Spring Auction 2019
Online Catalog
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No. 3650
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 60 €
wood doll, around 1900, man, 29 cm, head and hull iare carved of onepieces, painted hair, painted eyes, up-painted moustache, jointed wood body, colored arms and legs, 1 arm joint is loose

Hammerprice: 200,00 €
No. 3651
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 380 €
exceptional China Head (enameled porcelain), shoulder headed doll-doll, "Rigmor" probably convent Veilsdorf, c. 1870, strongly modelled hair, hair around the face is fine painted, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, leather body, enameled porcelain arms and legs, with up-painted shoes, flat feet, lower leg was probably 1x supplemented, very expressive, old clothes, is from the private collection of Estrid Faurholt, original dress with sewed in label, with the name of the doll and E.F. (Estrid Faurholt) , see also "A pictorial "Reference Guide for German Chinas", M. Gorham Krombolz, page 132, 52 cm
Hammerprice: 420,00 €
No. 3652
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 90 €
baby-doll, c. 1880, mass swivel head, fix inset brown paperweight eyes, fine painted hair, fabric body, wood arms and legs, face with scratches on the paintwork , 52 cm
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 3653
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 120 €
China Head, shoulder headed doll, c. 1890, 27 cm, fine modelled hair, painted eyes, closed mouth, fabric body, enameled porcelain arms and legs, 28 cm, old clothes

Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 3654
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 280 €
early semi-automatic machine, papier mâché shoulder headed doll, "Amme mit Kind", nurse c. 1850, child, c. 1830, 27 cm, fine modelled hair, wood-wire-body, nice original painting with small Grödnertal doll on the arm, original dress, silk is caused of old age in worn condition, cords are going across the wire body of the nurse, by pulling the cords the nurse lifts the child and dandles it, this semi-automatic machine is from the private collection and was offered at an auction, a small rarity

Hammerprice: 450,00 €

No. 3655
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 30 €
exceptional China Head (enameled porcelain), shoulder headed doll, 40 cm, fine modelled hairstyle, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, breast plate is clearly damaged, simple fabric body with wood arms, old clothes, this type of the China-Head is shown in "Chinas", M. Borger, page 115

Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 3656
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 60 €
sacred wooden doll, c. 1780, 37 cm, stronger scratches on the paintwork, arms are missing, simple wooden hull , carved ears

Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 3657
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 180 €
China Head (enameled porcelain), shoulder headed doll, 49 cm, fine modelled hair, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, fabric body, wood forearms with single carved fingers, separate thumb, 1 thumb is missing, a bit color is wear down at the hair, nice old clothes, old shoes

Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 3658
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 160 €
small wood doll, c. 1840, 13 cm, fine carved hair, plaits at the side , original earring, painted eyes, carved nose, jointed wood body, head and hull are carved of onepiece, old clothes

Hammerprice: 1000,00 €

No. 3659
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 140 €
China Head (enameled porcelain), shoulder headed doll, 18 cm, modelled hair, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, stocky leather body with stitched down fingers, c. 1880


No. 3660
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 80 €
China Head (enameled porcelain), shoulder headed doll , 18 cm, modelled hair, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, stocky leather body with single stitched down fingers

Hammerprice: 140,00 €

No. 3661
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 140 €
papier mâché shoulder headed doll, 23 cm, c. 1860, up-painted hairline, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, fabric body, wood arms and legs, up-painted shoes, old traditional costume

Hammerprice: 140,00 €

No. 3662
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 220 €
China Head (enameled porcelain), shoulder headed doll, 37 cm, fine modelled hair,


No. 3663
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 350 €
papier mâché shoulder headed doll, Milliner´s model, 40 cm, exceptional hairstyle, strongly and very detailed modern long hairstyle, middle parting, hair is strict combed to the back, the ears are half covered , behind the ears in always two big curls, the curls are in fitting front at the neck, the hair at the top of the head is a plaited bun forehead, temples and front neck with wonderfull dynamic brushstroke, typical blue / green painted eyes, typical Milliner body made of goats leather and forearms and lower leg are made of wood, the transitions between leather and wood are covered up with papper ribbons, probably 1x painted overwith clearcoat, this doll is from the private collection of Estrid Faurholt, DK, this head is shown in "The Art of Doll 1700-1940", page 28, picture 67

