Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
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No. 1
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 160 €
hare, velvet, sitting, with button, block letters, long trailing f, big glass eyes, peach-colored velvet, 12 cm, produced 1930-31, very nice condition, CH-No. 289, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 450,00 €

No. 2
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 180 €
hare, produced between 1923-28, mohair plush, white-brown, shoe button eyes underlaid with red felt, felt legs, partially professional retouched, partially a bit mohair loss, length: 13 cm, rare, CH-No. 395, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 3
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 130 €
hare, on casting wheels with spokes, shoe button eyes, underlaid with red felt, sprinting, length: 28 cm, height: 20 cm, around 1910, the short mohair is partially a bit thin, otherwise nice condition, CH-No. 219, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 4
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 160 €
teddy-baby, pre-war era, with button, long trailing f, velvet insert at the snout, glass eyes, opened mouth, velvet legs, dark-brown mohair, 15 cm, partially mohair here and there with slight thin places , otherwise nice condition, CH-No. 306, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 650,00 €

No. 5
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 260 €
hanging hare, with button, block letters, long trailing f, small shoe button eyes underlaid with white felt, mohair head, mohair at the reverse is a bit thin, fabric body, original clothes, height: 21 cm, exceptional, very rare, CH-No. 398, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 3000,00 €

No. 6
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 220 €
hare, sitting, with button, block letters, long trailing f, shoe button eyes, underlaid with red felt, brown felt, produced around 1916-17, height: 17 cm, length: 21 cm, with original red silk ribbon, gentle recognizable STEIFF logo, minimally bad spot under the foot, otherwise very beautiful, CH-No. 366, the item is located in Switzerland,in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 1400,00 €

No. 7
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 260 €
unusual albino hare, produced 1914-27, red and delicate pink colored glass eyes, sitting, nice white full mohair, inside of the ear with pink velvet, with small STEIFF button, block letters, long trailing f, minimally rests of the white cloth tag label, seat height 25 cm, rare, exceptional, slight mohair loss at the left eye, CH-No. 476, the item is located in Switzerland in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 1000,00 €

No. 8
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 240 €
hare, produced from 1908-19, exceptional, 3-colored, mohair, with red underlaid shoe button eyes, felt-feet, with small STEIFF button, block letters, long trailing f, height: 12 cm, length: 20 cm, a bit thin mohair, otherwise very beautiful, rare, CH-No. 335, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 1200,00 €

No. 9
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 350 €
exceptional, rare albino hare, sitting, big red delicate pink glass eyes, with button, block letters, long trailing f, perfect red cloth tag label, No. 3311, swivel head, seat height 14 cm, produced around 1930, rare, original silk ribbon, pink with little bell, very nice original pink colouring in the ears, CH-No. 378, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 3000,00 €

No. 10
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 550 €
Zottel-bear, produced 1914-1927, nice, white, long mohair, glass eyes, bright embroidering at snout, button eyes, with button block letters long trailing f, felt paws, with seam at the middle of head, very expressive, height: 30 cm, length: 44 cm, exceptional, CH-No. 445, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 6500,00 €

No. 11
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 420 €
bear, c. 1925, with glass eyes, bright embroidering at snout, white mohair, with button, block letters, long trailing f, 35 cm, long snaped off arms, hump, partially at the rear legs and here and there places with minimally thin mohair , very expressive, softly stuffed, CH-No. 463, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 1700,00 €

No. 12
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 850 €
Golliwog, English children's book character, felt, jointed, produced 1909-1918, with button, block letters, long trailing f, shoe button eyes with felt underlaid, mohair loss at back of the head, and small single faults in the felt, otherwise very nice condition, rare, exceptional, height: 28cm, CH-No. 260 , the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 5000,00 €

No. 13
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 550 €
Jack-Rabbit, produced 1927-31, 30 cm, standing, jointed head and arms, fiery mohair, with small felt tongue, button, block letters, long trailing f, velvet body, and clothes, lace up shoes made of leather, here and there places with a bit mohair loss at the back of the head and of the right hand , otherwise very nice condition, extremely rare, exceptional, CH-No. 338, the item is located in Switzerland in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!
Hammerprice: 8000,00 €

No. 14
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 650 €
teddy-baby, syntetic silk plush, yellow gold mohair, with shiny button, chest label and cloth tag label, No. 7630,2, very nice condition without damage, strong original Air-Brush-colouring in face, standing height 28 cm, CH-No. 258, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 7200,00 €

No. 15
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 1600 €
One of the highlights of this year's STEIFF-GIENGEN-auction, Petsy, produced around 1930, with seam at the middle of head, nice, full, pointed mohair, rare cross-eyed, with button, block letters, long trailing f, bright embroidering at snout, long snaped off arms, hump, big ears, original felt paws with flaws here and there, and scattered spotty mohair loss at neck, hump, ears, and shoulder, otherwise very nice condition, nice strong color of the mohair, standing height 50 cm, extremely rare, extremely expressive, an unusual rarity, CH-No. 348, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!
Hammerprice: 60000,00 €

