Autumn Auction 2022
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Dolls and Accessoires

No. 4125
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 60 €
doll's Trousseau, tinplate, painted, floral pattern, partially worn, with some doll's hats, music box, wood, is intact, original inscription, with Cyrillic letters, width: 12 cm, depth: 8.5 cm, height: 7 cm, a nice mixed lot of
Hammerprice: 110,00 €

No. 4126
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 60 €
music box, wood, is intact, with 6 different melodies, switchover of the melody isn't intact, only 1 is played, 30 x 9 x 16 cm
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 4127
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 60 €
watercolor, 4 child's portraits, 1926, children of the family Herfarth, paper or cardboard, framed, inside measurement 48.5x56 cm, behind glass
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 4128
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 140 €
wax shoulder headed fashion doll, France, 33 cm, c. 1920, painted eyes, fabric body, leather arms and legs, original silk dress, silk is partially broken

No. 4129
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 160 €
wax shoulder headed fashion doll, France, 32 cm, c. 1910, painted eyes, fabric body, leather arms and-legs, original clothes, silk is partially worn
Hammerprice: 160,00 €

No. 4130
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 160 €
wax shoulder headed fashion doll, France, 29 cm, on a base, standing, painted eyes, fabric body, leather arms and legs, '30s, original clothes
Hammerprice: 390,00 €

No. 4131
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 120 €
wax fashion doll, France, 34.5 cm, painted eyes, inset real hair, original clothes, '20s, mounted on a wooden board, hands broken and fixed with pin, silk is partially worn
Hammerprice: 160,00 €

No. 4132
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 30 €
wax shoulder headed fashion doll, France, 2 pieces, 1x sitting, head without breast plate, sewn in, probably original, fabric body, leather arms and legs, original dress is strongly worn, 1 shoulder headed doll, arms are missing, pieces at the breast plate are missing, dress is strongly worn
Hammerprice: 70,00 €

No. 4133
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 120 €
wax shoulder headed fashion doll, France, 2 pieces, 33 cm, painted eyes, head at breast plate is break off, fabric body, leather arms and legs, underwear is missing, at 1 doll is 1 wax arm missing, clothes original
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 4134
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 90 €
wax shoulder headed fashion doll, France, 35 cm, painted eyes, 1 side with a weakly eye painting, fabric body, wax arms, 1 arm loose, original clothes, in a glass case
Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 4135
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 140 €
wax shoulder headed fashion doll, France, 36 cm, put on mohair, painted eyes, fabric body, leather arms and legs, original clothes, dress is torn at the side
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 4136
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 140 €
wax shoulder headed fashion doll, France, c. 1920, 32 cm, painted eyes, fabric body, leather arms and legs, original clothes, skirt, velvet, probably original
Hammerprice: 140,00 €

No. 4137
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 160 €
wax shoulder headed fashion doll, France, 2 pieces, 34 and 35 cm, fabric body, leather arms and legs, 1 doll face dark, 1 doll face is at the side almost black, clothes are probably original,
Hammerprice: 240,00 €

No. 4138
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 160 €
wax shoulder headed fashion doll, sitting on a chair, c. 1920, 25 cm, painted eyes, mohair wig, fabric body, leather arms and legs, original clothes, silk is a bit worn
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 4139
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 280 €
wax shoulder headed fashion doll, France, candy container, standing on a base , with flower basket, 36 cm, nice original clothes, c. 1910
Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 4140
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 240 €
wax shoulder headed fashion doll, France, candy-container, 47 cm, original dress, caused of old age in worn condition, c. 1910, fabric body, leather arms and-legs
Hammerprice: 280,00 €

No. 4141
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 90 €
wax shoulder headed fashion doll, France, c. 1920, put on real hair, nose with a tender spot, clothes original?
Hammerprice: 160,00 €

No. 4142
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 180 €
wax shoulder headed fashion doll, France, 33 cm, real hair, painted eyes, fabric body, leather arms and legs, original clothes, is partially a bit worn, c. 1910
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 4143
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 180 €
wax shoulder headed fashion doll, France, c. 1920, 33 cm, painted eyes, fabric body, leather arms and legs, original clothes
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 4144
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 180 €
wax shoulder headed fashion doll, France, 33 cm, painted eyes, fabric body, leather arms and legs, original clothes, small worn places
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 4145
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 90 €
wax shoulder headed fashion doll, France, 33.5 cm, painted eyes, fabric body, leather arms and legs, original dress, is stronger worn, head is very dark
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 4146
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 140 €
wax shoulder headed fashion doll, France, 36 cm, '20s, painted eyes, fabric body, leather arms and -legs, velvet dress
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 4147
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 260 €
wax shoulder headed fashion doll, France, c. 1910, 31 cm, painted eyes, fabric body, leather arms and legs, very nice original clothes
Hammerprice: 700,00 €

No. 4148
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 180 €
wax shoulder headed fashion doll, France, 2 pieces, 32 cm, painted eyes, bad spot at the cheek, fabric body, leather arms and legs, 1 doll, head is very dark, dress is strongly worn

No. 4149
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 160 €
wax shoulder headed fashion doll, France, 31 cm, c. 1920, painted eyes, fabric body, leather arms and legs, nice original clothes, 1 tender spot below the neck
Hammerprice: 1000,00 €

No. 4150
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 120 €
Biedermeier, shoulder headed doll, China-Head, 42 cm, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, fine modelled hair, tear at the side of the breast plate, small corner in the front of the breast plate is missing, fabric body, leather arms and legs, wood forearms, 1 thumb is missing, additional clothes, underwear, hat and shoes