Hammerprice: 700,00 €

No. 3664
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 160 €
papier mâché shoulder headed doll, Milliner´s model, c. 1860, 37 cm, fine modelled hair, slightly visible painted eyes, at breast plate and at a ear with slight formation of cracks, a bit flaked off mass parts at the breast plate, fix stuffed fabric body, wood arms and legs, old clothes

Hammerprice: 360,00 €

No. 3665
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 80 €
papier mâché shoulder headed doll, 37 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, mohair wig, leather body, porcelain forearms, 1 finger is knocked, old clothes

Hammerprice: 100,00 €
No. 3666
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 140 €
Gröden, early Grödner-head, with the Titus-hairstyle, c. 1798, simple body made of fabric and wire only hull and arms, hands are made of wax, this doll was intended as "Christuskind" for a crib made, therefore was only the head important, 15 cm
Hammerprice: 140,00 €

No. 3667
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 140 €
wooden doll, c. 1890, 23 cm, head made of carved wood , fine features, exceptional hairstyle, plait as bun, jointed arms and legs, with single carved fingers, 2 small fingers and thumb and forefinger are missing

Hammerprice: 140,00 €

No. 3668
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 180 €
dollhouse wooden doll, c. 1860, fine carved hair, plaits at the side , slightly stood out nose, head and hull are carved of one piece, jointed arms and legs, with small Groednertal-doll, 4 cm, original clothes

Hammerprice: 280,00 €
No. 3669
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 280 €
papier mâché shoulder headed doll , probably J.D. KESTNER, delicate shoulder headed doll with strongly stooped shoulders, deep breast plate, strongly modeled breasts, fix inset brown glass eyes, brunette real hair wig, with elaborate hairstyle with braid crown, in perfect original condition, so-called Gangel body made of goats leather, very nice hands with single stitched down fingers, this doll is from of the collection of Marianne Bodmer, Rüschlikon, this Gangel body is a rarity see "Deutsche Papiermaché-Puppen 1760-1860", Chr. Gräfnitz, page 95, 25 cm
Hammerprice: 1000,00 €

No. 3670
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 120 €
wooden doll, c. 1880, 43 cm, head and hull carved in onepieces , slightly stood out nose, painted eyes, painted hair, jointed wood body, colored arms and legs

Hammerprice: 140,00 €

No. 3671
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 80 €
colored, enameled shoulder headed porcelain doll, 24 cm, modeled hair, painted eyes, porcelain arms and legs, fabric body

Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 3672
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 80 €
doll with head with flange neck, 22 cm, head wood, painted eyes, fabric body, wood arms and legs, with fine carved fingers, original clothes

Hammerprice: 260,00 €

No. 3673
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 450 €
papier mâché shoulder headed doll, Milliner´s model, so-called Viktoria, 39 cm, colorwise retouched, so-called coronation hairstyle from June 28th 1838, middle parting, hair is plaited to a medium-height braid crown bun , parting hair is always plaited and under ears as bun, thereby free the ears , under the braid crown bun three small curls in the neck, wonderfull sweeping brushstroke, in neck and in face, painted eyes, bright kid leather body, broad hip, wood arms, and-legs, up-painted shoes, wonderful original dress made of white extremely thin cotton muslin with rose flower design and small puff sleeves, this doll is from the private collection of Estrid Faurholt, DK and is one of the favorite dolls by the collector Agnes Meier

Hammerprice: 450,00 €

No. 3674
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 140 €
Biedermeier, papier mâché shoulder headed doll, probably Andreas Voit, height: 16 cm, brown fix inset glass eyes, fine modelled hair, visible ears

Hammerprice: 280,00 €

No. 3675
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 120 €
papier mâché, wax coated doll, Motschmann, 54 cm, exceptional size, blue sleepy eyes (please note that it is risky to transport the eye mechanism), flaked off wax parts at 1 eye, some cracks, fabric/wood body, fabric at the arms was supplemented

Hammerprice: 350,00 €

No. 3676
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 900 €
wood shoulder headed doll, around 1800, Oberammergau, 54 cm, typical Titus-hairstyle, carved curly head with dynamic brushstroke, carved ears, painted eyes, slightly prominent chin, fix stuffed immovable leather body, with broad hip, typical Y-seam, early Empire-cotton dress, with high waist directly under the breasts, original painting with formation of cracks, tbecause of of the painting this doll can be locacted to Oberammergau

