent
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 202
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 50 €
big mixed lot of Christmas decoration, nativity figures made of wood/mass, Holy Mary, angels, different sizes 10-18 cm, setting up figures made of cardboard, decorative
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 203
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 40 €
mixed lot with richly mirror glass, Christian tree balls, small and big size, cone, bears, angel, nuts, and much more, c. 40 pieces
Hammerprice: 280,00 €

No. 204
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 60 €
wax-shoulder headed doll-doll, put on wig, fix inset brown glass eyes, modelled nose, pierced ears, plaster arms and-legs, very nice modelled shoes and socks, 36 cm, face with formation of cracks
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 205
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 150 €
exceptional bisque porcelain socket head, doll, boy, brown fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, line of upper teeth, marked Spezial S Germany No. 7, simple mass-wood-composition-body, modelled shoes and socks, fix wrists, 25 cm, with CATTERFELDER PUPPENFABRIK, bisque porcelain socket head, marked No. 2, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, line of upper teeth, original jointed body, probably old clothes, 33 cm
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 207
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 50 €
mixed lot of Christmas tree decoration, among it Christmas angel, candelabrum on a wood base, height: 40 cm, mass/wood, carved eyes, and nose and mouth, handpainted, was probably once colorwise retouched, candle holders are partially missing, with some paper angels with mass heads
Hammerprice: 650,00 €

No. 208
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 40 €
mixed lot of horses, mass/wood, on chipboard, 1x on wood wheels, 3x on sheet metal wheels, handpainted, 25-28 cm, nice decoration for a German jointed doll
Hammerprice: 100,00 €

No. 209
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 40 €
2 pieces, horses, 1x papier mâché horse on wood chipboard, height: 23 cm, wood wheels, bridle age?, legs were partially afterwards glued, 1x wood horse on wood wheels, height: 22 cm, and wood sheep on metal wheels, height: 15 cm, lenght: 20 cm, 1 sheet metal rocking horse
Hammerprice: 40,00 €

No. 210
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 30 €
big mixed lot of pots and pans, blue/white, for a big kitchen, pot, height: 9 cm, diameter: 9 cm, richly, please have a look at it
Hammerprice: 50,00 €

No. 211
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 50 €
big mixed lot of Christmas decoration pieces, 2x ERZGEBIRGE candle holder, angels, mass/wood, age?, 25-40 cm, probably postwar era, with some nice cardboard and cotton pieces, some wood stars, some ERZGEBIRGE angel figures by WENDT & KÜHN, a nice lot, decorative
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 212
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 50 €
altar for children, wood, oak carved, elaborately work, with some silver candle holders, and utensils, height: 80 cm, width: 40 cm, decorative, probably around 1940
Hammerprice: 600,00 €

No. 214
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 15 €
mixed lot treasure chest, celluloid dolls, partially good, partially used, among others CELLBA boy, in original clothes, marked 25, fix head, jointed arms and legs, 26 cm, 1x SiR, girl, marked 20 Germany 23, arms a bit loose, tender spot on the nose, stiff legs, and much more, please have a look at it
Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 215
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 30 €
bisque porcelain socket head doll, marked DEP, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, line of upper teeth, pierced ears, small restored chip at ear, French jointed body, good, flaked off paint part at the hands, and 2 fingers were restored, 61 cm, with richly accessories , 3 glass balls, pearl bags, 1x wooden piano, intact, height: 13 cm depth: 27 cm
Hammerprice: 140,00 €

No. 217
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 30 €
mixed lot of dolls, among it papier mâché socket head dolls, HEUBACH KÖPPELSDORF, mass baby, on a Toddler body, 2x papier mâché socket head dolls, fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, line of upper teeth, jointed mass body, more recent, all in all 8 dolls, a bit covered in dust
Hammerprice: 100,00 €

No. 218
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 50 €
mixed lot of dollhouse dolls, age?, 3x bisque porcelain socket heads, marked G.K.44 14, fix inset black glass eyes, mass body, modelled shoes and socks, jointed arms and legs, 14-16 cm, decorative
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 219
Winter auction 2022
Limit: 160 €
bisque porcelain socket head, very fine modelled, jointed body, good, 2 fingers were restored, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, line of upper teeth, dimple at chin, slight double chin, very fine modelled ears, pierced, marked 12 S.&C. Germany, 62 cm, clothes old, real hair wig, very expressive
Hammerprice: 280,00 €