Steiff Special Auction 2020
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No. 5001
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 220 €
growler, produced 1934-42, 25 cm, mohair plush, brown, striding, press voice is faulty, mohair with single places with loss, and faded, otherwise good

Hammerprice: 2300,00 €

No. 5002
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 160 €
Treff, produced between 1931-34, sitting, seat height 15 cm, with button, block letters, long stretched F, mechanism for turning head, scattered mohair loss, and faded, open place at tail, nice expression

Hammerprice: 360,00 €

No. 5003
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 140 €
cat, Kitty, produced between 1930-43, lenght: 19 cm, height: 12 cm, with mechanism for turning head, jointed, grey striped, green eyes, massive mohair loss

Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 5004
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 120 €
Fluffy, 18 cm, produced between 1931-34, long-haired mohair plush, grey/blue tipped, sitting, with mechanism for turning head

Hammerprice: 420,00 €

No. 5005
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 180 €
St. Bernhard, 1931-34, 29 cm, sitting, mohair-plush, brown/white, strongly loss and is faded, with mechanism for turning head, rare

Hammerprice: 360,00 €

No. 5006
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 190 €
Bully, 1928 - 1934, black/white mohair, with ruff, left eye with scratches on the pupil , sitting, with zipper on the back , inside blue velvet, seat height 23 cm, left shoulder blade with yellowed place

Hammerprice: 1900,00 €

No. 5007
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 450 €
bear, pre-war era, with button, long stretched F, shoe button-eyes, c. 1910, long snaped off arms, hump, felt paws are partially professional bleached out, single places with slight mohair loss, 35 cm, Kapok filling, nice expression

Hammerprice: 4100,00 €

No. 5008
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 380 €
bear, c. 1925, corn colored, corn colored mohair, at some places with slight mohair loss, glass eyes, with button, long stretched F, felt paws are except of minimally places in good condition, press voice faulty, 34 cm, nice expression, 1 paw with looseclaw

Hammerprice: 750,00 €

No. 5009
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 220 €
bear, c. 1935, faux silk plush, with minimally places with slight loss and slightly yellowed, with button, probably later put in, silver button, glass eyes, produced during the war, on paws alternative inserted cotton, long snaped off arms, hump, press voice is intact, 34 cm

Hammerprice: 700,00 €

No. 5010
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 220 €
bear, c. 1910, shoe button eyes, white mohair, loss with button, long stretched F, felt paws were partially professional retouched, otherwise good, small place at the left shoulder, inside mended, old orange embroidering at snout, and claws embroidering, long snaped off arms, hump, 36 cm, nice expression

Hammerprice: 950,00 €

No. 5011
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 140 €
teddy baby, c. 1935, 30 cm, faux silk plush, with leather collar, and bell and breast sign, glass eyes, felt at the paws is except of one small place at the left paw in good condition, faded, press voice is faulty, otherwise nice expression

Hammerprice: 900,00 €

No. 5012
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 90 €
teddy baby, c. 1935, faux silk-plush, with breast sign, chest label with massive kinks, used condition, paws with cotton, partially worn, small opened place at the right shoulder, in the back, 25 cm

Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 5013
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 360 €
teddy baby, pre-war era, c. 1930, with button, long stretched F, minimally rests of the red cloth tag label, opened mouth, white mohair, bright embroidering at snout, felt in mouth, a small place was professional repaired , felt paws at the hands in good condition, feet are partially slightly worn, press voice is faulty, 37 cm, very nice expression

Hammerprice: 390,00 €

No. 5014
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 450 €
Petsy, 1928-30, 38 cm, with button, minimally rests of the white cloth tag label, blue eyes, big ears, long mohair, strongly faded and mohair loss, the felt paws were probably over sewed, long snaped off arms, hump, pointed nose, exceptional hard stuffing, 38 cm, nice, lovely expression

Hammerprice: 3500,00 €

No. 5015
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 650 €
bear, pre-war era, c. 1910, with button, long stretched F, Schuknopf-eyes, long snaped off arms, hump, voice is faulty, partially mohair loss, felt paws were partially professional reworked, partially slightly holey, otherwise very nice expression

Hammerprice: 1900,00 €

No. 5016
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 160 €
elephant, c. 1931, with mechanism for turning the head, 22 cm, pink-colored mohair plush, felt paws in good condition, and teeth, partially single places with mohair loss, with original felt blanket, was afterwards sewed on

Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 5017
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 160 €
brush dachshund, 1909-14, velvet, brown, caricatured, 22 cm, standing on a 16 cm long clothbrush , the chest with minimally opened place, used