Hammerprice: 1400,00 €

No. 3677
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 850 €
exceptional Chinahead shoulder headed doll, probably KESTNER & Co., 68 cm, c. 1840, fine modelled hair, typical, stern Biedermeier-hairstyle, middle parting with high broad braid crown- knot/bun, blue painted eyes, deep breast plate with intimitated breasts, fabric body, wood arms, nice original clothes, silk caused of old age worn, see "A pictorial Reference Guide for German Chinas", M. Gorham Krombolz, page 21


No. 3678
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 950 €
very big China-Head doll, so-called Bald Head, c. 1850, enameled breast plate head, modelled ears, blue painted eyes, slim body, sitting fabric body, can be set up with hook and eyes, multipartite, richly underwear, white cotton dress with waist, wide skirt part with seam ornaments, beautiful original dresses that testify couture, one hand is knocked, early hood, with strengthening, baleen?, impressive appearance, rare in this size, 68 cm, see also "A Pictorial Reference Guide for German Chinas", M. Gorham, Krombholz, page 38

Hammerprice: 950,00 €

No. 3680
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 1800 €
exceptional papier mâché doll,31 cm, with original pinned-up hairstyle, painted eyes, fine features, raised décolleté, fix stuffed kid leather body, wood arms and legs, very nice original clothes, is a museum piece

Hammerprice: 4500,00 €

No. 3681
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 80 €
Parian, shoulder headed doll, 20.5 cm, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, exceptional hairstyle, plaits with hair ring, fabric body, bisque arms and legs, up-painted shoes, old clothes

Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 3682
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 60 €
bisque porcelain-shoulder headed doll, 17.5 cm, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, mohair wig, fabric body, bisque arms and legs, nice original clothes
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 3683
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 140 €
wooden doll, head and hull are carved of onepiece , jointed wood arms and legs, nice original painting, original mohair wig, original clothes, 12.5 cm, c. 1870
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 3684
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 220 €
Bonne-Head, dollhouse doll, head made of papier mâché with modelled hat, hat brim made of papier mâché, wood, carved, hull and head are made of one pieces, with applied papier mâché hat, small crease in the back, nice original painting, jointed wood body, GRÖDEN, 1840, nice original clothes, 11 cm, for an early high-quality dollhouse, probably company J.D.KESTNER, Thuringia
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 3685
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 90 €
Parian, shoulder headed doll, 22 cm, type Alice, fine modelled hair, with hair ring, blue painted eyes, fabric body, bisque arms and legs, flat feet with up-painted boots, old clothes and underwear
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 3686
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 120 €
bathing doll, Frozen Charlie, enameled porcelain, 32 cm, good condition
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 3687
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 140 €
bathing doll, Frozen Charlie, 38 cm, enameled porcelain, blond, good condition
Hammerprice: 140,00 €

No. 3688
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 80 €
3 pieces, China Head, enameled porcelain, dollhouse- ize, 10-15.5 cm, shoulder headed dolls, bisque arms and legs, fabric body
Hammerprice: 240,00 €

No. 3689
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 90 €
3 pieces, enameled porcelain, dollhouse dolls, 9-18 cm, shoulder headed dolls, bisque arms and legs, with 1 Parian, shoulder headed doll , strongly modelled curls-hairstyle, pinned-up, fabric body, wood arms and-legs, 16 cm
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 3690
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 1600 €
kitchen with chimney hood, c. 1840, width: 66 cm, height with feet: 80 cm, depth: 39 cm, original painting at wall and floor with chimney hood and fire place, fix fitted shelves, small cabinet, richly accessories, tin parts, copper parts, wood and ceramic, original paint outside, with table

No. 3691
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 1900 €
China-Head-doll, boy "Conrad", enameled shoulder headed doll, made of heavy hard porcelain by the manufactory KPM, very carefully modelled and painted childlike features, with all typical features of a doll head that was produced by the Königlichen Porzellan Manufaktur Berlin, nice chocolate-colored painted boy hairstyle, leather body with enameled porcelain hands, 50 cm, the boy wears a sailor uniform, that was very popular at that time, doll in unused top original condition, with socks and shoes, 50 cm, is a museum piece, one of the favorite dolls of the collector Agnes Meier, see also "Die Puppen der KPM" Chr. Gräfnitz (type M-3)