No. 16
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 220 €
Rabinette, hare, fiery mohair, big glass eyes, pink velvet body, with button, block letters, long trailing f, breast sign with metal ring, red, very beautiful preserved cloth tag label, No. 5420, partially mohair loss, 25 cm, rare, CH-No. 465, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 3500,00 €

No. 17
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 280 €
Roly-Poly-hare, mohair plush, rust brown / beige, with small button, block letters, long trailing f, exceptional glass eyes, produced 1909-1918, jointed head and arms, height: with ears 25 cm, rare, here and there places with a bit mohair-loss, extremely rare, nice, strong colors, CH-No. 360, the item is located in Switzerland in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!
Hammerprice: 5000,00 €

No. 18
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 160 €
calendar c. 1905, without button, possibly pre-button era, in English, with sewed on velvet hares, shoe button eyes, hare, length: 16.5 cm, kink at calendar, velvet good, unusual, CH-No. 210, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 500,00 €

No. 19
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 240 €
3 pieces, velvet hares, attending, 12.5 cm, c. 1905, pre-button era, small hare, shiny button, 8 cm velvet hare, button with long stretched f, white cloth tag label, all 3 pieces, shoe button eyes, very good condition, CH-No. 294, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 1100,00 €

No. 20
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 120 €
probably STEIFF
brush hare, c. 1910, 20 cm, glass eyes, very good condition, CH-No. 411, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 1800,00 €

No. 21
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 450 €
Rabbit, velvet hare, c. 1910, 32 cm, shoe button eyes, underlaid with red velvet, with button, long trailing f, original felt clothes, very nice original condition, original whiskers, CH-No. 464, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 3600,00 €

No. 22
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 280 €
velvet hare, on cast spoke wheels, c. 1905, pre-button era, 17 cm, shoe button eyes, very good condition, CH-No. 376, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 1100,00 €

No. 23
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 140 €
mascot, velvet hare, on a felt leaf, c. 1910, height: 9 cm, without button, glass eyes, very good condition, CH-No. 247, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 2000,00 €

No. 24
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 280 €
hare, attending, with button, block letters, long trailing f, jointed arms, rust-colored, fiery mohair, standing height 33 cm, produced around 1935, very nice condition, nice strong colors, CH-No. 334, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 500,00 €

No. 25
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 260 €
velvet hare, Rabbit, 12 cm, c. 1910, with button, original felt waistcoat, red small velvet slippers, button eyes, very good condition, CH-No. 429, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 1800,00 €

No. 26
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 260 €
hare, attending, pre-war era, height: 46 cm, with button, long trailing f, rests of the red cloth tag label, glass eyes, swivel head, wire in the ears, mohair in very good condition, CH-No. 214, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 450,00 €

No. 27
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 140 €
hare, sitting, pre-war era, 23 cm, swivel head, red glass eyes, nice, full mohair, without button, CH-No. 374, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 28
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 280 €
hare, pre-war era, attending, 32 cm, 5-fold jointed, with button, long trailing f, red glass eyes, mohair in very good condition, CH-No. 365, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 1700,00 €

No. 29
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 280 €
hare, sitting, c. 1905, height: 18 cm, shoe button eyes, underlaid with felt, with button, shiny button with white cloth tag label, nice, full mohair, at 1 side embroidering at snout is loose, with whiskers, very good condition, CH-No. 391, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 280,00 €

No. 30
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 160 €
hare, sitting, c. 1920, height: 10 cm, nice, full mohair, ears inside with felt, with button, white cloth tag label, red glass eyes, very good condition, CH-No. 370, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 360,00 €

No. 31
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 280 €
hare, on excenter wheels, length: 37 cm, with button, red cloth tag label, No. 1322EX, glass eyes, whiskers, nice, full mohair, slight abrasion at the wheel surfaces, very good condition, CH-No. 201, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 500,00 €

No. 32
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 280 €
hare, on excenter wheels, c. 1920, 41 cm, shoe button eyes, underlaid with red felt, with button, long trailing f, nice full mohair, whiskers, very good condition, CH-No. 456, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 390,00 €

No. 33
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 180 €
hare, on excenter wheels, c. 1910, length: 40.5 cm, felt, shoe button eyes are underlaid with red felt, STEIFF logo on the wheels, with button, long trailing f, here and there minimally felt faults, 1 side is a bit dirty, otherwise good condition, with whiskers, CH-No. 455, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 450,00 €

No. 34
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 180 €
hare, 5-fold jointed, pre-war era, c. 1920, attending, 30 cm, shoe button eyes, underlaid with red felt, mohair in good condition, CH-No. 380, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 2200,00 €

No. 35
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 360 €
coffee warmer, c. 1910, hare, mohair head and -paws, shoe button eyes, underlaid with red felt, felt dress, fabric pinafore, 41 cm, without button, faults at felt dress, CH-No. 427, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 2200,00 €

