Spring Auction 2017
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No. 4079
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 950 €
fashion doll, France, bisque porcelain shoulder headed doll, marked 8, 47 cm, brown fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, mohair wig is more recent, on a bisque breast plate, used leather body, ermine collar, bag and hat, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks

Hammerprice: 1100,00 €

No. 4080
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 1200 €
machine, huntsman, with hare and dog, bisque socket head, blue fix inset glass eyes, wood/wire body, original clothes, silk is caused of old age in worn condition, dog and hare are made of papier mâché, 31 cm tall, clock mechanism is spinning, unusual

No. 4081
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 180 €
small model wardrobe, walnut tree, 34 cm tall, 34.5 cm wide, early, nice decoration for a small early doll
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 4082
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 140 €
dressing table, wood with marble top, with mirror, 41 cm, nice doll decoration, c. 1890
Hammerprice: 240,00 €

No. 4083
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 1200 €
doll with bisque socket head, marked 8, 47 cm, old mohair wig, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, old spring drive, French jointed body, old clothes, underwear and shoes
Hammerprice: 1500,00 €

No. 4084
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 1600 €
France, marked SCH in emblem, 40 cm, original mohair wig, socket head made of pressed bisque, blue fix inset paperweight eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, French jointed body, fix wrists, very nice original condition, old clothes, underwear, shoes and socks, very nice size

Hammerprice: 3500,00 €

No. 4085
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 160 €
doll with bisque porcelain head, France, 56 cm, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, jointed body, with head turning mechanism, blowing a kiss, the real hair wig is more recent, original shoes and socks, old underwear, 2 small fingers are missing
Hammerprice: 160,00 €

No. 4086
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 140 €
K & R
401, small doll with bisque porcelain head, 19 cm, bisque socket head, brown sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, run mechanism with mechanism for turning the head, standing mass body, with modelled shoes and socks, original dress, silk is caused of old age slightly worn, this size is unusual, box with glass cover, straps at the side are missing
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 4087
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 140 €
small box, complex worked handicraft, brass clasp, 16 cm, with 2 small all-bisque dolls, 9 cm, boy and girl, fix head, fix inset glass eyes, jointed arms and legs, original clothes
Hammerprice: 330,00 €

No. 4088
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 70 €
casket, with wax seal , 5.5 cm, candelabrum, 3 cm, probably around 1890, nice decoration for a fashion doll

No. 4089
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 160 €
small all-bisque doll, Mignonette, 10 cm, socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, jointed arms and legs, original clothes, in a papier mâché casket, with vaulted glass cover
Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 4090
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot of accessories for dolls, small packets, letters, bowl, brass lamp, 7 cm
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 4091
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 180 €
bisque porcelain-shoulder headed doll, bright fine modelled hair, fix inset glass eyes, slightly opened/closed mouth, marked Germany 211 6, leather body, porcelain-forearms, fabric legs, dress was sewed of old fabric, old underwear, shoes and socks
Hammerprice: 180,00 €

No. 4092
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 320 €
running doll, pull game, bisque socket head, fine modelled hair, with hair ring, pierced ears, blue fix inset glass eyes, closed mouth, on a bisque breast plate, papier mâché torso, fabric arms, enameled porcelain forearms, very nice expression
Hammerprice: 390,00 €

No. 4093
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 280 €
all-bisque doll, 22 cm, socket head, jointed arms and legs, modelled shoes and socks, the original mohair wig wasn't removed, from outside are no flaws visible, nice original clothes, silk is caused of old age in worn condition
Hammerprice: 500,00 €

No. 4094
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 120 €
all-bisque doll, 22 cm, fix head, fix inset brown glass eyes, jointed arms and legs, modelled shoes and socks, mohair wig is more recent, clothes old or sewed of old fabric
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 4095
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 160 €
boy, bisque breast plate head, bright fine modelled hair, blue painted eyes, closed mouth, fabric body, bisque forearms and legs, with modelled boots, clothes are more recent, 33 cm

No. 4096
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 180 €
draft horse, 50 cm, covered with pelt, strongly worn, original condition, nice size, as doll decoration, c. 1890

No. 4097
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 280 €
No. 10, doll with bisque porcelain head, France, 64 cm, socket head, blue fix inset glass eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, pierced ears, French jointed body, 1 hand with the typically flaked off masspart, original real hair wig and cork cover, old clothes and underwear, and also shoes, with umbrella
Hammerprice: 1000,00 €

No. 4098
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 450 €
doll's barrel organ, c. 1890, 46 cm tall, 56 cm long, 28 cm deep, wood, brass ornament, wheels with spokes, music mechanism with hand crank, perforated plates, doll decoration
Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 4099
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 60 €
300, mohair wig, blue sleepy eyes, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, standing mass body, up-painted shoes and socks, dress old or sewed of old fabric, 20 cm
Hammerprice: 130,00 €

No. 4101
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 30 €
wood doll, 30 cm, added nose, jointed wood body, c. 1910, with Groednertal doll, 20 cm
Hammerprice: 50,00 €

No. 4102
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 80 €
mixed lot of doll's decoration pieces, for a fashion doll, small jewelry box, brass/sheet metal with doll jewellery, bag, mirror, fan
Hammerprice: 500,00 €

No. 4103
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 60 €
doll's decoration pieces, for a fashion doll, fan, 7 cm, pair of glasses, mirror, small binoculars, comb, small vanity box
Hammerprice: 600,00 €

No. 4104
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 40 €
accessories for a fashion doll, hat, head with a diameter of 4 cm, comb, chain, small pin-cushion, shaped like a pig, 2 hatpins
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 4105
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 30 €
decoration for dolls, earring, chains, hair slide, small bag, height: 1.5 cm, for a small fashion doll
Hammerprice: 70,00 €