Hammerprice: 280,00 €

No. 4151
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 160 €
fashion doll, France, 32 cm, bisque socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth (head was glued), bisque breast plate, jointed brass-metal-arms, with bisque forearms, 1 thumb is missing, leather covered, jointed metal body, wig is more recent, arms with loss of paint

Hammerprice: 1000,00 €

No. 4152
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 180 €
fashion doll, France, Fashion-Doll, 42 cm, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, bisque breast plate, leather body, bisque forearms, upper arms wood covered with leather, with wood joints, ankle, wood covered with leather, 1 pin was supplemented by a screw , real hair wig, some fingers are missing

Hammerprice: 2300,00 €

No. 4153
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 250 €
fashion doll, France, DOUPÉ JUMEAU MÉDAILLE D´OR 1878, 36 cm, socket head, fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, old mohair wig, bisque breast plate, leather body, fingers were possibly 1x retouched, in original sales shirt, in the original box, almost without damage

Hammerprice: 1000,00 €

No. 4154
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 30 €
mass shoulder headed doll, France, 31 cm, c. 1910, painted eyes, closed mouth, fabric body, mass arms and legs, 1 thumb is missing, original clothes are worn
Hammerprice: 110,00 €

No. 4155
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 180 €
fashion doll, France, shoulder headed doll, 45 cm, blue painted eyes, pierced ears, leather body, retouched body, was partially over sewed, wig is more recent, original clothes, partially worn

Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 4156
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 80 €
big mixed lot of fashion magazines, France, Femina, September 1909, February 1901, April 1901, 6 issues between 1927 and 39, with bound issue 1906, 1911, 2x1913, 1914, condition 2-3
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 4157
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 120 €
bisque porcelain shoulder headed doll, 62 cm, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, pierced ears, nice original clothes, silk is at a some places worn, underwear, shoes and socks, original mohair wig, leather body, wood forearms
Hammerprice: 160,00 €

No. 4158
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 80 €
143, 23 cm, socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, jointed body with fix wrists, original mohair wig with plaster cover, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks
Hammerprice: 420,00 €

No. 4159
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 60 €
bisque porcelain head doll, Belton-type, 23 cm, socket head, scratch at the cheek, eyes are fix inset, a bit askew, old mohair wig, jointed body with fix wrists
Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 4160
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 60 €
asiatic muschelkalk doll, 33 cm, dark glass eyes without pupil , Motschmann-body with press voice, mass arms and legs
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 4161
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 180 €
1179, size 6, teenagerdoll, 45 cm (nice size), dark-blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, 1 tooth is missing, waisted leather body with fix wrists and slightly suggested breasts, flaked off mass part at 1 calf, old clothes

Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 4162
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 60 €
early fan, elaborately designed, in a frame, front part with small built in mirror, 1 corner at mirror is missing
Hammerprice: 100,00 €

No. 4163
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 140 €
painting, oil on canvas, 65x54 cm, girl with dog, framed, c. 1880, isn't signed
Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 4164
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 40 €
accessories for dolls, brush, 2 rattles, 6 and 7.5 cm
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 4165
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 60 €
wood shoulder headed doll, man with moustache, early, fine carved hair, uncovered ears, height: 10 cm, width: 6.5 cm

Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 4166
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 140 €
exceptional hand puppet or stick puppet, early, head made of carved wood , inset glass eyes, height: 58 cm, 1 wooden head probably from a stick puppet, 31 cm, carved, painted eyes, the cracks are caused of old age, early, 1 small asiatic hand puppet, clothes worn, fingers are missing
Hammerprice: 280,00 €

No. 4167
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 140 €
117-N, bisque porcelain character doll, 62 cm, blue impish eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, Toddler-body with pulled up knee joints and rubber hands, typical deformations at the hands, original fitted voice (voice is missing), original real hair wig, rubbers are loosely, a bit dirty loft find
Hammerprice: 1300,00 €

No. 4168
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 250 €
China-Head, shoulder headed doll, enameled porcelain, 43 cm, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, nice old mohair wig with plaited plaits, fabric body, enameled porcelain arms and legs, up-painted boots, flat soles, old clothes

Hammerprice: 260,00 €

No. 4169
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 60 €
bisque porcelain figure, man with mandolin, 43.5 cm, signed, age?


No. 4170
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 90 €
bisque porcelain figure, lady, 39 cm, signed, flaked off part at the upper hair ornaments, otherwise good


No. 4171
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 120 €
bisque porcelain bust, 47 cm, signed Turnwier and crown, Made in Austria, 45 cm, small flaked off porcelain part at the hair ornaments and the petals

Hammerprice: 140,00 €

No. 4172
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 190 €
1079, DEP, small bisque porcelain head doll, 21 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, old mohair wig, wasn't removed, from outside are no flaws visible, jointed body with fix wrists, clothes old or sewed of old fabric, nice size, 1 ball in the arm joint was possibly supplemented
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 4173
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 250 €
147, Made in Germany, 9½, bisque porcelain head doll, 50 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, jointed body, old real hair wig, old clothes and shoes, original plaster cover wasn't removed, from the outside are no flaws visible, please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism, very nice expression
Hammerprice: 260,00 €

No. 4174
Autumn Auction 2022
Limit: 350 €
rare bisque porcelain shoulder headed doll, modelled collar, with floral decorations, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, bangle and feather in the hair, pierced ears, small flaked off porcelain part at a petal in the back, front petal was a bit retouched, absolutely rare, width: 10.5 cm, height: 13.5 cm

Hammerprice: 360,00 €