Hammerprice: 700,00 €

No. 5018
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 60 €
Skye-terrier, 1925-43, long-haired mohair plush, light brown, black snout and ears , standing, with leather collar, chest label is only partially available, with button, long stretched F

Hammerprice: 260,00 €

No. 5019
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 150 €
teddy baby, 1930-33, 15 cm, mohair plush, partially losing, freestanding, jointed, opened mouth, velvet paws and snout in good condition, with button, long stretched F, leather collar with bell, press voice is faulty

Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 5020
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 60 €
hare, attending, with mechanism for turning head, 1931-38, 15 cm, mohair plush, strongly faded

Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 5021
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 60 €
Kitty, cat, mohair plush, grey striped, standing, with mechanism for turning head, 11 cm standing height, produced 1931-34, mohair was strongly used

Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 5022
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 230 €
teddy-baby, pre-war era, with button, long stretched F, dark-brown, opened snout, felt-paws in good condition, 2 felt paws at the paws are slightly yellowed (probably caused of old age), in the snout 2 small faults in the felt, slight mohair loss at the snout, 33 cm, on the back with scattered places with slight mohair loss, voice is intact

Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 5023
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 160 €
lamb, around 1920, on casting wheels with spokes, pre-war era, with button, long stretched F, minimally rests of the former white cloth tag label, wool plush, felt legs, original loop and bell, 28 cm, single places pelt loss and wool plush is at 2 places on the back slightly bleached out

Hammerprice: 850,00 €

No. 5024
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 160 €
Bedlington terrier, pre-war era around 1936-39, wool-plush, 22 cm, leather collar, with button, long stretched F, wool plush with slight loss, otherwise good

Hammerprice: 700,00 €

No. 5025
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 220 €
pointed, around 1910, pre-war era, with button, long stretched F, sitting, 10 cm, shoe button eyes, wax snout with tassels, nice dyed mask, good preserved

Hammerprice: 800,00 €

No. 5026
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 180 €
Fox-terrier, around 1905-06, short plush, shiny button, handpainted, 16 cm, shoe button eyes, the color at the left eye is slightly wear down, slightly faded, condition good

Hammerprice: 2200,00 €

No. 5027
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 220 €
king penguin, Peng, '30s, big pre-war era button, long stretched F, mechanism for turning head is working, velvet wing, and feet, in good condition, nice strong colors, slightly retouched, otherwise good

Hammerprice: 1100,00 €

No. 5028
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 130 €
Pomeranian, pre-war era, around 1930, with button, long stretched F, with pre-war era bear head chest label, wool-plush, 14.5 cm, original leather collar with loop, small place at the left cheek with slight mohair loss

Hammerprice: 450,00 €

No. 5029
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 160 €
Airedale terrier, Fellow, pre-war era, 1940, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, long stretched F, No. 1322,0, wide bear head chest label, cotton-wool-plush, 22 cm, press voiceat the side , faulty, without catalog proof at Pfeiffer

Hammerprice: 700,00 €

No. 5030
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 200 €
foxterrier, 1950-53, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, No. 1335,02, chest label Foxy in red writing, US-zone, yellow cloth tag label is slightly frayed, press voice is intact, 35 cm, mohair is slightly faded, otherwise good

Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 5031
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 250 €
hovawart, around 1955, with original STEIFF-chest label, barking press voice, 28 cm, condition without damage , long mohair, probably a prototype, no catalog proof at Pfeiffer, handwritten cloth tag label, No. 1328,02

Hammerprice: 2700,00 €

No. 5032
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 160 €
Laika, dog, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, No. 1317,00, chest label Laika, around 1959, glass eyes, 17 cm tall, Russian space dog, condition without damage with original STEIFF lead

Hammerprice: 1700,00 €

No. 5033
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 160 €
Molly, pre-war era, sitting, around 1920, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, long stretched F, red cloth tag label, No. 3330,1, breast sign with metal frame, paper at chest label is caused of old age slightly stained, otherwise good, 30 cm seat height, nice full mohair, swivel head

Hammerprice: 650,00 €

No. 5034
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 160 €
Sealyham, with button, chest label and cloth tag label, No. 1317,02, with chest label, red writing, swivel head, 15 cm height, lenght: 23 cm, very nice condition without damage, US-zone-cloth tag label, slightly frayed

Hammerprice: 1200,00 €

No. 5035
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 950 €
original teddy, pre-war era, long snaped off arms, hump, very nice expression, with button, long stretched F, produced around 1920, brass-colored long mohair, 50 cm, glass eyes, felt-paws in good condition, original embroidering, minimally place at the left leg, hull with slight mohair loss