Hammerprice: 4700,00 €
No. 3692
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 980 €
papier mâché doll, "Dukke-Svend", probably Johann Daniel Kenstner, papier mâché-breast head, very rare hairstyle, at the top hair at the temple, black painted, vertical modelled ring of curly hair, white painted, (hairnet/cloth), very high black painted modelled hat made of papier mâché, carefull painted face, typical slim, delicate kid leather body with forearms and lower legs made of wood, black painted lower leg and shoes (part of the Welsh traditional costume), multilayered cotton undergarments, original Welsh traditional costume, with hat and white hair cover, doll is made from the collection of Mrs. Prof. Ingrid Fabrizius, DK, see also "Deutsche Papiermaché-Puppen, 1760-1860", 26 cm
Hammerprice: 1000,00 €

No. 3693
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 980 €
wood-doll, so-called Pedlar-Doll, c. 1820, head and hull made of one piece, carved wood , circular black painted head with sidelocks that reach up to the the forehead, indicated carved ears, blue painted eyes, small carved nose, red mouth, rose cheeks, wonderful preserved original version, jointed wood body with 8 joints, shoulder and hip joints are ball-and-socket joints, fix legs on a wood base, 30 cm, with wood base, original clothing, typical clothes of a Pedlar-doll, black sleeveless dress lined with chintz (because of staining on the wood body), white cotton blouse with violet mille-fleurs pattern, white linen pinafore, red wool Pedlar-cape with hood, the doll is carrying a wickerbasket with richly goods from thatr period, added were only 2 mini-Frozen c. 1900, interesting document of the times that is best preserved, this doll is from the private collection of Estrid Faurholt, DK and is from her estate.
Hammerprice: 1100,00 €
No. 3694
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 320 €
China-Head, enameled porcelain head doll, "Veronika", Damentyp, with elaborately, blond hairstyle, middle parting, the wavy hair that are generous tied, nice modelled ears, right and left always ringlets in the neck, blue painted eyes, noble face, immovable earlier kid leather body with gusset, stitched down fingers and toes, beige silk dress with embroidery, 40 cm
Hammerprice: 500,00 €
No. 3695
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 350 €
wood doll, c. 1830, carved hair, side curls and bun, intimitated nose, painted eyes, exceptional wood body, red painted hull , connection for the extremities with white kid leather, original painting, wood arms and legs, original version with loss of paint, a specialty of Grödnertal from the 1830s, see "Altes Grödner Holzspielzeug, Museum de Gherdeina" Rita Stäblein-Robert Moroder, page 123 + 161 and also Lot-No. 3507, 30 cm
Hammerprice: 900,00 €

No. 3696
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 380 €
tall wooden doll, with 8 ball-and-socket joints, c. 1850, head and hull are made of one pieces, Swiss pine, circular head, with middle parting, black painted, carved small ears, strict expression, nice preserved original version in face, whitewashed forearms and lower legs, hands with single off-standing carved thumbs, black painted ankle-high shoes, undressed, 60 cm
Hammerprice: 390,00 €
No. 3697
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 1200 €
wood breast plate doll, with skilful worked hairstyle: middle parting, hair at the side left and right of the face, in two long ringlets, ears uncovered, nice ears, the hair at the top of the head is worn as a bun, reddish-blond painted hair, carefull and exactly painted face of a young girl, introverted expression, blue painted eyes, slightly smiling mouth, gentle rose cheeks, bulging stuffed waist, fabric legs and feet, with stitched down toes, upper arms are made of cotton, forearms are made of carved wood , very detailed worked hands and fingers, anatomic with fingernails, fingertips, palms, etc. original clothing, cotton underwear, in several parts, black silk dress, with lace ornaments, caused of old age broken, socks and shoes, very expressive doll, 38 cm
Hammerprice: 2200,00 €

No. 3699
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 1400 €
bisque porcelain head doll, France, marked Déposé Tete Jumeau, 46 cm, fix inset brown glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, French jointed body, with original sticker: Fabriqué des Bébes Gesland, with fix wrists, nice old clothes and shoes, old real hair wig

Hammerprice: 1700,00 €

No. 3700
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 180 €
LIMOGES Chérie 5, fabrication francaises, France, 1880, small fine bisque head, modeled, pierced ears, real hair-wig, blue paperweight eyes, composition jointed body with 10 joints, 39 cm, original clothes

Hammerprice: 1500,00 €

No. 3701
Spring Auction 2019
Limit: 90 €
watercolor, Biedermeier, not marked, portrait of a young girl, exceptional hairstyle, 33.5x27 cm, inside measurement with frame
Hammerprice: 200,00 €