No. 4106
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 30 €
felt vest for a doll soldier, size c. 35 cm, with some damages at felt, around 1900
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 4107
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 80 €
mixed lot of doll clothes, for fashion-doll, hat, inside diameter: 5 cm, 1x green, for a c. 40 cm large doll, good condition, 1x cream-colored, is stronger worn, for a c. 38 cm large doll, 1x striped, for a c. 50 cm large doll
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 4108
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 60 €
4 pieces early doll clothes, for small dolls, size: 28 - 30 cm
Hammerprice: 550,00 €

No. 4109
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 60 €
7 pieces doll's clothes, around 1900, for small dolls, 30 -35 cm, coat, pinafores, dresses, skirts, mostly good condition
Hammerprice: 220,00 €

No. 4110
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot of doll's clothes, around 1900, for c. 40 - 45 cm large dolls, dress with pinafore, 2 dresses, 1x single pinafore, 1x white dress, for a smaller doll, 1 some early doll's shoes, 6 cm, mostly good condition
Hammerprice: 390,00 €

No. 4111
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 140 €
370, DEP, 34 cm, bisque shoulder headed doll, old mohair-wig, blue sleepy eyes, inset pelt eyebrows, losing, opened mouth, upper teeth, dimple at chin, leather body, bisque forearms, mass legs, old clothes, underwear and socks, shoes are more recent
Hammerprice: 140,00 €

No. 4112
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 180 €
890, all-bisque doll, 15 cm, socket head, blue sleepy eyes, closed mouth, jointed arms and legs, modelled shoes and socks, mohair wig, old clothes, papier mâché Easter egg, covered with silk , painted, inside lined, 23.5 cm
Hammerprice: 290,00 €

No. 4113
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 60 €
8 pieces white laundry, for middle sized up to larger dolls, dresses, skirts, pinafores, shirts, around 1900
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 4114
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 30 €
coat for a larger doll, 1 dress, 1 pinafore, c. 1920
Hammerprice: 30,00 €

No. 4115
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot of doll accessories, hat, inside diameter 6.5 cm, 1 ivory umbrella, handle is missing, point isn't complete, 1 doll's bag, 1 ermine, with casket, 1 tiltable mirror, 31 cm, 1 some children's gloves, suitable for larger doll, 1 hatstand
Hammerprice: 200,00 €

No. 4116
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 30 €
1 some doll's shoes for a larger doll, 11 cm, 1 sole of the shoe is missing, 1 some nailed children's shoes, 1 some children's gloves for a larger doll, 4 hankies with monogram
Hammerprice: 80,00 €

No. 4117
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 60 €
children's coat, suitable for a larger doll, c. 70 cm, with underwear, all in all 3 pieces, around 1900
Hammerprice: 60,00 €

No. 4118
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 60 €
mixed lot of white laundry, for larger doll, shirt, skirt, trousers, 1 dress, around 1900

No. 4119
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 70 €
silver chain with Chinese rider, fine silver work, semi-relief motif, 10 x 9 cm, with 1 silver rattle, ivory handle, c. 8 cm

No. 4120
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 90 €
3 children's rattles, silver, 1 x elephant, with bakelite ring, by Birmingham, 1947, 1 x ge. BEBE, with wooden ring, 1 x squirrel, with mother-of-pearl ring, marked Chester, 1904

No. 4121
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 30 €
2 children's rattles, silver, clowns whistle, marked 800, small parts at coat are break off, ivory handle, 1 x marked BEBE
Hammerprice: 110,00 €

No. 4122
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 90 €
3 children's rattles, silver, 1 x sitting dog, plastic ring, 1 x sitting monk, marked 800, 1 x silver, filigree produced, handle made of coral, 6 cm
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 4123
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 90 €
3 children's rattles, silver, 1 x acorn, ivory handle, 1 x kangaroo with bakelite ring, 1 x cock, with wooden ring
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 4124
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 90 €
4 children's rattles, silver, 1 x Bonzo, with milk bottle, bakelite ring, 1 x small rattle, marked Kautokeino 925, 2 x rattle, marked Toble 925, 6 cm
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 4125
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 80 €
2 children's rattles, silver, mushroom with little bell, 3 little bells are missing, handle made of carvedivory, 1 x fool with 4 little bells, 1 x whistle, 10.5 cm
Hammerprice: 120,00 €

No. 4126
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 70 €
2 children's rattles, silver, 1 x sitting bear, with 2 little bell, handle mother-of-pearl, Fa. Crissford and Noris, Birmingham, 1934, 13 cm, 1 x cock, one side is slightly dent, 11 cm
Hammerprice: 150,00 €

No. 4127
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 90 €
2 children's rattles, silver, 1 x umbrella with little bell, 12 cm, 1 x with applied boy, face on both sides, one nose is slightly dent, Fa. Chrissford u. Noris, Birmingham, 1934, ivory handle, 12 cm
Hammerprice: 90,00 €

No. 4128
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 90 €
8 children's rattles, silver, 1 x with little bell, Birmingham, 1928, handle and ring are made of ivory, 2 x ceremony rattles, with little bell, at the top a cat and a rhinoceros, 20 cm, with 4 small rattles, with handle made of mother-of-pearl and ivory
Hammerprice: 110,00 €

No. 4129
Spring Auction 2017
Limit: 550 €
fashion doll, 50 cm, bisque socket head, fix inset blue glass eyes, closed mouth, leather body, bisque forearms, old clothes, old shoes, old mohair wig, with stronger hair loss

Hammerprice: 2100,00 €