Hammerprice: 1800,00 €

No. 5036
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 220 €
poodle Snobby, only produced in 1952 , with button, chest label and cloth tag label, No. 6528,0, breast sign with red writing, US-zone cloth tag label, French shear, glass nose, 28 cm, condition: without damage , lenght: 29 cm, swivel head

Hammerprice: 1700,00 €

No. 5037
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 150 €
wood chickadee on excenter-wheels, pre-war era, produced around 1920, with button, long stretched F, and cloth tag label, Nr.1812EX, height: 11 cm, except of small spider lines formation in the paint in very good condition

Hammerprice: 1800,00 €

No. 5038
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 180 €
tumbler chick, on a wood hemisphere, c. 1905, with button, velvet, felt feet, metal eyes, 12 cm

Hammerprice: 750,00 €

No. 5039
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 90 €
original teddy, pre-war era, with button, long stretched F, shoe button eyes, 9 cm, c. 1920, good condition

Hammerprice: 300,00 €

No. 5040
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 120 €
wood aviary, colourful finch, miniature made of wool, pre-war era, with button, long stretched F, red cloth tag label, No. 6504,9, very nice condition, height: 9 cm
Hammerprice: 390,00 €

No. 5041
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 260 €
original teddy, pre-war era, around 1924, with button, long stretched F, glass eyes, long snaped off arms, hump, pointed nose, felt paws are mainly in good condition, 1 felt paw was professional a little bit repaired, 33 cm tall, with small dark blue velvet jacket, nice expression, slight mohair abrasion on the tip of the nose, otherwise good

Hammerprice: 800,00 €

No. 5042
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 320 €
Bulldog, pre-war era, produced 1905-06, with shiny button, original leather muzzle, collar and rests of the leash, except of small places nice full mohair, vividly colored, 5-fold jointed, shoe button eyes, rare size, height: 16 cm, lenght: 22 cm

Hammerprice: 3200,00 €

No. 5043
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 650 €
Bully, rarity, pre-war era, 1927-32, with button, minimally rests of the red cloth tag label, long stretched F, sitting, seat height with ears 48 cm, mohair-velvet, red fiery mohair, very intensive color:, big painted glass eyes, ruff, biggest Bully that was by STEIFF , slight velvet loss at the snout, single places with mohair loss, rare, great expression

Hammerprice: 1400,00 €

No. 5044
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 240 €
Bully, STEIFF Bulldog, 5-fold jointed, 1905-1906, with original leather muzzle, shiny button, short plush and mohair, handpainted mask, mohair at single places with mohair loss, short plush otherwise in very good condition, shoe button eyes, lenght: 38 cm, height: 28 cm, unusual

Hammerprice: 420,00 €

No. 5045
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 220 €
Bully, pre-war era, with button, long stretched F, sitting, mohair velvet, white gold, swivel head, mohair and velvet in very good condition, original leather collar, with 2 pre-war era buttons, 24 cm, seat height, nice expression

Hammerprice: 1300,00 €

No. 5046
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 160 €
Bully, pre-war era, with button, long stretched F, rests of the red cloth tag label, old breast sign, without imprint, ruff, produced around 1920, black/white mohair, velvet snout, sitting, glass eyes with scratches, velvet is wear down on the forehead and on the snout, slightly covered in dust, at single places with mohair loss

Hammerprice: 600,00 €

No. 5047
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 120 €
Bully, pre-war era, produced around 1930, sitting, velvet, felt with button, long stretched F, ruff with slight loss, velvet is slightly darkened, 7 cm

Hammerprice: 390,00 €

No. 5048
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 260 €
foxterrier, pre-war era, produced early 1920, with button, long stretched F, untouched red cloth tag label, No. 3317H, with breast sign, inscription Rattler, red writing, with mechanism for turning head, with old additional cardboard chest label, at tail, inscription "Dreh´hier herum u. ich schau rundrum", from 1920-33, brown tipped, 17 cm, very good condition, by a family estate in Heidenheim

Hammerprice: 4800,00 €

No. 5049
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 180 €
foxterrier, pre-war era, with button, long stretched F, shoe button eyes, mohair, 1 eye is spotted, ears inside with velvet insert, sitting, with original collar and bell, 23 cm tall, very nice condition

Hammerprice: 2900,00 €

No. 5050
Steiff Special Auction 2020
Limit: 150 €
Pointer, pre-war era, c. 1916, velvet painted, shoe button eyes, slightly worn, badger-snout, slightly worn, 10 cm, velvet, darkened, nice condition, with button, long stretched F, velvet is partially worn

Hammerprice: 650,00 €