No. 36
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 140 €
hare, pre-war era, 28 cm, swivel head, wire in the ears, glass eyes, a bit scratched, with 1 beard hair, mohair is except of small places in good condition, CH-No. 390, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 37
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 180 €
cone-hare, velvet, 23 cm, shoe button eyes, with bell, without button, good condition c. 1910, CH-No. 386, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 800,00 €

No. 38
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 280 €
bear bag, produced around 1925, with button, block letters, long trailing f, rests of the red cloth tag label, glass eyes, felt paws, nice full grey-brown mohair, length: 20 cm, height: 15 cm, with metal zipper, unusual, very rare, CH-No. 440, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 8000,00 €

No. 39
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 320 €
Wigwag , produced around 1925, seesaw on rolls, 1x STEIFF monkey, felt, with hat and ruff, with shoe button eyes, without button, with bear, CH-No. 344, with glass eyes, with button, block letters, long trailing f, brass-colored mohair, here and there places with mohairloss, and a bit thin, length: 22 cm, height: 15 cm, rare, unusual, CH-No. 344, the item is located in Switzerland in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 6000,00 €

No. 40
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 180 €
Roly-Poly-bear, produced from 1909-15, with head, block letters, long trailing f, shoe button eyes, jointed arms, stronger mohair loss, height: 15 cm, silk ruff, was probably afterwards attached, used, CH-No. 469, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 3000,00 €

No. 41
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 580 €
very nice bear, probably around 1910, with button, block letters, long trailing f, rests of the white cloth tag label, shoe button eyes, grey short mohair, felt-paws, good, long snaped off arms, clearly hump, here and there are places with slight thin mohair, voice isn't working, 32 cm, CH-No. 337, the item is located in Switzerland,in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 3500,00 €

No. 42
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 160 €
gallop-teddy, bear on 4 paws, from the Galopp-car, produced 1926-29, with button, block letters, long trailing f, glass eyes, original mohair ruff, blue, length: 10 cm, height: 7 cm, rare, very nice condition, CH-No. 305, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 700,00 €

No. 43
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 160 €
Galopp-Polar-bear , produced 1926-1929, with button, block letters, long trailing f, shoe button eyes, on 4 paws, original mohair ruff, green, for Galopp-car, length: 12 cm, height: 8 cm, very nice condition, CH-No. 304, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 420,00 €

No. 44
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 160 €
hare, attending, produced 1927-37, 55 cm, big glass eyes, swivel head, with button, block letters, long trailing f, mohair is originally brown flamed, color is stronger bleached out, mohair here and there with slight thin places, CH-No. 444, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 45
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 1500 €
One of the of the highlights of the auction, probably a prototype by the Fa. STEIFF, unusual doll, felt head, blue glass eyes, bright mohair hair, with button, block letters, long trailing f, bear body , with white mohair, probably original silk ribbon and silk collar, height: 35 cm, small felt faults at the right cheek, exceptional, stronger mohair loss on the reverse of the legs and at the back, otherwise single places witha sligh thin mohair, exceptional, probably an unique specimen, CH-No. 255, the item is located in Switzerland in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 8000,00 €

No. 46
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 220 €
dutch rabbit, exceptional, attending, 29 cm, produced 1907-1912, white/rose, jointed, jointed head, arms and legs, rose glass eyes, except of small places mohair in very nice condition, rare, CH-No. 367, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 1800,00 €

No. 47
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 280 €
bear, brass-colored, c. 1910, with button, block letters, long trailing f, shoe button eyes, long snaped off arms, hump, scattered faults at the felt paws, otherwise nice full mohair, 35 cm, extremely expressive, button ws probably 1x afterwards supplemented, CH-No. 317, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 1200,00 €

No. 48
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 850 €
very nice bear, produced 1905, with shiny button, white paper cloth tag label, No. 5325, long snaped off arms, clearly hump, felt paws in very nice condition, nice white full mohair, bright embroidering at snout, kapok stuffed, 33 cm, extremely expressive, very good condition - without damage, CH-No. 461, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 4500,00 €

No. 49
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 1200 €
Record-teddy, produced 1927-1930, with button, block letters, long trailing f, red fiery mohair, glass eyes, felt paws, except of minimally places in good condition, scattered thin mohair, and mohair loss, swivel head, color is wear down at the wooden wheels, height: 24 cm, length: 24 cm, extremely exceptional, very strong colors, rare, CH-No. 339, the item is located in Switzerland in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 8000,00 €

No. 50
Steiff Special Auction in Giengen 2023
Limit: 220 €
opossum, produced from 1909-14, with button, block letters, long trailing f, shoe button eyes, red embroidering at snout, attending, jointed arms and legs and head, height: 17 cm, stronger mohair loss, CH-No. 468, the item is located in Switzerland, in case of import into the EU customs duties and handling fees will arise!

Hammerprice: 3600,00 €